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View Full Version : RC5 Continue/Save/Retry bug - Requiem for Hyrule

11-23-2012, 02:23 PM
Sorry if this is a double-post, this is my first post to the AG forums as well as the ZC Beta Bugs forum, so I'm not sure if my previous post failed or it's just awaiting moderation and category/forum assignment...

I was playing Requiem for Hyrule (http://www.zeldaclassic.com/viewquest.php?q=338) in ZC 2.5 RC5 (http://www.shardstorm.com/zc/alphas/1571-windows.zip) (on a Win7 Ultimate x64 machine) and obtained the following bug:

After obtaining the Wand in Level 3 I hit F6/Quit and selected Continue, then exited the dungeon and hit F6/Quit and selected Continue again (I was attempting to backtrack to the beginning of the game, so I could head over to Level 1 and grab the Red Suit which the Wand is needed for.) Instead of spawning outside town like I expected, I spawned in the upper-left corner of the upper-left screen of the overworld map, stuck in the wall along the border where I couldn't Whistle warp out to Save. I didn't want to risk Saving and end up perpetually stuck there, so after selecting Continue a couple more times and ending up in the same spot, I selected Retry and resigned myself to replaying the level. My last prior Save was upon entering Level 3 for the first time. Upon selecting the save slot from the menu after Retrying, I spawned at the entrance to Level 3 with the Compass, Map and Wand that I had obtained on my previous play, with all the rooms marked on the subscreen map that I had visited. I did not save the game after playing through the dungeon. I guess the spawn location is likely a bug in the quest, but I don't think the quest file could cause the ZC program to Save when I selected Retry. This wasn't what I expected, but was actually beneficial to me since I didn't have to replay it, so I promptly Saved the game inside Level 3 (the linked copy of my RC5 and .qst file is from immediately after this Save, in case the gamesave file is somehow helpful.) But obviously, if this is a bug in RC5, it will cause problems in other situations.

TL;DR After getting stuck with a Continue Bug, I selected Retry and discovered the game had saved all my progress since I had previously Saved, rather than restoring the previous Save.

RAR of RC5 + Quest: http://www.mediafire.com/?26j3ao20y4e89b3

11-26-2012, 08:54 PM
Moving to Quest Announcement/Discussion as this sounds like a bug with the quest, not ZC.

As for getting 'unstuck' you can ask the quest author for a fixed quest file/cheat code.