View Full Version : Final Fantasy Classic?

11-16-2012, 09:19 AM
Without me getting into too many details right now, I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested in something like this, or if something similar already exists. Is this uncharted territory or an old path semi-well trodden? As far as I know the closest thing to it is rpg-maker or rom-hacking utilities, but I could be wrong.

What do you guys think, anyone interested?


11-16-2012, 09:39 AM
Yes, plz, kthx.

11-16-2012, 10:35 AM
Dude, a Final Fantasy editor would be really really cool. I haven't heard of or seen anything like it in the past. I would almost think that it would be less complicated than Zelda Classic.

11-16-2012, 10:40 AM
The closest thing would be any version of RPG Maker, but a FF editor would indeed be interesting. I know I'd give it a try at least.

11-16-2012, 10:47 AM
AGN actually had a project, FFVI advanced for a short time. I think it moved to GU and died pretty quickly.

11-16-2012, 11:20 AM
I would like to see Final fantasy classic! just think making your own rpg's :D

11-16-2012, 02:21 PM
AGN actually had a project, FFVI advanced for a short time. I think it moved to GU and died pretty quickly.

This might be what I was thinking of. That was one of the projects I was most excited about. Where the hell is bigjoe? A Final Fantasy game creator is like porn for him. That could be a good name too, Final Fantasy: Creations.

11-16-2012, 02:38 PM
I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but maybe we should avoid actually calling it Final Fantasy.

Last Legend?
First Fable?
Terminal Tale?


This is strictly up to gleeok of course.

11-16-2012, 03:58 PM
What about just Fantasy Creator? Does that sounds erotic?

11-16-2012, 04:18 PM
Gleeok, have you started yet? I have an OpenGL/SDL 2D implementation for a game engine that I started. It's just graphics and sprite rendering, but it might give you an initial boost. It's in C++.

Glenn the Great
11-16-2012, 04:49 PM
Gleeok, have you started yet? I have an OpenGL/SDL 2D implementation for a game engine that I started. It's just graphics and sprite rendering, but it might give you an initial boost. It's in C++.

I remember my days experimenting with SDL. Aren't all the cool kids these days using C# with XNA?

BTW, @ctrl-alt-delete (http://armageddongames.net/member.php?u=40755), I hate to say it with regard to someone else's trademark, but name-brand recognition is very important to building a community around something. I wonder if we'd even be here having this little discussion if @Phantom Menace (http://armageddongames.net/member.php?u=38502) decided to call ZC Elf Story or Princess Quest or some such.

11-16-2012, 05:04 PM
I remember my days experimenting with SDL. Aren't all the cool kids these days using C# with XNA?

Who cares what the cool kids are doing? OpenGL is cross platform and super awesome. Plus, unmanaged code is good for the programmer's soul. :)

11-16-2012, 06:15 PM
Hell yeah, I'd be interested.

Need to be careful of the evil forces of Square Enix, though. They are pretty quick on the draw with shutting down fan projects. Particularly when it relates to Chrono Trigger.
Have a back up name or whatever, in case it comes to that :P

11-16-2012, 06:51 PM
BTW, @ctrl-alt-delete (http://armageddongames.net/member.php?u=40755), I hate to say it with regard to someone else's trademark, but name-brand recognition is very important to building a community around something. I wonder if we'd even be here having this little discussion if @Phantom Menace (http://armageddongames.net/member.php?u=38502) decided to call ZC Elf Story or Princess Quest or some such.

If you give it a different name and just bill it as a Final Fantasy clone, I don't think there'd be a huge disconnect. Maybe I'm wrong.

11-16-2012, 07:02 PM
Call it Penultimate Imaginary Adventure!

11-16-2012, 08:34 PM
I remember my days experimenting with SDL. Aren't all the cool kids these days using C# with XNA?

BTW, @ctrl-alt-delete (http://armageddongames.net/member.php?u=40755), I hate to say it with regard to someone else's trademark, but name-brand recognition is very important to building a community around something. I wonder if we'd even be here having this little discussion if @Phantom Menace (http://armageddongames.net/member.php?u=38502) decided to call ZC Elf Story or Princess Quest or some such.

Trust me, I completely agree.

Hell yeah, I'd be interested.

Need to be careful of the evil forces of Square Enix, though. They are pretty quick on the draw with shutting down fan projects. Particularly when it relates to Chrono Trigger.
Have a back up name or whatever, in case it comes to that :P

That'd probably be best.

If you give it a different name and just bill it as a Final Fantasy clone, I don't think there'd be a huge disconnect. Maybe I'm wrong.

There will be. I've made the same argument for ZC a thousand times.

11-16-2012, 09:52 PM
Gleeok, have you started yet? I have an OpenGL/SDL 2D implementation for a game engine that I started. It's just graphics and sprite rendering, but it might give you an initial boost. It's in C++.
Thank you for the offer. (+10 for using OpenGL over DX) :)

I actually have most of the engine code assembled together using OpenGL for rendering, truetype2 for fonts, Fmod or Bass for sound, and stb_image for image loading/saving. It is not built on top of any library - it is simply required that there be a back-end windowing library handling low-level input/windowing/context creation. Right now I am using GLFW since it is super easy to use, but adding in SDL is trivial.

Hell yeah, I'd be interested.

Need to be careful of the evil forces of Square Enix, though. They are pretty quick on the draw with shutting down fan projects. Particularly when it relates to Chrono Trigger.
Have a back up name or whatever, in case it comes to that :P
I'm not entirely sure, but I thought that this was a publicity stunt, where he wanted to stop working on it after he over-hyped the whole thing for years... I may be wrong though. Yes, it is a problem. Square Enix is STILL re-releasing the same game after 20 years and show no signs of slowing down the money train. If someone were to have an open version of it to play for free I'm sure there would be a problem...

I remember my days experimenting with SDL. Aren't all the cool kids these days using C# with XNA?

BTW, @ctrl-alt-delete (http://armageddongames.net/member.php?u=40755), I hate to say it with regard to someone else's trademark, but name-brand recognition is very important to building a community around something. I wonder if we'd even be here having this little discussion if @Phantom Menace (http://armageddongames.net/member.php?u=38502) decided to call ZC Elf Story or Princess Quest or some such.
Very true.
It's like when fry goes back in time to area 51 and plows his grandmother, thus becoming his own grandfather. I mean you'd have to do it, right? :P

...An obvious FF game/clone without "Final Fantasy" in the title it sounds a little weird. - Person A: "Hey, Check out Adventure Quest Game". Person B: "Oh, what is it?" Person A: "It's Final Fantasy".. O_o

11-16-2012, 10:27 PM
So what game would you base the initial skeleton off of? Will you be aiming for it to be able to duplicate the full range of NES-SNES games? I would say any of the games from 3 (NES) to 6 would be a good place to start.. but the original game would be great, too. It definitely needs to take a different approach than RPG Maker does, with more of a focus on duplicating things about FF that people like.

11-16-2012, 11:19 PM
The original idea (which is what some of it does already) is to store game data in a generic way in the style of FF, Dragon Quest, or Wizardry for example (these are all very similar actually) and then the actual implementation of game-specific code is done through scripts. This is hard to explain so imagine in ZC where enemy AI and movement are not hard-coded. You would create an enemy "Octorock on even more crack" that, say, you wanted to shoot 73 fireballs when it died. You set it's attributes to give it more HP or whatever and then edit the script, which might be something like:

class SuperCracktorock : public Cracktorock
//only need to override the on-death function
void OnDeath()
foreach(i to 73)
eweapon.create_from_angle(FIREBALL, this.pos, to_radians(i * 5.f)); //or whatever it is..

I suppose an initial success would be a fully playable and editable FF1 clone based off the PSX and GBA versions. After that then we'll see about more complex event systems and cutscene/scene management. That's the idea.

[edit] In other words; I'm not entirely sure since it's in the design phase so anything could be subject to change at any given time. But yes, I hope it will not resemble rpg maker at all.

Flash Man
11-17-2012, 01:49 PM
If such a project were to be spawned open source I would not be opposed to contributing whichever the language/technology. Developing for games tend to be more exhilarating than financial databases.

Aren't all the cool kids these days using C# with XNA?

If I recall appropriately XNA was killed. Microsoft's recommendations were to go native with C++/DirectX or browser with HTML5/JavaScript. Though I believe MonoGame (http://monogame.codeplex.com/) spun off from XNA to provide an open source ability to continue using .NET with the ease of XNA.

11-17-2012, 01:54 PM
Would it have to be Open Source for you to contribute?

How come you're not helping program Zelda Classic? Lol.

11-17-2012, 02:33 PM
I think this would be pretty cool, and I'd definitely try a FF maker.

Flash Man
11-17-2012, 02:45 PM
Would it have to be Open Source for you to contribute?

How come you're not helping program Zelda Classic? Lol.

I suppose it would not have to be open sourced.

Is the source available for Zelda Classic? I recall I was given access to the repository a long time ago by proving I could compile it, but I am not sure if I ever contributed anything or even if I could have provided any usefulness at the time.

11-17-2012, 04:14 PM
Is a Zelda/Final Fantasy possible?

Zelda gameplay, final fantasy mecahnics.

Now that would be epic.

11-18-2012, 12:42 AM
I suppose it would not have to be open sourced.

Is the source available for Zelda Classic? I recall I was given access to the repository a long time ago by proving I could compile it, but I am not sure if I ever contributed anything or even if I could have provided any usefulness at the time.

Sure. It's going to be Open Source pretty soon.

Message Saffith or Gleeok if you want to take a look.

11-18-2012, 01:18 AM
Zelda gameplay, final fantasy mecahnics.
Now that would be epic.

That would Secret of Mana.

11-18-2012, 08:21 AM
The original idea (which is what some of it does already) is to store game data in a generic way in the style of FF, Dragon Quest, or Wizardry for example (these are all very similar actually) and then the actual implementation of game-specific code is done through scripts. This is hard to explain so imagine in ZC where enemy AI and movement are not hard-coded.

This was my idea for what I wanted "Zelda Modern" to be though I probably explained it terribly in the PureZC thread. Basically an engine built specifically for an easy to use scripting language that would be used to code all the stuff that makes it Zelda-y. The quest editor would basically be a way of editing the script(obviously besides the graphics, maps, sounds, etc part of it). The engine could be used to build a Final Fantasy like RPG or a hybrid Action RPG or a Side Scroller and the Quest Editor would allow users to build their own game quests off of it. Obviously it would be a lot of work. In fact it may be over ambitious, I've learned a little programming from books and have never put it to any practical use so needless to say I am not a Developer. I have just talked to many people who want to turn ZC into FF or something else. It would be better to build from a solid foundation over fighting with the mechanics built for Zelda 1.

11-18-2012, 08:28 AM
I like SUCCESSOR's idea. It sounds like a easy-to-use version of Game Maker.

11-18-2012, 12:59 PM
Definitely want to try it whenever it gets done now.

11-18-2012, 01:56 PM
I'm pumped, man. Wish I could do something to help--maybe in a couple of years. But I will definitely play/create.

@MasterSwordUltima (http://armageddongames.net/member.php?u=38763) , get in here, k?

11-18-2012, 04:44 PM
Sounds like the best way to go about something like this is to make it open source from the very start. This should benefit everyone involved the most I think.

As for using a trademark name like "Final Fantasy" in the title, I'm not too worried about it for the following reasons:
A) It never gets finished so nobody cares.
B) It gets finished in which case a C&D is too late at this point. The general rpg engine code does not violate any laws any more than someone creating a FF clone in game maker does. (I certainly will absolutely NOT be putting any copyrighted or IP into the main project.) As far as I'm concerned it's just a fan project that uses a custom game engine.
C) I forgot what I was going to say...needs sleep now.

11-19-2012, 05:35 PM
I'll cream if this is done... Please wear your rain coats.

11-20-2012, 06:15 PM
Yeah, I am actually pretty pumped reading this thread.....

11-20-2012, 06:55 PM
I'll cream if this is done... Please wear your rain coats.

Yeah, I am actually pretty pumped reading this thread.....


11-20-2012, 11:24 PM
How did I miss that? lol

11-20-2012, 11:42 PM
Well, you could push it with the 'Final Fantasy Classic' title, and upon receiving a cease and desist just alter the name to 'Terminal Epic Classic'. All the free advertising of the brand with none of the back-splash.

And I'll be taking my raincoat to the dry cleaners now, Tim. You owe me $4.

11-21-2012, 01:03 AM
Go into stealth mode, and when it's completely done release it as "Super Final Fantasy McChrono Trigger Pants Featuring Square Enix IP", then open source it and put up a torrent and go into hiding.

11-21-2012, 10:58 AM
As somebody who has worked on countless RPG Maker projects - I can't help but notice that this has been done. I've played perfect replicas of FF1, 2, 3, and 5 on RPG Maker VX alone.

I honestly have a much easier time working with those programs over Zelda Classic, but it's very different. Mapping out stats/weaknesses/immunities/etc for each and every enemy, then determining enemy parties, then determining each block that has the chance to encounter that enemy party. Not to mention stats and formulas for each spell; their elemental properties, their MP cost, etc. A LOT of numbers games - everything has tons of variables. Imagine putting together the battle scene - each characters locations, movements, animations, and status.

Now I don't want to be misunderstood - I am down with the idea, and I will make a fucking sick ass quest with this program, but I think the idea that it will be as intuitive as ZQuest is rather misleading.

11-21-2012, 01:41 PM
As somebody who has worked on countless RPG Maker projects - I can't help but notice that this has been done. I've played perfect replicas of FF1, 2, 3, and 5 on RPG Maker VX alone.

I honestly have a much easier time working with those programs over Zelda Classic, but it's very different. Mapping out stats/weaknesses/immunities/etc for each and every enemy, then determining enemy parties, then determining each block that has the chance to encounter that enemy party. Not to mention stats and formulas for each spell; their elemental properties, their MP cost, etc. A LOT of numbers games - everything has tons of variables. Imagine putting together the battle scene - each characters locations, movements, animations, and status.

Now I don't want to be misunderstood - I am down with the idea, and I will make a fucking sick ass quest with this program, but I think the idea that it will be as intuitive as ZQuest is rather misleading.

I didn't know that. The only FF replicas on RPG Maker I've seen have been IV. Do you have links to any others - say, 1, or 5?

Yes, there is tons of data involved in making an RPG. I'm aware of this. I'm sure that data editing will be very primitive at first also.

11-21-2012, 02:26 PM
I'm not trying to discourage you from going through with this. Like I said, I would dump lots of time into it. I wish AGN had more active projects, like whatever happened to the Galaga scene?

I'll snoop around on some older harddrives. I should still have the FF5VX. There added more jobs too (I remember Dark Knight was in this version).

11-21-2012, 03:05 PM
I think bringing back projects on AGN sometime soon is very possible. AFAIK everyone's down for this, but I don't know anything more than that.

A google search didn't bring up much in RPGVX FF games other than IV (which actually looks pretty cool), would these be from japanese web sites?
(Side note; I'm sorta sad that rpg maker gets so much attention for clones of other games. ...I guess there's a reason why indie/fan rpg game engines are mostly non-existent...hmm.)

[EDIT] Added a poll with options that sound good to me. If you guys could vote for one that would be awesome, or you have something better then post it. :)
-Right now I'm leaning toward FF: Catastrophe, as that is what I call the 2D OpenGL Engine that it will be built off of (also hints at FF6 too) so it seems to fit pretty good.

11-21-2012, 09:57 PM
LOL, the poll links to an old thread from 2002 when you make a selection.
If you can't see it, the thread is here (http://armageddongames.net/showthread.php?47004-two-things).

Anyway, Final Fantasy Catastrophe sounds pretty good.

11-21-2012, 10:04 PM
Gleeok, I deleted the polls. Can you try again please?

11-21-2012, 10:07 PM
Wow, I just realized my post sounds kind of... jerk-ass-y. I didn't mean it like that, I thought it was funny because the poll automatically recycled an old thread. It was not intended as an attack against Gleeok.

11-21-2012, 10:09 PM
LOL, the poll links to an old thread from 2002 when you make a selection.
If you can't see it, the thread is here (http://armageddongames.net/showthread.php?47004-two-things).

Dammit. That's why!. ..(I was trying to figure out what was causing that). Apparently I am like a magnet to these forum bugs. x_x

Let's try this again.


Wow, I just realized my post sounds kind of... jerk-ass-y. I didn't mean it like that, I thought it was funny because the poll automatically recycled an old thread. It was not intended as an attack against Gleeok.
No worries. Didn't even read it that way.

Glenn the Great
11-23-2012, 12:06 PM
As somebody who has worked on countless RPG Maker projects - I can't help but notice that this has been done. I've played perfect replicas of FF1, 2, 3, and 5 on RPG Maker VX alone.

Forgive me if this is a stupid question, as I don't know much of anything about RPG Maker... but how easy (or even possible) would it be for someone to take one of these replicas you speak of and use it as a template to make their own adventure with? If you say it's impossible (like the quest file is locked down or some such), then a Final Fantasy Classic that gives people a jump-start on making their own Final Fantasy could be a huge value-add to the Internet community over RPG Maker.

What I'm about to say next might sound crazy and is just a shot in the dark, but what if Gleeok's Final Fantasy Classic were merely a tool that spits out files compatible with RPG Maker, but the tool is centered and optimized around a Final Fantasy setting? Surely by now someone has reverse engineered their file format. This could be a way to not have to re-invent a whole new run-time and would also give us instant in-roads to the RPG Maker community.

11-23-2012, 01:16 PM
RPG Maker projects come with all of the resources, maps, events, scripting, openly viewable to anyone who owns RPG Maker. You can download the games as stand-alone exe's, but they also need to have the resources (tiles, sprites, sounds, music, etc) - so that all becomes available to anyone who downloads the game. You can EASILY use a pre-made game as a template - the only problem will be figuring out how they set up the events.

I would keep away from the RPG Maker compatibility all together - it's not worth it. From what I've seen of this, it's exactly how it should be going. No need to muddle it up by trying to compare it with RPG Maker.

11-26-2012, 10:30 PM
I don't see any good reason to try and handle rpg maker formats at all. I just find it interesting that these remakes exist at all, really, since it seems to me it would actually be pretty difficult to do.
I've just been working on some data classes and fixing about 600 or so compiler errors. Scripting should be almost ready to go at least, though there's only bindings for math API types, strings, and template containers so far. It's fun determining the easiest way to store/handle actors and object's stats and attributes. Right now everything that is fight-able or usable (items, monsters, spells, characters) has base attributes. Seems like a waste for something like a simple potion though. :P Oh well.
All in all I'm finding it fun figuring out how to reduce complexity and work out all the low level design stuff from a genre of game I've played my whole life. :)

12-06-2012, 07:20 PM
Less talking, more playing.

12-07-2012, 07:29 AM
I'm late to the party, it seems. Anyway, I'd just like to throw my support behind this idea. A classic Final Fantasy-style could be great.

How classic are you thinking? NES era, or SNES era?

12-07-2012, 08:14 PM
Looks like "FF Classic" is the most popular. I hope that name isn't misleading people to think it is an exact clone of FF1 or it is "the FF version of ZC"; that is not the case.

How classic are you thinking? NES era, or SNES era?

Something in-between the early games with more modern graphics capabilities. (I don't mean higher resolution game sprites or anything, just that it supports it, along with pixel shaders and arbitrary resolutions, etc. ..The "FF1 remake" will probably just default to a viewport of 320x240)

Here's an old shot of the overworld map which I am using the original graghics for (I like them anyway:)). -I wrote an algorithm that can convert an image to tiles and create a single-layer map of it from the tileset, so 95% of the mapping is done with a few clicks. :)


12-07-2012, 11:18 PM
Looks awesome-ing! :kitty:

12-09-2012, 05:16 PM
I'm curious if it will be possible to create 'wandering' enemies, like Omega from FFV. Combined with enemy spawn points, like the snake pits from the pyramid dungeon in that same game, it might be interesting to make an FF style game that doesn't have random 'invisible' encounters.

...It might end up somewhat like the first Blue Dragon, actually. But that's not a bad thing.

It's looking good so far, though. I'm already very excited about this project.

Also, in terms of competition with the swarm of remakes, I don't believe it will be as big a problem as it seems. Most FF remakes at this point are using three-dimensional graphic capabilities, so this is more of a throwback than anything else.

OH! Terminal Legend! That's a great name too!
[Bizarre Brain Train]
When Pepsi made that soda that was suppose to be the equivalent of Coca-cola's classic, they called it the 'throwback'. I hated the name, because it sounded like a fish that was too small to keep in the boat, ya know? There was something inherently wrong about it. So I though about synonyms for classic that would be more competitive, and I came up with "Pepsi Legend: The Pepsi of the Golden Age".
So in general, throwbacks should become legends. Otherwise you have "The Throwback of Zelda"! : P
[/Bizarre Brain Train]

Anyway, you've already picked the name, so I was just blathering there. Sorry.

12-10-2012, 04:32 AM
Whoa, looks like we're rolling now. :eyespop:

Thanks everybody for the positive support. My main focus right now is getting a source code repository together, and pooling together what resources are available and getting a feel for where I'm at with everything.

12-10-2012, 05:52 AM
Gleeok I'm sure you've got plenty of sources, but if you need ANY tiles from any of the early Final Fantasy's throw me a line. I've been ripping them like crazy for Shattered Earth and will gladly share. This is looking fantastic!

12-10-2012, 08:40 AM

This is going to get confusing real quick, isn't it? Anyways, I like this idea. Could we have scripting support from the start this time, though?

12-10-2012, 10:06 AM
Gleeok I'm sure you've got plenty of sources, but if you need ANY tiles from any of the early Final Fantasy's throw me a line. I've been ripping them like crazy for Shattered Earth and will gladly share. This is looking fantastic!
Sweet. Thanks! :) I will probably do so later on.


This is going to get confusing real quick, isn't it? Anyways, I like this idea. Could we have scripting support from the start this time, though?
..To be honest I did not think that far ahead. >_<

..So your saying you want FFC scripting then? :tan: :tan:

12-10-2012, 10:21 AM
..So your saying you want FFC scripting then? :tan: :tan:
That pun hurt me...and the worst part is I set myself up for it completely. So when I think about it, scripting might not be needed at all provided FFC has a complex enough event editor for both in the field and in battle. Since Final Fantasy is a lot less dynamic than Zelda, I suppose it should be treated as a completely different beast from a level editor standpoint.

12-10-2012, 12:14 PM
The faster you release this, the faster I can play it. Just in case you didn't know.

12-10-2012, 10:57 PM
That pun hurt me...and the worst part is I set myself up for it completely. So when I think about it, scripting might not be needed at all provided FFC has a complex enough event editor for both in the field and in battle. Since Final Fantasy is a lot less dynamic than Zelda, I suppose it should be treated as a completely different beast from a level editor standpoint.

No way. Believe it or not it is more dynamic in a lot of ways. It has to combine real-time, event and data driven programming, strongly integrated but flexable scripting with item, effect, inventory, menu management. maps, cameras, sprites, etc.. Everything is also "dynamic".
Your welcome to suggest things for the scripting language as well. I have a *lot* done so far. I'll try and get a script design/reference thread soon so I can get feedback.

Anyways. Everyone welcome Flash Man to the team. :D He's gonna put together a more complete editor framework for it and help out with various design stuff! :banana:

We'll have a source code repository with some content in it shortly so stay tuned. -- Anybody have any problems with GPL as the license?

12-11-2012, 08:03 PM
Perhaps, since Final Fantasy Catastrophe got second place, it could be the name for a demo game or something..

Final Fantasy:Catastrophe .. sounds rawr.

Anyway, will the battle sequences pull heavily from script related resources? I had an idea for a Dragoon/Ninja hybrid type class that has a 1/16th to 1/4th (depending on level) chance of starting the battle by landing a jump on one of the enemies.(Kind of similar to how when you're on that big airship in FF3J you get cannon fire at the start of battles.)

Other than that, how will the graphics and in game data be handled? I think part of what contributed to ZC's success was that resources provided for it are able to be handled in a largely internal way. So that all you have to do is load a file and you're ready to design. Are you going to go for something similar here?

12-11-2012, 09:40 PM
I am just as interested as bigjoe in combat-timed event scripting. I take it that there will be some sort of 'turn order' variable, which we could reference with a 'battle' script to determine when an action occurs.

I'm also curious how scripting will be integrated into menu options, such as the ability to script custom !Action commands in the battle menu or the ability to script custom sub-menus in the inventory (I've got an idea for a variant of the FF12 Gambit system that sets up auto-battle flow-logic for each character).

But I'm probably prying at something that hasn't come up yet, so sorry if this is too soon to ask.

12-12-2012, 04:48 AM
You guys hit the nail pretty much on-the-head. I'm not exactly sure how those are going to work since they haven't been designed yet. The best thing to do would be to tell me how they should work, or, how you want them to work.

Anyway, will the battle sequences pull heavily from script related resources? I had an idea for a Dragoon/Ninja hybrid type class that has a 1/16th to 1/4th (depending on level) chance of starting the battle by landing a jump on one of the enemies.(Kind of similar to how when you're on that big airship in FF3J you get cannon fire at the start of battles.)?

This is exactly the sort of thing that tells me the majority (if not all) of game logic should be scripted. (It's the only true way to ensure 100% of the game can be editable.)

03-27-2013, 05:16 PM
Did this project get abandoned? I understand if it did, but it looked really promising.

03-28-2013, 03:50 AM
We've all just been really busy lately with RL but it's not dead yet. :)

The most time consuming parts have been adding scripting, making it data-driven, and getting all the FF1 data into usable formats. Unfortunately, none of these things can be played. :\

03-28-2013, 12:39 PM
Projects are not dead unless the desire for them dies, but it's important for people to know these things take time, there are just many things that slow a project down, the obvious being rl. Keep up the good work.

But be wary though, square might not be as favourable as Nintendo, and a FinalFantasy Classic may become a bigger problem than Zeldaclassic.

03-28-2013, 08:41 PM
We've all just been really busy lately with RL but it's not dead yet. :)

The most time consuming parts have been adding scripting, making it data-driven, and getting all the FF1 data into usable formats. Unfortunately, none of these things can be played. :\

Ah. Sorry, I wasn't meaning to intrude, I just wanted to know if it was a hiatus or a cease.

04-06-2013, 09:41 AM
Gleeok this sounds awesome; and is something I would definitely be very interested in.

09-25-2013, 03:01 AM
If this would be like ZC, it would be a true dream. I mean, putting combos onscreen from a sidebar, having lots of editors with text boxes and pull down menus...
But if it requires scripting to make anything else than a FF1 copy, then there's already RPG Maker out there for that. I'd like to create new elements with drop down menus and text boxes (like the enemy editor in ZC), maybe even skipping the usual elements and being creative with my own set, each having enemies weak to, strong to, immune to it, absorbing it, being fully healed or insta-killed by it/them.

I understand if this starts out small and just eventually grows (preferably like ZC in its first 6 years, not so bug-riddenly fast as ZC did since 2006-2007), but what about commands like style, morph, throw, throw money, mime, etc?

This would make certain quests be possible. Certain, that are kinda hard in ZC, like one that would rely on functional party members and arbitrary number of new spells/attacks.

I'd love the name, Final Fantasy Classic, especially to alliterate with Zelda Classic, but SquareEnix do shoot down projects with FF or Chrono in the title... And this is certain.

10-06-2013, 06:24 PM
I'd be more interested in a Zelda 2 Classic, but I must admit I would encourage you guys either way.

10-06-2013, 07:04 PM
I'd be more interested in a Zelda 2 Classic, but I must admit I would encourage you guys either way.

Holy shit it's Anarchy_Balsac. What's up man?

10-06-2013, 07:33 PM
Not much besides having moved on from game mods to fully coding my own games.

10-07-2013, 12:43 AM
That's the way to go, albeit more time consuming - but also fun. I've always wanted to make an rpg, just never got into programming until around 2008-09 or so. So far we've actually got a lot done for a spare-time project, and it's still up in the air whether it gets done or not, which, all things considered, aren't particularly bad odds.

10-07-2013, 09:35 AM
If it's you, I suspect it will get done, just a matter of when. You can save a lot of time by starting off of canned software, which tends to be minimalistic enough to allow flexibility, while having the basic framework done, as to save you tons of time. Though for a project like this, canned software may not be an option.

10-20-2013, 07:07 AM
Not much besides having moved on from game mods to fully coding my own games.


10-20-2013, 05:11 PM
The Marauder Shields Video Game(only remaining mirror):


Also this little project in progress:


02-13-2016, 04:14 AM
My only qualm with the name, is that it shares an acronym with ZC game objects This makes discussing it on the same forums as Zelda Classic, occasionally confusing.

02-13-2016, 04:44 AM
My only qualm with the name, is that it shares an acronym with ZC game objects This makes discussing it on the same forums as Zelda Classic, occasionally confusing.

It's not the name. There will be no copyrighted materials or references in the engine--there actually never was any. (If I ever finish it, that is) ..FFC is still a good name for a *completely unrelated* fan game and script template though.

The Marauder Shields Video Game(only remaining mirror):


Also this little project in progress:

I kind of just now saw this...years later...but the link is dead. Heh. :P

02-18-2016, 01:15 PM
I still think you should call it Catastrophe Gleeok.

07-05-2016, 02:14 AM
I kind of just now saw this...years later...but the link is dead. Heh. :P
Still exists, but you have to get it off my Drive directly now, HTL just kinda withered and died.


03-01-2017, 11:17 AM
Okay so where are you with FFC Gleeok? and on a totally different subject, has anyone put together a mobile player for ZC, so we can download and play people's games on our phones and tablets

03-07-2017, 04:08 AM
KlonoaDreamer On the topic of a mobile player, I haven't seen anything yet, but I haven't been around for a few years. I did manage to get the old DOS version of 1.90 working on my phone in DOSBox Turbo earlier today ago though. I even got it to stop crashing when Link holds up an item (so far, needs testing on custom quests and stuff to be 100% sure). Better than nothing I guess. I tried 2.10 but it hangs after entering a file name and never comes back. I'll have to see what I can do for that one. 2.10 on the go wouldn't be all that terrible if it worked at a playable speed.

07-10-2017, 12:06 AM
There was something I wanted to mention here: first of all, I have seen multiple versions of FF clones (from 1-V) made on various RPG Maker (mainly 2K3, and VX) and I think they captured the spirit of the games failry well. Much as this project, if completed, will do.

That said, I have to point our my problems with RPG Makers (the ones I have used). They do not seem to implement a common thing in most of the later FF titles, which is the ability to cast certain spells at one or multiple enemies. In most FF games (the first one being the only exception that presently comes to mind), you could cast most elemental-based spells--let's say Blizzara for example--on one single enemy or the entire enemy party, at your option. RPG Maker doesn't seem to allow this--you have to make a separate spell to target multiple enemies, which can really bog down a character's spell list. I have to say that I have not had the opportunity to use VX so I don't know if this feature was implemented in that one.

My other problem with RPG Maker was the difficulty I encountered in trying to use music files from outside the games included files. In some cases the files would not show up on the list at all, and in others, they would show up but not play.

Anyway, just my two cents.