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View Full Version : Distance from Popular Opinion [Round 2: Food Groups]

09-27-2012, 05:20 PM
Let's play a game about picking the least likely choice to win.

First, some updates.

Dropped the "19.2 Kilometers" from the title, as it was more confusing and less funny than intended.
The results of last round (http://armageddongames.net/poll.php?pollid=136&do=showresults)
@CJC, Glenn the Great, ctrl-alt-delete, and mrz84 each increase our distances by 2 meters.

For those of you just joining us, here's how it works:

1.) Put this somewhere in your signature:
Distance from Popular Opinion: 0 m

2.) Pick the poll option *NEW* you agree with *NEW*, AND the poll option you think is LEAST likely to have the most votes. Use the upper set for your opinions and the lower set for your anticipations. If you pick the question in the middle, you automatically lose 5 meters from your distance.

3.) Post your reasoning behind your decision. It doesn't have to be logical. In fact, if it's funny it's all the better.

4.) When the week is up and the round has ended, count the number of votes in the lower section that were NOT in your category. Increase your distance from popular opinion by that amount. *NEW* Then, count how many votes in the upper section were IN your category. DECREASE your distance from popular opinion by that amount.*NEW*

5.) Participate each week to increase your distance.

6.) [OPTIONAL] Create your own rounds of the game with your own poll options. Make sure you only allow a choice between 2 to 4 options.

This round is about which food groups are the best.

I think Dairy will be will be the one to lose, because of lactose intolerance. I picked Grains as my favorite food group, because I like starchy things.

09-28-2012, 11:08 PM
Heh, this round is going to be interesting! Currently no one will increase distance, and mrz84's distance is going to DECREASE by six, setting his grand total at -4 meters.

P.S., don't forget to post the justification for your votes.

10-13-2012, 03:51 AM
Dammit, I want to see this game succeed. CJC, I'll get in contact with you sometime this weekend.