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View Full Version : Patrolling guards with FFCs

09-09-2012, 09:34 PM
Is it possible to have (an) FFC(s) move between two (or more) points in an infinite loop without anything fancy being needed?

09-29-2012, 10:57 AM
I usually just use changers that change the FFC's direction between the points you need, and just put the FFC either on top of the Changer if you want him to start at one, or one pixel behind it to avoid any conflicting FFC data. You can even use Sprite swapping to change the direction the FFC is looking.

10-05-2012, 01:21 AM
no matter what kind of logic I apply it doesn't work. Here's what I ended up trying but APPARENTLY ITS TOO FUCKING MUCH TO ASK FOR I am metaphorically sobbing and headdesking. ;____;

FFC 1: Changer. Swap speed with previous FFC, Decrease Combo ID (this FFC is SUPPOSED to make the guard change directions, from walking left to walking right)
FFC 2: Stationary. Just has the speed info, a positive value (for moving from left to right ----> )
FFC 3: the goddamned guard. FFC that moves to the right and has a combo/sprite assigned to it. THIS IS WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO INFINITELY BOUNCE BETWEEN THE TWO FUCKING FFC CHANGERS.
FFC 4: Stationary. Contains speed info, negative for moving to the left. <---- )
FFC 5: Changer. Swap speed with next FFC. Increase combo ID. (same as FFC 1 but inverted).

here's the rundown of what I wanted to see happen:

FFC 3 with its own movement speed set, is supposed to move towards the right (so far so good) and bump into the changer, IT IS THEN SUPPOSED TO, I thought, GET THE SPEED DATA FROM THE NEXT FFC (Because "next" means it would be 4, since 4 is next from 3. Silly me!) AND START TO MOVE IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION what with the negative speed value that FFC 4 has. It's also SUPPOSED to switch to the next combo which shows a guard facing the opposite direction. but that doesn't happen. Instead the guard just flips/switches combos but is stuck on top of the changer what the everliving fuck. ;_;



10-05-2012, 04:06 AM
Majora; While the Family Guy Futurama reference was funny and your FFC chart is amusing you might want to tone it down a little, or, take it to general bitching if you just want to curse in all caps for no reason at all.

Whenever you have to use more than three or four ffcs in weird ways, I would suggest using a ffc script instead. Actually, I believe there is already a guard script at pzc...somewhere.

10-05-2012, 11:27 AM
I proxy browsed PureZC and the one script by saffith is for hostile guards. Which might come in handy later but I also want a script for friendly patrolling guards. Y'know, regular guards that just walk around in a city.

Fiiiiiiiine I'll town it down. I don't see why. I've heard 5 year-olds dropping f-bombs. :|

King Aquamentus
10-05-2012, 06:45 PM
Good for them Majora, but we don't want to hear it here on AGN.

I really don't want to see you get banned here, but if I have to/it teaches you something...

10-05-2012, 10:05 PM
Here are a few quick suggestions to help:

Put the new speed on the Changer itself, in your example on FFC 2 and 4. Leave the "Swap Speed with Next/Previous FFC" flag unchecked, as much as your instinct tells you to check them.

Make sure the FFC that moves and the Changer are lined up to the very dot. this dot being the top left one, so their X and Y coordinates end up being exactly the same at some point.

If you are still having trouble, I've prepared an in-depth explanation of the whole moving FFC process below. Keep in mind no scripts are needed for this, and that I may explain some trivial points, but I wanted to make sure I covered everything.
(Warning: I may have gone overboard with Bold, Italics, and Underlining.)

I have made a quick example quest: http://garyshood.com/steven/ZC2.11/FFCGaurd.qst
You can refer to the quest if you need to see an in-game example.


Let's set up all of our FFC's. Start with the FFC we want to be the one doing the actual moving. We'll call him FFC 1. WE set FFC 1 to the tile we want to be displayed, as I believe you have already done, and set the movement speed. We'll use an X movement speed of 1, so he just moves to the right.

Next we need to put in the Changers. For our first Changer, we'll use FFC 2. Be sure to enable the Is a Changer (Invisible, Ethereal) flag, but do not enable the Swap Speed with next/previous FFC flag. The function of this flag is different from what you described above.*

We set the speed of FFC 2 to the speed we want FFC 1 to go after FFC 1 hits the Changer. So if we set the speed of the Changer to an X movement of -1, then FFC 1 will begin moving to the left at a speed of 1 when he hits it. Remember, set the speed for the Changer itself, and do not set the Swap Speed with next/previous FFC flag on the Changer. Also, be sure to position FFC 2 in the exact location where FFC 1 will change directions. The Flashing Dot that is displayed for the changer must hit the very top left corner of FFC 1 to work.

For the any other changer, we set it up the same exact way as we did FFC 2, and we can chain as many together as we want, using any combination of directions.

And there we have it. If you want to test out the moving FFC's in Zquest you can hit the X key on the screen with the FFC's, and then hit the C key to watch the FFC's moving in action.


* Swap Speed with Next FFC - The way this flag works is it changes the speed of the moving FFC to the speed of the next FFC on the list, relative to the moving FFC, and not in relation to the changer itself. It is best to just have the changer contain the speed itself and leave this flag unchecked, unless you are using an advanced system of movement.

10-15-2012, 08:29 PM
Is it possible to create sensitive warp ffcs to cause a player to automatically warp when they walk to close to it. This will create the affect of getting caught and brought back to jail or whatever.