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08-25-2012, 02:05 PM
The story (http://notalwaysright.com/courage-under-hire/22826). I love this website.

A guy gets robbed at knife-point, and doesn't take it even remotely seriously.

It's just an incredible story. He didn't even mean to react that way. I'm not even sure what I would do if I got robbed, but I feel like that might be my reaction as well. ._. ffff

08-25-2012, 02:07 PM
I don't think he understood he was being robbed...so I'm not sure bravery counts.

08-25-2012, 02:27 PM
That there is absolutely true. But what if there was a different scenario where the only actual difference is that he realized he was being robbed, but reacted the same way anyway? If he had just given the guy the money, ... well, he would have been robbed.

I think we're all too scared to think about what would have happened if this was us. Our default behavior would be to give him the money.

08-25-2012, 02:31 PM
Read this a while back. :)


08-25-2012, 02:51 PM
Crime is often the last recourse of the desperate. In that kind of situation people are more open to negotiations, which is why they train people to talk down people in hostage situations and stuff.

Of course, sometimes you just get a nutcase who needs to just be put away (http://notalwaysright.com/always-right-even-when-completely-car-razy/22803).

08-26-2012, 06:38 AM
I don't think he understood he was being robbed...so I'm not sure bravery counts.

I don't know about that. Someone holding a knife to you and saying give me money is hard to misunderstand. I think it may have been shock. He could have known he was being robbed but didn't understand the danger until after the adrenaline faded and allowed panic to set in.

I don't know if you have had your life threatened, not theoretically. It is a hard feeling to explain. When you are sure you could die your body pumps you so full of adrenaline that your emotions shut off. I was once held at gun point for several minutes while my store was being robbed. Now I am the type of person that when I get nervous I tremble, sometimes so bad that I wouldn't be able to hold an open drink without spilling it. But when the robber had me at gun point I was still as a surgeon and calm. When he finally left I was laughing about the situation because I was overwhelmed by being able to feel again. The memory still feels more like a dream than something that really happened.

08-26-2012, 06:43 AM
'Coworker: “Wait, was he trying to rob us?”'

I'm not convinced.