View Full Version : Recommend a good console RPG in the style of Baldurs Gate/Champions of Norrath

10-01-2012, 08:58 AM
What the title says. I played Bards Tale, Baldurs Gate, and Champions of Norrath back in the PS2 glory days. Since then I don't even think I've seen a single game that qualifies as being in that category. (Are they not popular anymore or what?) Games like Diablo 1, Dragon Age etc. don't really qualify as being in the same genre for me since they don't have that overhead camera style and responsive, real-time combat, and feel.

These still exist?

10-01-2012, 12:57 PM
Don't know. I haven't played many games like those myself (Baldur's Gate beign the only one so far) so I can't really say.

10-01-2012, 04:01 PM
Bards Tale, Baldurs Gate, and Champions of Norrath...

So you want a game like these three completely different games...?

Okay I've never played Bard's Tale. So basically you want an overhead action rpg? Or you want a strategy rpg? I think overhead and RTS games are disappearing from console games. I haven't heard of an overhead action rpg in the last few years and the last stragedy rpg I remember was a FF12 game on the DS.

10-01-2012, 08:32 PM
Well the PS2 incarnations (not the originals) of those games are very similar, so I guess that would be "action-adventure rpg" genre with an overhead orbital type camera. hmm...

10-02-2012, 12:09 PM
I'm very tempted to say that Tales of Symphonia sort of works in that variety, on the GCN and PS2 I think. It had a fantastic plot, deep characters, plenty of interaction, much to do, had hours of gameplay, and yeah, it's an RPG.

Because Neverwinter Nights didn't make it to anything but PC I believe.