View Full Version : Discounted Round 54 -- Animals (Broken)

10-04-2012, 04:46 PM
First Hint: First!

Second Hint: .. animal when you think of an animal in ...

10-07-2012, 08:24 PM
Oh man!

10-08-2012, 05:37 PM
Oddly enough, although that is an animal, that isn't it. (Hence the lack of an actual triforce in that dungeon.) What made you think of that animal?

The game continues to be afoot, friends.

What is the first animal?

Hint: What makes it the first? If you listed all animals in order, what order would it be in, and why? Just refer to that really big book gathering dust on your bookshelf that you probably haven't looked in because we have internet access.

10-09-2012, 12:33 PM
If it were the dictionary, it would be Aardvark. However it is not here..... :(
Totally stumped.

10-09-2012, 12:52 PM

Oops. Forget this. I don't know why I posted what I meant to type into my URL.

I guessed Eagle because of the first zelda dungeon....then I guessed aardvark because it's the first animal I can think of alphabetically. Neither work. :P Ignore me.

10-10-2012, 03:23 PM
Holy crap. I feel like a complete ass now. I'm checking the site, and aardvark.gif isn't there. It was there when I uploaded it. O.o What a bizarre turn of events. Browser burp, I guess.

I'm wracking my mind thinking of what to do about this. I feel like making a completely new topic for round 54. It will have the least disruptive effect on the game, in the end.

Again, my apologies for this. I'll make the next few rounds a bit easier on the brain. :p