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View Full Version : Favorite Style of quest?

10-15-2012, 12:03 AM
So whats every ones Favorite Style of quest?.

Mine are Classic Style'ed quest's (In terms of Z1, you know 9 dungeons, etc.) I just like a quick game that's not to hard and not to easy. just right :)
Some times I do like Story driven quest as long as they don't drag on forever... like some quest I know off Not naming them though.

10-15-2012, 12:27 PM
Varied styles. Depends on my mood. Sometimes story-based, sometimes more focused on gameplay and stuff.

King Aquamentus
10-15-2012, 07:05 PM
I like classic quests, but I also like 1st and 2nd quest reboots. It's always interesting to see the interpretations people make out of what was originally just a series of rooms with blocks in fancy patterns.

10-15-2012, 09:00 PM
I usually like story based games, that's why I make story based games.

But I am also intrigued in alternative quests that breaks all the normal rules. We need more Halloween inspired quests. Lol

10-15-2012, 10:24 PM
Varied styles. Depends on my mood. Sometimes story-based, sometimes more focused on gameplay and stuff.
That sounds like me almost. sometimes I'll play certain type of quest depending on my mood.

I like classic quests, but I also like 1st and 2nd quest reboots. It's always interesting to see the interpretations people make out of what was originally just a series of rooms with blocks in fancy patterns.
Me too, I love the hell out of 1st and 2nd quest remakes!, It makes me feel like so nostalgic to play the quest that remakes the 1st and 2nd quest.

We need more Halloween inspired quests. Lol

Hmm... I at one point thought that there was a quest called Castle haunt that was kinda a Halloween themed quest.
I wish some more people would make some more quest like that. they are always fun :).

10-16-2012, 04:36 AM
My favorite official Zelda games are Link's Awakening and Link to the Past, so I would say I love story-based quests (assuming it's well done; a poorly-done plot is worse than none at all IMO) and the harder the puzzles, the better.

10-17-2012, 04:34 AM
Z1 quest reboots are my favorite. Although new layouts and such are superb. I am completely turned off by quests with lots of text you need to read. A good quest (to me) is one where you can kind of figure out the lore and such by playing through the game (you beat the volcano dungeon, so now the lava calmed down and you go through the water, etc).

10-25-2012, 07:09 PM
The standard 9 dungeon quest is fine. There are some great quests with this format. Actually most of the quests are in this format. However, I wish more quests would break this format. I really enjoy when I find a quest that is unique. Lost Isle is a good example of this. In that quest, you wander around the island and get lost, but are never bored since you are constantly discovering secrets. Plus, the place is just nice to look at and explore for the sake of exploring! You have to uncover the plot yourself by exploring and progressing through the game.

11-24-2012, 05:54 PM
My favourites are the full story type quests.
Big story not only presented through strings, but shown in scenes, gameplay areas and actual gameplay, with event-linked changing of the environment and gigantic... TWISTS! And hella lot of overworlds and dungeons and secret dungeons. Oh man, even just thinking about it... *drools* I wonder which ending I get...
MMDWRDC is the perfect example of weaving gameplay and story together into one strong rope of Njoyment.

11-24-2012, 06:07 PM
I don't really enjoy playing quests that have too much dialog. I've been guilty of this in the past. The quest I'm working on now focuses more on gameplay, but lore and story will be present and optional. I'm not going to force the user into a ton of cut scenes or dialog. Story related dialog is present, and the player can choose to engage in the story, or simply play the quest.