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09-02-2012, 11:18 AM

ASIMO is becoming more and more human like with its movements. Its kind of creepy. The video shows him using his hands to open and pour out the contents of a thermos into a cup, as well as running and hopping on one foot. It won't be too long until we'll have to paint it blue to send him off to fight worker robots who were reprogrammed by an evil scientist.

09-02-2012, 12:35 PM
Great, Boomers. Just what we need. Hope they're already training people for when these things go rouge.

I noticed certain things about him, like how he looks crouched. Almost like he's tip-toeing around. Also both hands have to twist to unscrew the top rather than just using fingers. Probably a limitation to how many servos and things they can fit in there. Still, for a robot those are pretty good movements. I wonder how much of it is programmed action, and how much is AI calculation.

09-02-2012, 01:05 PM
It won't be too long until we'll have to paint it blue to send him off to fight worker robots who were reprogrammed by an evil scientist.

Nah, he'll disappear only to reappear years later to help his brother stop said evil scientist. Also will have a catchy tune he whistles. And a bitching yellow scarf.

King Aquamentus
09-02-2012, 11:10 PM
I don't know, I still see Asimo saving a bunch of orphans from a fire, or holding up debris and ushering them to safety. Because those are simply the robots I was raised on.

Nah, he'll disappear only to reappear years later to help his brother stop said evil scientist. Also will have a catchy tune he whistles. And a bitching yellow scarf.


09-03-2012, 12:50 AM

*dies of hilarity*

09-05-2012, 03:25 AM
I saw an ASIMO demonstration live a few years ago and was very impressed by its performance, especially as I didn't realize that there even were robots like it. It's amazing to see how this guy is progressing. :)