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09-03-2012, 01:22 PM
744 is my music branding. (The pronunciation is "seven forty four".) There's a (pretty dumb) story behind the name, but suffice it to say that it's just a sequence of three digits that I notice a lot, probably because I'm looking for it. As far as this thread goes, I'd just like to know what you peeps think about the music (preferably in more detail than "great!" or "this is bad and you should feel bad." :p )

While I know of a few scattered people who do enjoy this stuff, it'd be great to get some more meaningful responses from a slightly wider audience on specific things (I've been thinking of doing some real advertising soon instead of making annoying forum threads, probably looking at project wonderful.) At any rate doing this has been a major learning experience and at least feel like I've improved over the last eight years, though I've got literally hundreds of unfinished songs and some really bad things sitting around taking up disk space. Sometimes I've been able to salvage some of those.

Constructive criticism is great, but I won't tolerate "this sucks" with no explanation (no one should put up with trolls.) However, if it's not your cup of tea, that's absolutely fine! I've actually gotten some amazingly vitriolic hate mail before. If it's more like your cup of Pepto Bismol, that's okay too! :P Music is not a competition; if you don't enjoy electronica, then listen to something else. :p

This is not a thread intended to drive any sales. I price things at "name your price" because I realize that a lot of my audience is younger people who don't have much/any money (or even a payment method)... and because this is not supposed to be a primary revenue stream. (sales are still awesome though)

If things won't play, allow Flash to run on bandcamp.com (bandcamp is cool stuff dude), or use a browser that supports HTML5. Apologies for disallowing full album free downloads, but I only get 500 free downloads per month (and I've come pretty close to going over a few times because of bots downloading things, then uploading them to Chinese sites like Baidu's music service, and claiming they were made by someone else.) After that, they go up to 99¢ whether I want them to be or not.

album 1, finished in 2010:
blink (http://744music.bandcamp.com/album/blink) (contains the best of stuff I wrote from 2004ish through 2010; generally more melodic and/or cinematic)

album 2, which has been completed as of 9/2:
reality (http://744music.bandcamp.com/album/reality) (stuff made in the past year and a half or so, a bit more experimental and shorter)

09-03-2012, 02:17 PM
I don't have much to reply with, other than reassure you that once something of yours finds its way onto my iPod, it stays there.

09-05-2012, 03:32 AM
I've been trying to spread your music into the libraries of others.
When I first listened to blink (or rather, a couple songs that would eventually be apart of blink), I realized that this was the electronic music I had been waiting to listen to!

09-06-2012, 12:28 AM
This stuff rocks, man. I'll probably download these and put them onto my MP3 player for my 3 hour drive this weekend.

09-08-2012, 06:41 PM
It's especially great for night driving. :)

09-13-2012, 04:46 PM
Kind of off topic, but I see 1008 all the time.

My old apartment number, all the droid commercials, everywhere.

09-14-2012, 12:07 AM
I've heard similar stories of sequences like 911, or more esoteric ones like 378, but 744 is mine. Couldn't think of a better name for a music branding other than my own real name (and that's not generally the best idea on the internet)