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View Full Version : What quest brought you into ZC/ZQ?

08-23-2012, 05:26 PM
Well, the first time I found ZC, the only thing I could figure out, was to play 1st Quest, and didn't realize that you could play 'custom' quests and such, and I believe ZC was at version 1.84, or 1.90. Well, about a year later, I found it again, and somehow found out how to play different quests, and I chose Hidden Duality, by DarkFlameWolf as my first quest to play, because the name sounded neat. hehe Well, I played it, and loved it! Was a wonderful quest for the days of 1.92. Since then, I've play a lot of great quests. So, what was your first?

King Aquamentus
08-23-2012, 05:47 PM
I think Germis's quest is what intrigued me the most. Something about the screenshots really made me want to explore it, and I ended up finding a very difficult quest with secret passages all over the land and two whole overworlds. There's even a cave system you have to get through to enter Level 9.

08-23-2012, 08:47 PM
Well, the first time I found ZC, the only thing I could figure out, was to play 1st Quest, and didn't realize that you could play 'custom' quests and such, and I believe ZC was at version 1.84, or 1.90. Well, about a year later, I found it again, and somehow found out how to play different quests, and I chose Hidden Duality, by DarkFlameWolf as my first quest to play, because the name sounded neat. hehe Well, I played it, and loved it! Was a wonderful quest for the days of 1.92. Since then, I've play a lot of great quests. So, what was your first?

Same story. Originally just looked for a clone since my physical copy had a dead battery and couldn't save. About a week after downloading I found out about custom quests and registered a TON in alphabetical order as save files. (Name was of quest, not Link.)

Played around with a few never completing any and haven't played since then at all.

08-23-2012, 09:09 PM
Mainly it's just the engine itself that drew me into ZC -- I just thought the idea of making your own Zelda was really cool when I was young. I didn't know custom quest databases existed for a full 8 months after I started! I think the main quests that sustained my interest in ZC early on were Revenge 2 by PrinceMSC (which is a pretty cliché answer for anyone who's been with the community a long time, I know), and then Mr. Z's stuff later on, especially Link's Birthday.

08-23-2012, 11:39 PM
The first quest I really remember playing was Cyclone's Rage. I think that's what really got me hooked and then I started playing a ton of custom quests after that. I wanted to find a Zelda editor which is what made me finally stumble on AGN in the first place and I even completed my own quest called Return to the Dark World (shameless plug) which was a decent attempt using the classic graphics. I never really got moving on any additional work but I am glad I was able to do enough to get at least one quest designed and completed.

08-24-2012, 01:25 AM
I was a big fan of DemoEX by PM and nightmare. First custom quest I played. :)

08-24-2012, 02:05 AM
First quest, actually. I was looking up a way to play the first Zelda game in preparation for Twilight Princess's release, and what do you know, Zelda Classic popped up. The first quest that actually really drew me into ZC beyond playing Zelda 1, though, was Pineconn's End of Time. And I still love that game to death.

08-24-2012, 08:31 AM
I too was drawn in by the concept of an accurate Zelda 1 rewritten from scratch for PC. I mean holy crap! Who does that? Awesome!

Of the custom quests I fiddled about with. "Hero of Dreams" stands out most for me. It has witty humor, clever puzzles, beautiful graphics (well, considering they're limited to a scale somewhere between Zelda 1 and 3 that is definitely not 2), completeness, and feels very much like a Zelda game.

I never completed it, but if I ever got ZC running again that would be the first one I grabbed.

08-24-2012, 09:58 AM
I was playing Zelda on a GBA and was looking for the maps and just stumbled onto AGN and then later once I got into building quests, PureZC.

08-24-2012, 08:09 PM
I was searching the internet for the Zelda map that was in the instruction manual. You know, the one at the beginning that looked like it was modeled out of clay. I stumbled across Zelda Classic and got hooked.

08-24-2012, 08:18 PM
I was playing Zelda 1 on the NES, and I needed a walkthrough so I went and got one at gamefaqs, and the said walkthrough had something about a program called Zelda Classic in it. So... I searched for it and found PureZC, and I've been messing with ZC ever since.

08-24-2012, 08:39 PM
I was a big fan of DemoEX by PM and nightmare. First custom quest I played. :)

Ditto. Hell, I remember friggin Newfirst being absolutely amazing. It was like some sort of insane novelty that it simply existed to be played.

I found ZC on a Computer games magazine demo disc in December 2000. The link in the readme it featured sent me here to AGN. Imagine that; AGN had only been in existence for less than two or so years before then, and already ZC 1.84 was in a magazine.

08-24-2012, 08:57 PM
Ditto. Hell, I remember friggin Newfirst being absolutely amazing. It was like some sort of insane novelty that it simply existed to be played.
Oh, damn, I remember those days, too. A lot of people say Newfirst hasn't aged very well, but I'd actually dispute that and say that it can look great in the right context -- Exate's done some stuff with it recently that's made it look pretty damn good, particularly in Ibuprofen/Pessimistic Pizza. I also remember when the first version of the Pure Tileset was the shit.

I might as well mention how I found ZC while I'm here... I got 1.84 back in March 2001, right before 1.90 came out. I was a wee 10-year-old! My Dad was actually the one who downloaded it onto his computer. Being the curious and nosy little kid I was, when I saw him playing the first Zelda on a computer of all things, I had to check it out. I didn't find out there was a 1.90 or Quest Databases until October of that year, and it wasn't until then that I discovered all of the quests that'd been developed and new features that'd been added to ZC -- it honestly blew my mind at that age. It was like there was a whole different world that I'd managed to overlook up until then!
I didn't actually join any ZC-related forums until 2003, though. I was way too young to be a part of the AGN crowd, and I didn't discover PureZC or AZC/ZCN until much later.

I'm amazed at how long I've stuck with you guys. I've gone through different phases in my life in the span of time I've known about ZC; I've moved from state-to-state 5 times and had my first romantic experiences and graduated high school... sure there've been pretty long gaps in my involvement here, but somehow of all the Internet communities I've been involved with, it's the ZC community I've always eventually come back to. It's been good, guys.

I didn't mean to make this post all sappy and nostalgic like it is. Dammit.

08-24-2012, 09:04 PM
If it's any consolation, I shed a tear.

I did. I really did. Because I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't the only person thinking "That could have been me."

08-24-2012, 09:52 PM
This thread is being archived the moment it dies. Good stuff.

Chris Miller
08-25-2012, 02:54 AM
I stumbled on it quite by accident when I was looking at some NES emulator or another. I started up the Demo Quest and was immediately hooked.

08-26-2012, 11:15 PM
Other than the fact that it was a tool I could use to make my own Zelda games? Well, 1.84 had *just* come out, and there weren't a lot of quests yet that were actually completed, so I'd have to say the original demo.qst; its awesome enhanced tileset and extreme frustrating difficulty was pretty much what got me. It was Zelda, but custom!

08-27-2012, 03:45 AM
I actually found it through a gaming magazine I found at the local super market. Was around May 2005, and I downloaded 2.10 right away.

08-27-2012, 07:07 AM
I found Zelda Classic through Google around six years ago.The demo quest got me interested, but it was Hero of Dreams and some of Freedom's quests that got me really hooked.

08-27-2012, 09:10 PM
Honestly? Newfirst. The prospect of classic Zelda with updated graphics was enough to get me interested, and once I learned about ZQuest there was no turning back.

09-21-2012, 02:01 AM
Demo Quest. I was into Zelda Classic before ZQ was actually released and Demo Quest was the first custom quest I ever played. I don't remember what the second was, or third, or fourth. After my attempts at making a quest failed miserably I kind of dropped off for a couple years. So ZC 1st quest dragged me in and Demo had me sold. That's about how it went.