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View Full Version : Permanent secrets

10-04-2012, 04:24 PM
Is there some universal way to ensure a screen never ever resets? or would that require scripting. I have a couple screens in my quest where you need to play the whistle to proceed but the screen always resets. They are overworld screens.

I also have another screen that relies on a pushblock secret (aka create a shortcut by moving a block) but it also always resets. What is the dealio with that? Doesn't matter if I set it to interior or dungeon.

10-04-2012, 05:54 PM
I think there's a screen flag for it. "All Triggers->Perm Scrt"

If that doesn't work, I had an idea for adding an item to Link's inventory the first time the secret is triggered, and then checking for that item in an FFC when you return to the screen. But I think the flag should cover it.

10-04-2012, 10:05 PM
There's also the 2.10 way by placing a permanent trigger as a secret tile around the exits.