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View Full Version : how do I make secrets on a screen permanent?

11-12-2012, 09:13 PM
and why does ZC insist on sucking non-permanent-secrets [beep]?

Trying to make a door that you slash vines away from. Using (none) type combos with inherent sword-trigger flags and flags 16 and 17 overlayed and "Hit all triggers->perm secret" on an interior screen does not result in the doorway staying permanently cleared.

I want to sob ;^;

11-12-2012, 11:19 PM
For starters, if you're using inherent flags in this case, you don't put the secret tile flags (16-31) over the inherent combos. You put the self-only trigger flag (94) over those combos, or if you want to trigger secret combos 16-31 at the same time, you put the self, secret tiles trigger flag (95) over the inherent combos, and you put secret combos 16-31 elsewhere on the screen. If you don't want these to trigger until all the singular triggers are hit, you may want to use both of these self-trigger flags and the screen flag Hit All Trigger->16-31. Also, did you read the description for the for Hit All Triggers->Perm Secret? Here's what it says:

The "Secrets" Screen State is only set when Screen Secrets are triggered and no other Trigger Combo Flags exist in the screen. Useful if you want to make a secret that only appears when multiple triggers are triggered.

Also, may I ask you to please calm down? There's no need to gripe about things not working the way you want them to. And for goodness sake, try not to use excessive punctuation, okay? As using several question marks at the end of a sentence, for example, would not be common sense.