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View Full Version : Explain alcohol to me.

09-08-2012, 07:39 PM
(This isn't going into the "food" forum for a reason.)

As odd a thread title as that may be, it'll soon become clear why I wrote it as such.

As long as I've lived, I've never had a positive experience drinking any sort of alcohol. I keep hearing about a "buzz" of some sort, or some happy elation, and a forgetting about problems or some-such, but it's never happened. For me, in a span of time reaching under ten seconds after the consumption of any quantity of alcohol, there are only two effects, regardless of the strength of the alcohol:
I almost immediately feel it at the bottom of my lower intestine, as a form of expansive heat. Not at all comfortable, and as alarming as whatever else occurs down there naturally. Some variety of a feeling of being ill-at-ease, or/and a stomach ache, be it severe or mild.That's it. That's me and alcohol.

I would be the first to admitting that I'm a lightweight, certainly. But I have had at least a few opportunities to see how far I can go with this to see if there's any barrier that I can break. I am of the Jewish religion, and I may decide to take the four cups of wine (http://www.askmoses.com/en/article/582,86/Why-four-cups-of-wine-at-the-Passover-Seder.html) seriously one year, and another, not nearly so seriously. The only other effects from drinking Extra Heavy Malaga wine from Manischewitz (http://www.wespeakwine.com/product_images/f/883/manischewitz_malaga_bottle__76928_zoom.jpg) is that I fell asleep somewhat faster than usual at the evening seder table, wasn't woken up by anyone until the evening, where I woke up in the middle of the night alone at the table with my face on my plate, got up to go to the bathroom, and went back to sleep on the plate again.

Have I never been drunk? I haven't had such a distinction yet to be able to say that I have been.

So - Alcohol. Discuss. :shrug:

Chris Miller
09-08-2012, 07:58 PM
If you ask the question, then, no, you've never been drunk. :3

09-08-2012, 09:57 PM
Agreed, you'll know it when you get there. Although as someone who never drank until I was 30, I can understand the question. It took a little while for me to figure out what buzzed meant for me. For me when I get drunk I get this sort of "hazzy" feeling in my head, and everything just sounds loud and it's hard to focus on one sound. I've never lost rational thought, but I do get a little little less careful about certain things, like holding back a comment. I'm usually a happy drunk, and can sometimes get giggly. When I end up mixing alcohols, like starting off drinking wine and then switch to hard alcohol, I eventualy get this sort of restless dunk feeling where I don't want to go to sleep. Usually that kicks in after the party's over. One time I ended up drinking most of a bottle of wine in a very short time, and got "wasted." Everything was spinning, I couldn't walk straight to save my life. Had to have a friend walk me to my car and drive it home. And clean up the bathroom after I vomited it all up. It was not a pleasant experience, but having been there once I now know where my limit is so it won't happen again.

Most alcohols naturally make you sleepy, hence the passing out. It is a depressant after all. Wine seems to do it more than others. I can see why you would fall asleep after a glass or two of wine, but not why you went back to sleep on your plate! :) If you do intend to drink 4 or 5 glasses of wine, spread it out over a few hours. As to why it gives you a sickly feeling in your bowels, that I don't know. For me, rum doesn't agree with my stomach and it'll give me stomach aches sometimes, though the rest of me enjoys it. Everyone has different reactions. I know many Asians get a flush reaction to alcohol.

Don't know if that answered your question, but maybe some of my experiences will help ya.

I'd like to take this opportunity to share a joke from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy that I never "got" until years later, because I am dumb.

Ford: It's unpleasantly like being drunk.
Arthur: What's so unpleasant about being drunk?
Ford: You ask a glass of water.

09-08-2012, 10:50 PM
I've never been, and never will be. I've got a liver disorder, so alcohol is off the table. But sleeping on a plate and then returning to sleep on the plate? That's at least buzzed.

Glenn the Great
09-09-2012, 05:24 PM
ShadowTiger, might I suggest that your ill experiences have a lot less to do with the alcohol and much more to do with the brand of alcohol you are drinking.

Manischewitz isn't exactly what pops into mind when I think of fine dining. I've heard the taste described as rubbing alcohol mixed with drainage ditch water run over ten thousand grape-flavored condoms and then filtered through a mass grave full of french prostitutes that died of heavy-metal poisoning.

Chris Miller
09-09-2012, 05:37 PM
Get a six-pack of Sam Adams Boston Lager. That's a good beer.

09-09-2012, 05:44 PM
If you're wanting to try beer, I would recommend going to a brewery tour, for several reasons. First, depending on the brewery, you may be able to stop in at their brewpub and sample multiple types of beers in smaller quantities. Secondly, you can learn about the process of beer creation, which is pretty sweet.

As far as alcohol goes, I enjoy when things get mixed up and events happen that wouldn't normally happen. Having 5 or 6 friends around drinking and interacting always makes for an interesting night. Additionally, the week is pretty stressful - being able to let loose and not have to be IN CONTROL ALL THE TIME is nice.

I certainly don't want to hate on callitaday's taste in beer, but I've never been much for Sam Adams. I do think they're a good brewery to try to help in moving away from the homogenized lagers people typically drink, but they're not my first stop for tasty beer. They're great for being so widespread, and I can typically count on a Sam Adams being available, even if no other craft beer is (although I'm not sure we can really call Sam Adams a 'craft' beer anymore)

09-09-2012, 07:47 PM
Mm thanks for the opinions and replies, certainly. I've had Yeung Ling, Keystone Ice, Samuel Adams, and a Bud Light, and they all taste exactly the same to me. Maybe I'm the sort of person to "group" tastes. Beer has always felt like it was a chore to finish it, and made me regret buying a can to sample.

The heavy malaga is pretty intensely sweet and flavorful, actually. It's not really at all like what you described, Glenn, to which I'm grateful. That reminds me more of white wine. Red wine, certainly, I could enjoy. It's plentifully flavorful. :) I just don't get to drink that much of it. I mean who chugs wine?

Chris Miller
09-09-2012, 07:54 PM
You could always try india pale ale. Just don't drink it too fast.

09-09-2012, 08:55 PM
Yeah, if you want to try beer, you should get a couple of different types.

I would go with the following groups:
1. Something lighter - lager, hefeweizen, pilsner
2. Something in the middle - red ale, amber ale, wheat beer
3. Something hoppy - pale ale, India pale ale (IPA), Imperial/Double India Pale Ale (Double IPA, Imperial IPA)
4. Something interesting - scotch ale, barleywine, bourbon ale
5. Something dark - porter, stout

Those are 5 of many different ways to lump SOME types of beers together. I have italicized my recommendations. If you can, go into a liquor store and get one of each of these. Get a friend, and then sample each beer separately. In general, it's best to go light to dark (which is basically how I have organized the list.) Drink from beer glasses, so you can let the beer open up a bit and see the color. There are three solid attributes when judging a beer - color, aroma, and flavor. If you pay attention to those three, the experience will be better!

Hey! If you want, you could coordinate what types/brands of beer you purchase, and I could do the same, and I could walk you through what it is that I see/taste in these beers. You'll have a much more complete picture of why you don't like beer/what types of beer you enjoy. Let me know!

09-09-2012, 10:01 PM
I'll drink just about anything. I'm not picky. I LOVE dark ales and stouts. I had to build up to those, though. It's not something I was able to jump right into. I'll drink hard liquor, but it usually makes me sick. Well, it makes me sick because I drink it like I drink beer; way too fast.

As for the sensation of being drunk; I love it. I drink too much. I get comments about being a functional alcoholic all the time. I get a warm and cozy feeling, and anything that's been bugging me or making me stress out just leaves my mind. I live in the moment when I'm drunk...well, usually. Sometimes I get really weepy about past experiences, especially around certain holidays. I'm a very happy, friendly, and fun drunk. I also tend to talk to the ladies and flirt a lot. Its usually harmless. I'm married, and I'm happy with my wife.

I don't know, man. Alcohol works differently for everyone. My wife falls asleep when she's drunk. My friend's girlfriend just gets viciously sick. I hope you find your way to drunken bliss.

Wait...didn't you used to be DRUNKEN Tiger?

09-09-2012, 10:14 PM
He used to be Britannian hero or something. There was a drunken tiger floating around for a while.

Glenn the Great
09-09-2012, 10:20 PM
I think DrunkenTiger was an Asian dude who used to post here a lot.

09-09-2012, 10:37 PM
That's right. Sorry Shadowtiger.

09-10-2012, 12:24 AM
Persoanlly I prefer wine or sometimes rum over beer. It depends on the mood, the location, and the company.

09-10-2012, 01:48 AM
http://hosted.law.wisc.edu/wordpress/walp/files/2010/08/bars_groceries_3as6o3htr4mckskg0k4w4gwos_bxj7bs82a xw0g448owg4gc8so_th1.png
I come from the red area there, am a college student, and casual drinker, so perhaps I can answer this question.

I keep hearing about a "buzz" of some sort, or some happy elation, and a forgetting about problems or some-such, but it's never happened.
I don't think a buzz is necessarily a happy elation or forgetting of problems. Rather, it's just a clouding of the brain. You can still function and concentrate on stuff while drunk, but on what is a lot more narrow. Instead of day to day life when you might be thinking of dozens of things back and forth, the drunk mind fixates on a subject and attacks it with a drive common sense would, in normal circumstances, hold back.

If people feel happy or forget problems, I think that could be attributed much more to the environment and circumstance then the booze itself. You don't get drunk right before an exam. Or before work. Or before tackling a huge problem. People get drunk when they can, which is usually with friends in a relaxed environment where they don't have anything serious to take care of for at least 8 hours or so.

I almost immediately feel it at the bottom of my lower intestine, as a form of expansive heat. Not at all comfortable, and as alarming as whatever else occurs down there naturally. Some variety of a feeling of being ill-at-ease, or/and a stomach ache, be it severe or mild.That's it. That's me and alcohol.
The warming sensation is pretty common. The ill-at-ease might be a tolerance thing though.

Eating and drinking are naturally social behaviors of lots of animals.

Drinking alcohol in particular for humans serves as a depressant which in low amounts is relaxing, and in large amounts a complete block on every day inhibitions. Some people rely on it, others find it to be just a fun tool.

Honestly, I don't see why you're asking people on an internet forum to explain booze to you. You, sir, have a most wonderful experiment to conduct. Just find some buddies or co-workers, pick a evening, and try out copious amounts of booze. I'd personally recommend something like white wine or a fruity beer if our stomach usually get upset. Finish a bottle of White Wine off in good company and return back here.

You have your mission soldier. Good luck.

09-13-2012, 04:47 PM
You need to get a little Captain in you, Josh.

09-13-2012, 08:08 PM
That's what CAD named his junk. BTW. Careful what you agree to.

09-13-2012, 08:18 PM
Dechipher only knows from experience.

09-13-2012, 08:24 PM
Emphasis on little