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02-02-2014, 08:12 AM
We were talking about muffins. Seriously though...

Started playing Spelunky after it was on sale this previous holiday season. Fun to play, unforgiving mechanics. I like it.

Aegix Drakan
02-02-2014, 02:25 PM
Umm...At the moment?

Etrian Odyssey 4 (3DS), Persona 4 (been working through this one for YEARS. I just can't commit much time to it when school is in session), League of Legends (getting somewhat decent at it finally), and a few other things here and there not so seriously.

And I guess if you count testing as playing, I'm playing an RPGmaker game I'm working on. XD

02-02-2014, 04:14 PM
I played the FFXIII-3 demo, and I really enjoyed it. The battle system, that is. And the seeming throw-backs to earlier Final Fantasy concepts (Chaos-Mist, transferring souls to another world, time travel in general) - especially Red Mage kit.

I also hooked up our PS2's DDR mats, because the Mrs. wants to get in shape. Cool.

Aegix Drakan
02-02-2014, 04:30 PM
I played the FFXIII-3 demo, and I really enjoyed it. The battle system, that is. And the seeming throw-backs to earlier Final Fantasy concepts (Chaos-Mist, transferring souls to another world, time travel in general) - especially Red Mage kit.

I also hooked up our PS2's DDR mats, because the Mrs. wants to get in shape. Cool.

Oh yeah, that reminds me.

Now that our basement is finally mostly fixed up, I can get back to doing DDR. Except that I don't really feel like bringing my PS2 down for that when I still have Persona 4 I'm trying to find time to finish up in my room.

02-03-2014, 09:17 PM
Started up Pokemon X for a second time, and Been thinking about picking up The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series to give it a try for the hell of it. Heard some good things about it.

Aegix Drakan
02-03-2014, 09:26 PM
The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series to give it a try for the hell of it. Heard some good things about it.

It's DAAAAMN good.

It's more of a visual novel than a straight up adventure game in my opinion, but it actually gave me the feels. Hardcore feels. ;_;

So yeah, Season 1 gets a huge recommendation from me.

Personally, however, I'm going to wait until ALL the episodes of Season 2 are released before I get them. I played all of season one in the space of 2 weeks and I want to do that again. I don't want to have to wait several months to get the next episode.

02-04-2014, 11:05 PM
Been thinking about picking up The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series to give it a try for the hell of it. Heard some good things about it.
I went ahead and got it, Finished episode 1 and I loved it, pretty damn interesting. I'll start episode 2 up in the morning or something.

03-19-2014, 02:09 PM
Revisiting Super Mario All Stars currently, though I just challenged Super Mario World with some pretty intense restrictions:

1.) No Switch Palaces
2.) No Reentering beaten levels
3.) No Star Road
4.) No Flying through levels
5.) No Skipping Castle 3

I broke the challenge only once, when I accidentally picked the wrong exit in the Forest of Illusion Ghost House. It was pretty intense, actually.

03-20-2014, 12:35 AM
I just revisited Bioshock 2 over the past week. I decided to do a hard-mode run, and yeah, early game is pretty damn hard. Though the no consequence for death thing takes away a bit... I suppose if I was a mashochist, I could have turned vita chambers off too, but I doubt I'd have been able to get through the first half of the game. After getting the right plasmids, though, the game turned into a cake walk even on hard. Just... avoid gathering adam. harvest or rescue as soon as you get a little sister, and you'll have more than enough adam to finish the game. I had 200 adam left.

03-21-2014, 11:41 AM
I've been trying to play Farcry 3, but I can't get into the game. Its too hard for me at least my brother is getting enjoyment out of the game.

03-22-2014, 01:59 PM
Yumi's Odd Oddysey! Still calling her Kawase, though. I kind of wonder why they changed her name, but not the others'. Eh, whatever.
The physics have changed more than I expected. The line stretches a lot more than it used to, and it doesn't pull you along the ground much. That's fine, just a matter of adjusting. The 3DS's D-pad is killing me, though... :p

04-10-2014, 03:26 AM
I've been battling Brave Frontier on my phone. It's a 'Mana' game, and although the storyline is weak and the battle mechanics are too simple I'm finding it to be immensely pleasurable/addictive. It wants me to spend real-world money though which is obnoxious.

04-10-2014, 01:30 PM
Currently doing a run-through of Breath of Fire III. I'm not using any dragon powers and making Ryu a magician. Currently just left Dragnier.

I'm also playing a Final Fantasy Tactics hardhack. Just got past chapter 1.

04-10-2014, 08:52 PM
Going with a Windwaker HD Hero mode playthrough.. Then I got ZombiU. This game is fun! Recomended, but I hope a sequel with multiplayer online is in the works. Safehouse sharing multiplayer would be awesome, even if we would have to deal with reboot drops.

04-15-2014, 11:22 AM
Been playing Blue Dragon on the 360 for the last few days, I'm nearing the end of the disk 1.

04-21-2014, 06:27 PM
I just purchased Batman Arkham City off of Xbox Live for $5. I also grabbed Tales of Vesperia. I have been wanting to replay and finish ToV since I lost my original Xbox years ago. I have been wanting to try the Arkham games for awhile now. can't beat $5!!!

Nearly done with Thief. I think I have one or two chapters left. Great game. I'd recommend it to anyone.

Chris Miller
04-21-2014, 06:31 PM
I'm playing a Wolfenstein 3D mod called End of Destiny.

04-21-2014, 07:44 PM
Juggling between Pokemon X (still, finally getting my team up to snuff for the next few areas), One Way Heroics (was on sale on Steam earlier this month, its addicting), Dungeon Defenders (me and Dragon Omega play this together, its a fun little game on 360 that was free with gold last month), and thinking of tackling Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked on 3DS.

04-21-2014, 08:08 PM
Zelda Virtual Console everywhere! Oracle series and Link's Awakening on 3DS and Majora's Mask on Wii. (all of which were purchased yesterday)

04-21-2014, 10:09 PM
GrantGreif, I'm right there with you. Rocking Ocarina of Time 3D :D

05-11-2014, 01:58 PM
I've been playing Darksiders now that I finally have an adapter to connect my wireless 360 controller to my pc (did not want to work at all with my regular pc gamepad). I gotta say, it's been a lot of fun, up until I hit this Starfox-style flying section. Thing about it is, the flying section is kinda tough, but more than that, it's kinda boring, so I just can't muster the enthusiasm to plow through it. It's just not really what I wanted after hacking and slashing my way through the game up until that point. I wanna go back to splattering demons with my giant sword, not shooting down things while flying an arwing-I mean dragon.

05-11-2014, 09:31 PM
Revisiting the Jak and Daxter series (the first three games anyway). Building up a long-winded rant on these; expect a spew of reviews once I'm finished revisiting the third.

05-11-2014, 09:36 PM
I just downloaded an indie RPG called Grinsia for my 3DS. It's... not awful. Not very deep so far.

05-24-2014, 05:03 AM
Got bored of Grinsia, decided to power through Skyward Sword, since I hadn't done Hero Mode yet. Lemme tell you, as someone wh oenjoyed combat the first time through, the novelty had worn off by now. Swimming in particular is obnixous. Though in terms of environments and story, it's tied with Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask as my top pick. If Skyward Sword would have let people use the classic controller or a gamecube controller instead of wii remote only, gameplay issues would have been next to none. Still, though, I wish you could go from Faron to Eldin to Lanayru without having to go to the sky. The Sealed Temple really should have had more than one exit. Also, what the hell gives with the two life medals? Give us 8 more heart pieces. That not only wasted two slots in an already way too limited inventory, but it cut out on more adventuring. Shields, too, should not have been a pouch item. Oh, also, the gratitude crystal sidequest was weak as hell.

As for Hero Mode, it was a lot harder than I had imagined. I knew there were no hearts or heart flowers (unless you had the heart medal, which kind of moots the point...), but I didn't realize enemies dealt twice the damage. It was frustrating at times, but the extra challenge never felt cheap. Except during the thunder dragon's lightning round when I had to go against Ghirahim's horde as my 8th battle. Needless to say, it took a while to get the Hylian Shield in this playthrough. Demise was as easy as ever, though, even if he can kill you in 5 hits.

Ah well, on to Ni No Kuni and Bioshock Infinite.

05-24-2014, 07:35 PM
I've been playing the PC version of Terraria a lot more lately, mostly cause up until last week the 360 version was buggy as hell after the last update.
Got to the point where I've cleared all the pre-hardmode bosses sans the Wall of Flesh (including the pre-HM Crimson boss in another world) and I'm planning to work on boxing off areas to hinder/prevent the spread of Corruption/Hallow once I hit hardmode. Also, got a few games on 360 last week cause they were on sale (Deus Ex Human Revoution, Beautiful Katamari, and a few others)

05-24-2014, 08:56 PM
Etrian Odyssey Untold swallowed my life last week.

05-25-2014, 07:09 AM
I've been replaying a game called Glory of Heracles, which is an Ancient Greece themed RPG on the DS. The reason I'm explaining this is because I've yet to meet a single person who has heard of it without me telling them about it.

05-25-2014, 04:35 PM
I just finished Yoshi's Island on SNES. I'm also trying to get through Guardian Legend on NES. That game is super tough.

05-25-2014, 09:32 PM
I've been replaying a game called Glory of Heracles, which is an Ancient Greece themed RPG on the DS. The reason I'm explaining this is because I've yet to meet a single person who has heard of it without me telling them about it.

I've heard of it and also own it, but I haven't played it much yet due to other titles having priority on my game-to-play list.

06-01-2014, 11:59 PM
Been a while since I've been here but...

Just beat Final Fantasy 7 last week and now playing Final Fantasy 9.

06-02-2014, 12:40 AM
Been a while since I've been here but...

Just beat Final Fantasy 7 last week and now playing Final Fantasy 9.
9 is only second to 12 in my opinion. Excellent game, greatly underrated.

06-20-2014, 07:32 PM
Playing Mega Man.

I just beat Mega Man 7 (well, I didn't actually beat Wily's second phase but I lost my save... so #&^#$&$#^) and Mega Man X both 100% even the Hadouken(even though I played through Armored Armadillo's stage like 9 times before I realized I forgot Chill Penguins Heart Tank). I think I am starting a playthrough of all the X and classic Mega Man games. It depends on how well I can emulate X4, 5 and MM8(no 6, 7, or 8 and probably no MM9 and 10).

06-20-2014, 09:13 PM
I've fallen back into the spiral of Skyrim. Running it heavily modded (I think there's like 103 esp files running) and starting with the Dark Brotherhood.

But the best mod in the bunch is by far Skyrim Redone. It's a perk and combat overhaul that makes it like playing a completely different game.

07-04-2014, 05:20 PM
Currently I'm playing through Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. It took me a long time to get into the game - bought it a while back, but didn't play much. I guess it was just too different from other Zelda games for my tastes. Now that I've gotten a feel for it now, I'm really into it and having lots of fun. It reminds me of the first time I played Link to the Past - just this huge world to explore, and I can basically go anywhere and do whatever I want. The puzzles are great, too. None of them are impossibly difficult, but they're challenging enough to feel satisfying when you solve them. Plus the "merge with the wall" mechanic really reminds me of Portal in a way - just that feeling of figuring out how to creatively navigate around with the possibilities that ability opens.

07-05-2014, 10:14 AM
rock_nog I am glad you are getting into A Link Between Worlds. I have played through it 3 times now. It is really a fantastic game and without a doubt one of my top Zelda games in the series now. There was a lot of careful thought put into this one and it paid off.

07-05-2014, 09:57 PM
I've been working on Lunar Silver Star Story Complete for my own enjoyment. It's better than I remember it.

07-05-2014, 11:03 PM
Finally got Shovel Knight. If you have it, for fun enter this at the character name screen (it doesn't change the gameplay itself btw): X&BUTT

07-20-2014, 03:36 PM
I am now playing Kirby Super Star for a future review. I'm also playing Final Fantasy II on the SNES because I was able to successfully swap out its save battery!

07-21-2014, 11:08 AM
Picked up Etrian Odyssey 4 for 3DS a while ago cause it was on sale. Finally getting around to playing it. Death. Death everywhere...

07-21-2014, 04:41 PM
Working on the true ending of Bravely Default. Over 60 hours in and Lv.99

07-22-2014, 10:23 PM
Oooh I want to pick up Bravely Default soon! How is it?

I'm working on getting shiney stars in Super Mario 3D Land. I've only got a few Special world levels to beat as Mario. That game was way shorter than I had expected =\

I've also just recently started Fallout 3 for the first time. So far I'm down to clown.

07-23-2014, 09:28 AM
That game was way shorter than I had expected =\

I guess maybe I'd feel the same way if I had sat down and played it exclusively. I thought the game was nice and long. I loved the fact that there were two separate versions of each world to play through, and the addition of Luigi was great. I got the game around Christmas and I just finished the special worlds a few days ago. I don't know if I want to start working on the shiny stars or not. It was a fantastic game, though.

07-24-2014, 10:14 AM
Oooh I want to pick up Bravely Default soon! How is it?

The story gets repetitive about halfway through. The gameplay makes up for it, though, as the job system is really fun to play around with. It's a very challenging game, too; you can't just brute-force your way to the end.

I'm currently in the middle of a FE: Sacred Stones play-through. I just can't get enough of that game.

08-23-2014, 03:30 PM
Pure Chess on Wii U and CoD: Ghosts.

Iondra is my Wii U's name for Chess. Would you like to challenge?

08-24-2014, 05:28 PM
Started playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (3DS) recently. I've also picked up Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and Final Fantasy Tactics A2 for DS with plans to start playing them sometime in the next month or so.

Also, I've been playing Smash Bros Brawl in preparation for Smash4 in October.

08-27-2014, 10:50 AM
I picked up Bravely Default last night. It's freaking gorgeous! I can't believe how good this game looks! It actually makes me want to play with the 3D on. The 3D is a lot more subtle than the two other games I've played, and it works REALLY well.
The music is fantastic as well. The game just oozes personality. The entire presentation is really great so far. The voice acting and the dialog are a bit JRPGish, meaning a bit silly, but I've always been able to give that kind of thing a pass.

08-29-2014, 10:11 PM
Recently I've picked up a tablet and picked up Final fantasy Dimensions, Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI (Note 6 does not work on my shit tablet I'll get me a quad core tab at some point to play it).
Final fantasy Dimensions is a pain though man the enemies are hard at least for now, it feels like an old fashioned RPG which is a good thing.

09-05-2014, 08:44 PM
Revisiting Breath of Fire III, it's been years since I played the game and I'm trying a new team dynamic (Instead of my goto Momo-Rei combo).

I am repeatedly reminded of the validity of my rant about the game: Peco is entirely useless as far as the plot is concerned (as far as I've played this time through anyway, though I know he has purpose at the dead end of the game). Still, it's a solid RPG experience and I'm enjoying it, even with the stinky onion in my party.

EDIT: When Balio and Sunder kidnapped the party, I left Peco in their custody as a hostage. I kept thinking to myself "Gee, why don't we just run away and let them make a salad?"

09-06-2014, 02:44 AM
Since my computer no longer crashes when playing games released within the last decade, I'm finally getting around to Bioshock Infinite.

I'm still very early in, but the tonal change from the previous two is welcomed; I like this new dystopia.

09-07-2014, 10:47 PM
I was at a local consignment shop and I found a new copy of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix for sell, I asked the shop keeper if he would be interested in trading and he said yes so I traded a couple 64 games Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie... I have 2 each so it was not no skin of my back to trade them.

With that being said I ripped it into an .iso and patched it with a translation patch and I started playing it!

The only thing though I wonder how that consignment shop got a copy of that game? I guess they could have gotten from an online deal or maybe someone around there sold it to them... I guess it doesn't matter I own it now!

09-08-2014, 12:13 AM
Started playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2...Cid's design looks...odd...is the best I would describe it. Also, the randomness of enemies doesn't like me...the mobs keep being 2-3 levels higher than me (maps and guides I've read give a range the levels can be. I've only seen them lower than mine in 2-3 quests so far)...Also fell miffed the Laws only affect you now (and are set for each quest and can be annoying...like the quest where ya protect a Dragoon...now AoE abilities allowed...so had to use Potions for all my healing)

As for MH3U, Unlocked the 2 Star quests in teh Village and have farmed tons of armor spheres (and the +1 versions) from the free hunt (in the port) and got my armor sets (that is plural, yes) all upgraded to Lv 4+ Also, I hate Rathians and Rathalos....they are the bane of my existence in this game.....and the reason I never finished the original on PS2...

09-25-2014, 05:59 PM
For the last week or so I been playing Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (duh 3ds) and I've enjoyed it so far I finished it this morning. I might do some of the optional stuff later.
But right now I bought Tales of abyss on the 3DS so I'll be playing that for awhile. At least my 3ds is getting played a lot lately.

10-06-2014, 10:02 AM
Finished KH: DDD on the 3ds a while back, so looking for something else to play I pulled out my Sega DreamCast and Skies of Arcadia and I've been playing that for the last week or so. My first time playing this game so its nice to play something I haven't played before. I'm enjoying the hell out of it!

And on the side I snagged up Sims 4 and have been playing it a bit on and off.

10-08-2014, 12:55 AM
Wife and I have been playing Skylanders Swap Force, trying to get everything.

10-08-2014, 05:07 PM
With a Wii U in my possession now, I've been playing Mario Kart 8, Advance Wars (Virtual Console), and the Wonderful 101. I think that W101 has been the most fun so far as actual Wii U games. I'll probably pick up Hyrule Warriors some time in the future.

10-09-2014, 08:26 AM
i (re)playing

lost odyssey (for xbox 360 (lol xbox))
final fantasy x remake (ps3)
super mario 3d world (wii u)
hyrule warrior (wii u)

hm, no other game catch my interest right now. not so much a gamer as i used to be!

10-09-2014, 05:23 PM
Sonic Advance 3: Extreme Mansecks hack

10-12-2014, 11:31 AM
i (re)playing

lost odyssey (for xbox 360 (lol xbox))
final fantasy x remake (ps3) (BEATEN!)
super mario 3d world (wii u) (BEATEN!)
hyrule warrior (wii u)
five nights at freddys

hm, no other game catch my interest right now. not so much a gamer as i used to be!

10-12-2014, 02:22 PM
Picked up Final Fantasy IV off of steam from a friends computer and I started playing it!. Its a pretty decent port except for the 15fps in battle... feels sluggish.

10-12-2014, 05:41 PM
In addition to the previous Wii U games, I'm playing Earthbound *all the beuno!* and I'm posting a semi-let's play of my playthrough on my Miiverse account (with myself, Project Zombie from my Bar-Buddies webcomic, and a new character named Mr. Tibbs commenting on the screenshots I post with quips, sarcasm, and general hilarity.) which if ya wanna see them, check out Author#2 on Miiverse.

10-12-2014, 07:18 PM
Right now I'm mainly bouncing back and forth between Hyrule Warriors and Smash Bros on the 3DS.

10-12-2014, 10:45 PM
Picked up Final Fantasy IV off of steam from a friends computer and I started playing it!. Its a pretty decent port except for the 15fps in battle... feels sluggish.
Aw cool, I didn't know that was on Steam. I'll pick that up in the near future!

10-12-2014, 11:10 PM
Aw cool, I didn't know that was on Steam. I'll pick that up in the near future!

Yeah it made a silent release pretty much, lol. I'm looking forward to a new patch from square enix to make battles run at 30fps... For now I'll handle the 15fps in battles.

10-13-2014, 12:53 PM
Playing Dragon Age Origins. Got it for free on an EA Origin promotion. The offer's good until 10/14/14, so if you have an account with EA, go grab a copy.

10-13-2014, 02:06 PM
Playing Dragon Age Origins. Got it for free on an EA Origin promotion. The offer's good until 10/14/14, so if you have an account with EA, go grab a copy.
Sweet I haven't checked in with my origin account in awhile I'll always jump on a free game. And I been meaning to try Dragon Age out so this gives me a chance now.

10-13-2014, 05:20 PM
I started 7th Saga and restarted Final Fantasy Dimensions.

10-15-2014, 11:17 PM
Somewhat finished Final fantasy 4 on PC, I beat the final boss and after all the scenes and it shows some happy stuff you know happily ever after crap. The game crashes... I've tried like four more times beating the last boss each time it happens again and again.

Oh well At least I kinda finished the game :(

10-16-2014, 03:51 AM
I decided to try to nab the rest of Shovel Knight's feats. Impossible was... well, it was aptly named. The boss rush was the stuff of nightmares, and I made it harder on myself by trying to do it on a New Game + not realizing almost all the food is replaced with bombs.

10-19-2014, 07:14 PM
Got The Wonderful 101 for my Wii U. Gonna start playing that tonight. Also got One Piece Unlimited World Red (for my 3DS) and started playing that yesterday. Its quite fun, despite not having a single line in english (except for names and such)

Chris Miller
10-19-2014, 07:45 PM
Dangerous Dave. :D

10-20-2014, 01:26 PM
While waiting for Fantasy Life to release this week, I've started on my first MMORPG ever... "Aura Kingdom" is the name of it. Having to get over my social anxiety to play but its getting better and I'm having fun :)

10-23-2014, 11:38 AM
Right at this very moment I am not playing anything because I am posting here. When I do find time to play video games, I usually find myself (re)playing the GBA version of A Link to the Past (you know, the other thing that's with Four Swords), or Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition.

10-24-2014, 08:42 PM
Picked up my copy of Fantasy Life and i've started up. (sorry i'm typing with one hand :p)

10-25-2014, 12:16 AM
(sorry i'm typing with one hand :p)

You aren't the first person to AGN while masturbating, but it is usually better to let that fact go uncommunicated. :thumbsup:

10-25-2014, 06:53 AM
You aren't the first person to AGN while masturbating, but it is usually better to let that fact go uncommunicated. :thumbsup:

Great... lol, no I was playing the game and had my 3ds in my other hand xD ( ( could have put it down but I was being lazy.)

10-25-2014, 09:11 PM
I also got Fantasy Life (I downloaded it since I figured I'd play it a lot...I was right. I played it ALL DAY yesterday)

10-27-2014, 11:19 AM
I've gotten addicted to Aura Kingdom at the moment... so much so that I have not even touched Fantasy Life that much, for some reason I'm able to get hooked on it right now... Also MMORPG+Ventus=No sleep and loss of time xD

11-02-2014, 08:44 PM
I got Hyrule Warriors in the mail today. Yes, apparently amazon REALLY wants ya to get your 2-day shipping packages, even if the delivery date lands on a Sunday.
Anyway, I'm gonna start on that tonight. :kitty:

11-02-2014, 09:40 PM
I got Hyrule Warriors in the mail today. Yes, apparently amazon REALLY wants ya to get your 2-day shipping packages, even if the delivery date lands on a Sunday.
Anyway, I'm gonna start on that tonight. :kitty:

Excellent. Make sure you try out the Adventure mode once you have made it through some of the main story line. There is more you can do with people you are friends with through Adventure mode so I am curious to see how it all works.

11-05-2014, 06:40 AM
Just started re-playing Final Fantasy IX. I forgot just how much I love this game. Really is underrated, I think; it's my personal favorite PS1 entry. Also blasted through Kirby's Adventure and Link's Awakening this week. I remember those games being much harder as a kid. I also picked up Super Mario Bros. 3 on 3DS virtual console, but after using Y to run in 2D Mario for so long, the controls feel inverted and weird =\

11-10-2014, 06:27 PM
I spent all night downloading Tera Rising Online and installed it this morning and I've been playing all day today... man I knew once I had better Internet at home this would happen. My life is being taken over by MMO's lol!

11-19-2014, 02:18 PM
I've been playing Hyrule Warriors since my last post practically everyday. Unlocked all the characters and working on the weapons. I gotta say that the Great Fairy weapon for Link has to be the most OP weapon I have ever used. Also, with the Dark Link skin, she looks too creepy...

Dark Knight
11-21-2014, 05:00 PM
I felt the need to play an older JRPG so I tossed Breath of Fire III onto my PSP. I figured I might as well attempt to beat it, something I was not able to do last time I played. Given that my internet options that long ago (around 12 years) were limited to noting or praying that a telemarketer/bill collector doesn't call so I don't lose my 56k connection I never knew that the directions for navigating through the desert given in-game were wrong. When I'm not playing that I'm playing Fire Emblem Awakening.

11-21-2014, 06:02 PM
I felt the need to play an older JRPG so I tossed Breath of Fire III onto my PSP. I figured I might as well attempt to beat it, something I was not able to do last time I played. Given that my internet options that long ago (around 12 years) were limited to noting or praying that a telemarketer/bill collector doesn't call so I don't lose my 56k connection I never knew that the directions for navigating through the desert given in-game were wrong. When I'm not playing that I'm playing Fire Emblem Awakening.

I think if you follow the false North star from the outset, you'll reach the Oasis in like 5 days or something. That's because the false north star is actually Myria's Eden at Caer Khan shining on the horizon.

I am currently being devoured by Dragon Age Inquisition.

11-21-2014, 09:41 PM
I felt the need to play an older JRPG so I tossed Breath of Fire III onto my PSP. I figured I might as well attempt to beat it, something I was not able to do last time I played. Given that my internet options that long ago (around 12 years) were limited to noting or praying that a telemarketer/bill collector doesn't call so I don't lose my 56k connection I never knew that the directions for navigating through the desert given in-game were wrong. When I'm not playing that I'm playing Fire Emblem Awakening.

Wow, Breath of Fire...I remember that game. I never did actually finish it, maybe I'll go back and play it again on an emulator (not BoF3, though, I mean the first one). Right now, I am playing another old-school RPG...namely, Final Fantasy VI. It's always been my favorite of the 2D Final Fantasy games.

11-22-2014, 12:20 PM
I'm currently playing Dragon Age Inquisition on the PS3. It's really good so far. The gameplay is so much better than the last two DA games.

King Link
11-25-2014, 07:24 PM
I'm (as always) bad for playing far too many games at once. Currently 20-some odd hours into Dragon Age: Inquisition. Also playing Lords of the Fallen, COD: Advanced Warfare, Destiny. I suppose mostly your typical fare one might expect.

11-28-2014, 02:31 AM
Still playing Mario Kart 8, believe it or not. I'm holding off on Smash until I finish my thesis (though I wouldn't be surprised if somebody bought it for me for Christmas). In any case, I'm up to a 9100 VR and want to hit 10000 before the end of the year.

11-28-2014, 04:23 AM
I had a craving to play some Grand Theft Auto and drive around like a maniac mowing people down with my car. It was suggested that I get the PC version of GTA5 but that's not out until the end of January. So I bought San Andreas off Steam to hold me over. The controls via keybord and mouse work a bit strangely, and takes some getting used to, but once you get the hang of it it's alright.

11-28-2014, 12:48 PM
Been playing Poacher by Yahtzee. Quite an interesting platformer with all the good aspects of a metroidvania.

01-02-2015, 11:19 PM
Got Smash Bros for Wii U (finally) and I'm playing the heck outta it tonight.

01-03-2015, 02:33 PM
Got caught up in another RPG classic...namely Baldur's Gate II. I don't have the Enhanced Edition (yet) and it's kind of hard to play on a Windows 8.1 OS because it won't display fullscreen, but I got used to that sort of thing when playing Neverwinter Nights on Windows 7 (it won't run on Windows 8 or 8.1 because of compatibility issues).

EDIT: I am also playing Bravely Default on the 3DS, but I am stuck on a particular boss that keeps killing me.

01-14-2015, 03:13 AM
Just finished Birth By Sleep Final Mix on KH2.5. Much better on console than on handheld. Difficulty seems to have been screwed up though; I couldn't even get past the first hordes of Unversed in the Castle of Dreams on Critical, but Proud Mode was just way easy.

The remastering here though was fantastic. Not as pretty as the console remasteres, but for being designed on the PSP it was gorgeous. Though the fact that it was designed for PSP came through in combat a lot more than I would have liked. Control in this game isn't nearly as good as it is in KH 1 and 2, or even Re:Chain of Memories. And every once in a while, the player would glitch out and jump or dash without a control prompt when there were a lot of unversed on-screen.

I'm gonna tackle KH1 and Re: CoM on 1.5 remix before taking on KH2 Final Mix, then I'll finally play Dream Drop Distance.

03-24-2015, 04:41 PM
I got Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call last week as an impulse buy (I've been holding out on buying it for a while now) and have been playing it since. Now I'm hoping even more they localize the Theatrhythm Dragon Quest game for 3DS.

03-29-2015, 10:45 PM
Xenoverse, lots and lots of Xenoverse. Taking a bit of a break now until the next DLC comes out but damn I love this game.

03-31-2015, 11:33 AM
I finished Earthbound and Assassin's Creed III last week. I started playing Bayonetta, but it still really hasn't grabbed me and pulled me in. Not sure what to tackle next. I may play Faxanadu or Ys III: Wanderers from Ys.

03-31-2015, 07:07 PM
Started playing Majora's Mask on my 3DS a month ago or more. Did a lot but still have to go into the Great Bay Temple. I hate that place. Hopefully finishing up this weekend. We will see.

King Link
04-01-2015, 10:59 AM
Bloodborne on the go now. Dying lots. Definitely used to blocking every other attack.

Also Type-0 HD and some Xenoverse.

04-02-2015, 11:30 AM
Still working on Bravely Default, though I made it past the aforementioned boss and got much farther. I have kind of stopped with BG2 in favor of Icewind Dale II. In addition the the fact that it does in fact display fullscreen in Windows 8.1, there is also the factor that although I have completed BG2 (including the ToB expansion) in the past, I have never actually finished IWD2, so I think I'll finish that first.

Ibis, God of Magicks
04-15-2015, 02:41 PM
Mario Kart 8, Trying to get 3 stars on all the Mirror circuits before 200CC comes out.

04-23-2015, 08:48 PM
I have now obtained Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Gonna play it a bit tonight and in the morning. :kitty:

04-27-2015, 07:05 PM
Donkey Kong 64 was finally released on the Wii U VC about a week and a half ago. This has made me a very happy person! I played way too much of it this weekend and was not productive.

04-28-2015, 10:24 AM
I'm back at the FF6 hack I was playing. I'm now close to getting to the floating continent, but ran into some boss trouble in the burning house. The developer decided to make this boss two parts, with the second part being done with one less party member.

04-28-2015, 12:06 PM
I'm playing FF6 also, the GBA version. I just got Shadow back after fighting him at the Coliseum. I'm also working on Icewind Dale II.

04-29-2015, 12:33 AM
I'm re-addicted to New Leaf after a break and playing through Majora's Mask as well.

05-08-2015, 12:01 PM
Im playing FF4 on Psp. I still have my original version in the box for SNES. I remember it being a lot more fun back in the day. More than I am finding it now. The encounter rates in tower of Babil the second time around are ridiculously annoying. Can't take two steps without a flipping encounter. There were a lot of firsts in this game though. Square has always been creative in it's changes in every version of this series...and for the most part it was for the better. The latest games need to return to older trends though...My interest in the series seriously slowed after FF X2...(I call that one the girly dress up game).

05-08-2015, 01:54 PM
Im playing FF4 on Psp. I still have my original version in the box for SNES. I remember it being a lot more fun back in the day. More than I am finding it now. The encounter rates in tower of Babil the second time around are ridiculously annoying. Can't take two steps without a flipping encounter. There were a lot of firsts in this game though. Square has always been creative in it's changes in every version of this series...and for the most part it was for the better. The latest games need to return to older trends though...My interest in the series seriously slowed after FF X2...(I call that one the girly dress up game).

Probably my favorite game of all time. I still haven't played fully through the PSP game. It's on my list.

05-09-2015, 03:28 AM
As far as Final Fantasy goes.... I liked V.... FF6's intro blew me away...and it had neat secrets. I really liked FF9. I love the card game and the entire upgrade from the mind blowing FF7 , 9 was done quite well. I know people will hate me for it....but I also liked FF 12. ......I wish I would've played and got into XI, I heard there is still a large online community....which is insane....because that was made on the PS2....

Im trying to play all of my back log of games...sheesh... but it's a difficult task...I have 300 + NES games.... surprisingly I have beat most of them... I have another 150 PS2 games, about 100 GC games, 50 N64s, 30 PS1, 40 GB and GBA, 15 Psp... So I know what you are going through. I am a 'complete' type of gamer, so beating all of these games in my life time will more than likely not be possible.

05-09-2015, 04:37 AM
I got a PS4 Thursday and one of the games that I have is Final Fantasy Type 0. I like it! It's how FFXIII should have been.

05-09-2015, 04:52 AM
Im jealous....

05-09-2015, 09:52 AM
FF XI still has a pretty decent following (I know, cause I play it, since last year with new content updates every month)

I played the Splatoon "demo" (its really a stress test or whatever ya wanna call it) and now that I've gotten a taste, I'm gonna pre-order it now. Its fast-paced, you know where you need to be thanks to the map, and you can jump to an ally by tapping them on the map if they need back-up or if ya need to get back to the action after respawning. Its a pity that there wasn't more to do, but perhaps they'll release a more extensive demo before the release, maybe not. I'm still hyped for this game now.

Also, been making some nice progress in MH4U. If anyone wants to hunt online sometime, I'm game.

05-09-2015, 11:09 AM

http://lh4.ggpht.com/rzRAuLqbC_AZ85dTDfAivpoJtsVRTOjGmsF06CLHyKYqvgYq2N fYUFOj4M0PhaQLjizAYyEMAl-MPFaCtUD2Q9VU

I'm glad you ask Gandalf. it's an adult waifu hunting hybrid game of the Puzzle and Dating Sim varity. Bang all the girls variety.
Who is the best waifu? Well Smoking Hot Audrey of course! Even if she is a total bitch to the other girls lol.


Also Best Ending... :love:

05-19-2015, 03:57 PM
Grabbed Dragonball Xenoverse last night (its on sale on Xbox Live for about $30 on 360 and $40 on X1) and played it today up until 20 minutes ago. I'm having too much fun with it. If you see a human that resembles this guy: http://authornumber2.deviantart.com/art/Project-Zombie-AlanES-Commission-320995262 then that's me. :kitty:

05-29-2015, 10:48 AM
Back again with Splatoon for Wii U this time (the full game!) and I've been having too much fun with the full game at my fingertips. I must repeat someone's miiverse post for this and say: if you have a Wii U and a decent enough internet connection, you should get this game.

06-19-2015, 12:37 PM
Currently replaying Secret of Mana 2. I realize now that Sword of Mana for GBA ripped a lot of its looks from it. The only thing I don't like about the battle system is that you cannot run manually, but using the auto battle function allows you to run. o_O

06-19-2015, 01:48 PM
It's amazing how Nintendo didn't push the limits of the GBA like they did with GBC and SNES.

They could've used the base graphics and improved a little bit for the 32-bit graphics processor

06-19-2015, 03:00 PM
Mortal Kombat, 30 hours away from Plat'ing, all grinding.


03-09-2016, 01:30 PM
Just finished up the story for Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest. Now starting the Birthright campaign. The normal mode difficulty actually posed a threat in this recent gen FE game. I am kind of torn if I like the new weapon strength/weakness.

03-09-2016, 11:05 PM
I'm holding off a bit on touching Fates. I still need to finish Awakening. In the meantime, I'm playing Wind Waker HD before opening my copy of Twilight Princess HD (I've already opened the Wolf Link amiibo though. Its sitting with the rest of my amiibo collection) and Borderlands the Presequel (alongside Dragon Omega and my youngest bro Nick)

04-22-2016, 06:26 PM
Currently Playing:

Legend of Zelda - Scootaloo's 5th Quest (LPing)

05-28-2019, 12:09 AM
Still playing Smash Ultimate. Have yet to finish World of Light despite having spent hundreds of hours on this game.

05-30-2019, 11:43 AM
I'm not playing anything "right now," I'm posting on the AGN forums.

But what I am currently playing regularly is Neverwinter Nights.

05-30-2019, 08:40 PM
Also playing Crash Bandicoot N. Sane trilogy.

05-30-2019, 09:58 PM
FFXIV. Almost to the current of cap (70) so I can hop into the new expansion, Shadowbringers in July. It brings some heavy FF3vibes to the table with a focus on the Crystal Tower. If you haven't watched the trailer at least a billion times like I have already...then what are you doing?

05-30-2019, 11:22 PM
I've also been playing Chrono Trigger because I found a retranslation of it.

05-31-2019, 11:12 PM
A retranslation?? Interesting. Why though?

06-03-2019, 10:56 AM
A retranslation?? Interesting. Why though?Mainly because of Nintendo's tendency tp "clean up" content when making translations of games from Japanese to English. This is a closer translation to the original script. Sake is often referenced and used, and the insult "bastard" is frequently said. Also, many non-playable characters have different names, as do almost all non-boss enemies and many items, including equipment and accessories.

06-03-2019, 02:14 PM
If Secret of Mana 2 had been translated officially these lines would have been different.

http://www.kenoshaonline.com/2sd3prn.jpg http://www.kenoshaonline.com/3sd3sht.jpg

06-03-2019, 04:37 PM
Is there a retranslation of Seiken Densetsu 3? If so, tell me where I can get it!

06-04-2019, 01:40 PM
FFXIV. Almost to the current of cap (70) so I can hop into the new expansion, Shadowbringers in July. It brings some heavy FF3vibes to the table with a focus on the Crystal Tower. If you haven't watched the trailer at least a billion times like I have already...then what are you doing?

I have characters on Aether and Primal. Where you at?

Also been playing FF8. Disc 4 and finishing up a few things before the final dungeon.

06-04-2019, 08:13 PM
Is there a retranslation of Seiken Densetsu 3? If so, tell me where I can get it!

I only know of it being translated once by fans over a decade ago. I wouldn't know where to find it.

Chris Miller
06-04-2019, 10:26 PM
Is there a retranslation of Seiken Densetsu 3? If so, tell me where I can get it!


06-05-2019, 11:32 AM
Thanks, but this seems to be the translation that already exists. I thought maybe there was a new one.

06-10-2019, 04:06 PM
Dauntless and Overwatch mostly at the moment. Started streaming back in November though so I've been playing a large variety since then.

06-11-2019, 02:26 AM
I have characters on Aether and Primal. Where you at?

Also been playing FF8. Disc 4 and finishing up a few things before the final dungeon.

Zalera. Hit the Lv70 cap toady as well as finishing my first run of the 3 Crystal Tower raids. My main is Mangetsu Zataka.

Also for e3 they announced a FF8 remaster similar to the enhanced versions of 7 and 9 got today. Which reminds me, I need to get everything together for my usual e3 round up thread ready for the weekend.

06-11-2019, 11:45 AM
I wish they'd do a remaster of FF6, that was always my favorite FF game even back when I thought it was part 3.

06-11-2019, 12:46 PM
After Octopath Traveller, fans are wanting a FF6 remake in that same style which sounds very interesting.

06-11-2019, 02:28 PM
Thanks, but this seems to be the translation that already exists. I thought maybe there was a new one.
Well, in case you're not keeping up with E3, as of today there's an official translation as Trials of Mana on Switch. Haven't gotten into it yet, but I can tell you they increased the allowed name length enough to let everyone keep their original names (Hawkeye and Charlotte instead of Hawk and Carlie).

06-11-2019, 06:32 PM
Well, in case you're not keeping up with E3, as of today there's an official translation as Trials of Mana on Switch. Haven't gotten into it yet, but I can tell you they increased the allowed name length enough to let everyone keep their original names (Hawkeye and Charlotte instead of Hawk and Carlie).Be that as it may, I don't own the Switch and I can't afford one. What I was talking about was a ROM hack of the SNES/Super Famicom game that might be a better translation than the one that already exists (such as the Chrono Trigger RT I mentioned earlier).

06-12-2019, 10:01 AM
I think I know of that hack, is it this one http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/80/ ? It changes some cosmetics for stuff [colors, character designs, etc]

Either way, they also announced a remake of SD3 in the same vein as SoM got last year for both PS4 and Switch that will be released early next year.

06-12-2019, 10:24 AM
I think I know of that hack, is it this one http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/80/ ? It changes some cosmetics for stuff [colors, character designs, etc]

Either way, they also announced a remake of SD3 in the same vein as SoM got last year for both PS4 and Switch that will be released early next year.I was looking for a RT hack of SD3 and evidence I have come across has lead me to the conclusion that such a hack does not currently exist. Plus I didn't like the new color palettes in the above hack.

I knew about the SoM remake, but since SD3 never saw an official US release I didn't think they would do that one.

06-15-2019, 02:26 PM
I was looking for a RT hack of SD3 and evidence I have come across has lead me to the conclusion that such a hack does not currently exist. Plus I didn't like the new color palettes in the above hack.

I knew about the SoM remake, but since SD3 never saw an official US release I didn't think they would do that one.

It exists now, somebody was able to extract the rom from the switch version and it is playable in emulators.

Chris Miller
06-15-2019, 05:04 PM
Can confirm it works. The text is massively improved too. Obviously, there won't be any link-posting, but it took me literally about ten seconds to find.

06-15-2019, 06:50 PM
Hi, Zim here.
On Microsoft X-Box-X:
Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite, Sigma kicked my ass first try as usual but after I learn some patterns I'd probably win eventually but gave up for the night.
Forza Horizon 4, Resident Evil: Biohazard (7), and I'm currently waiting on Final Fantasy XV to install to see what it's like as a final store-bought version.

I still haven't given up completely on Zelda Classic either, but have put my work on hiatus lately because of unforseen circumstances again, and to be honest, I just needed a break anyway.
As my prior message about side-view scrolling screen platforming goes the build is complete and can function as 60 fps pretty good on both of my laptops, Windows 7 and Windows 10.
As far as fully completing a submitted demo of it, I still in a way want to complete some additional functions as the character is stuck in the middle of the screen where the background always shifts around him on a gigantic 18-map grid with 9 layers of data on each screen that loops around to the top to bottom and east to west and vice-versa fasion instead of one map or chunks of screen, but I think the fans would like to see the player able to go to the edges of screen and panning screen transitions more like the classic Megaman games which I know in my mind exactly how to code it but just haven't been motivated to finish it up lately, including the NPC AI and movement of classics like Sniper-Joe, which Joe comes fully equipped with shield and gun, and those little colored hoppy dudes in some of the levels that look like a spring-loaded robot of some kind. Maybe within the next year or so. I'm between houses and jobs right now so finding the time to volunteer for Zelda Classic lately has been scarce, not to mention I just need to go out there and live my real life RPG of being myself for awhile to ease some tension being a volunteer employee has caused over the years. I'm calling it a long-overdue vacation time for the time being, however, I've still been beta testing my builds sometimes, especially after updates from Microsoft to make sure they didn't break my game or slow it down and so-far so-good, they remained stable.

I am very interested in purchasing a Nintendo Switch eventually also, to play games like the new Trials of Mana, Blaster Master, Binding of Issac, and probably even LoZ: Breath of the Wild again because I didn't 100% the game when I owned it and missed out on the Hylian motorbike for completing all 100 shrines. Instead I ended up selling off my whole system to a guy with a family for 100 USD even though it was worth much much more than that to me because I was stressing out about bills and needed to ditch my cargo anyway or something at the time to relieve some stress. So now I'm playing tight-budget game with my life and getting by fairly good anyway. I have prospects hammered out that seem to be good options for me starting next month and things are going well in my life aside from that so it is nothing to stress out about anymore in the now and near future currently, so over the next few years I'll probably get back into the ZC modding game again and finish up the platformer code for fun and probably publish it in time, or especially if AGN hosts another build-launch finalist pre-packaged code/graphics winner for a bundle opportunity to get my name on some credits, however, although I have already had prior experience with CAPCOM authoring content, like Resident Evil and Megaman X particularly, we'd maybe have to do a little additional kiss-assery to get a final Okay from the lead devs in those departments to get a Megaman Classic build under AGN's belt particularly for copyright reasons, as I don't own the entirety of the franchise as my name isn't the only person involved.

Other than that, I haven't written to AGN or it's clients for awhile so I figured a nice little long explanation might be in order because I haven't stayed in touch as well as I would've maybe have liked to and am being treated for Schizophrenia still currently (withdraw from relationships and abnormal behavior) but things are going well and I'm getting better by the day.

Thanks for your time and hope you have a wonderful day.

Sincerely and Yours Truly,
Your neighbor,
Zim Hall

P.S. Oh, and I've also recently been playing a game about Invader Zim on Facebook with people that seemingly have never heard of me that think Invader Zim originated in the year 2000 and "Jhonen Vasquez" did all the work and pitched it to Nickolodeon who, alledgedly, approved it overnight, whereas really I published and authored a one-page Invader Zim cover page and handed it to my teacher when I was in 6th grade (1996-1997, approximately) and they don't believe me because of a pseudonym on the bottom of the page that stated in writing "By Jhonen Vasquez," which I remember specifically because of the fact that I inadvertently used part of my friend Joan Scheuffel's name and hoped she wouldn't be mad at me for infringing, but these kids on facebook seemed convinced that I'm lying completely and they're calling me a fake for writing a "fan comic" because their math is waaaay off or something.
I referred them to the Eisbrecher: Svichen Uns video searchable on YouTube about where things came from which some majorly powerful looking people agreed to produce after I was video dating some German woman on the "Utherverse" for awhile and learned some Deutch over the year and wrote a song called Svichen Uns meaning Came From.
The last one on the page said that they don't even know I exist because it seems like I'm faking fame and I replied that without a search warrant, which it is not illegal to be an author or a human, that I have no reason to provide them with proof anyway, but that my full legal name given at birth in Carona, California, is in fact Zim Indro Hall in 1983 and I am now 35 years old but apparently they don't believe that but some of them did.
Anyway, in summary, Comcast in my local neighborhood, a cable-tv provider/network just got sued for 9 million some dollars over breaches of privacy policies in a -possibly- related and non-related turn of events.
Not to worry though, MEGAMAN was also initially my idea and stated first by me verbally to my brother Bow Star Hall (circa 1989 approximately in Centralia, WA 98531) also so we should be able to get federal approval as a publishable copyrighted work especially if and since I have been and I'm doing most of the work myself so far without much aid besides Microsoft Corporation use, which my licensing in that regard has been approved to modify content last time I read the end-user agreement between me and them since I've been a Microsoft Volunteer Employee since approximately the year 2000 doing Research and Development experiments and giving the necessary feedback to get customized products available to myself at the least for the proper amount of fair pay for services from them as well. I never got paid by them, but the custom builds and products are definitely worth the time and effort for me often times so it was a win-win to sign the contracts.
Then at some point I also actually bought the software rights to AntBytes Studio which has a digital Bible, Audacity Recording Studio, Quatra (a Tetris-like game) and a few other packs of sound loops and sounds so I own enough digital media and software rights personally to probably convince any court about why any infringement charges would immediately fail against me. Not to mention I've been the Board of Directors, Registered Agent, Secretary, and Treasurer of a non-profit corporation as a separate entity for the last 10+ years as a different endeavor I took up that didn't lead an additional potential gainful endeavor for a career move, but it didn't amount to much except for having the experience of knowing how to pass all those big-wig exams and which loops to jump through to make up to the whatever is supposed to be up there above the glass ceiling, which wasn't really all that hard to pull off either for me.
Unfortunately my mother, whom was also on the Board of Directors, passed away in 2015 in September on the 7th, caused a discrepancy and argument of the remaining 2 members, myself and a dear friend of ours, that the corporation is dissolute now with or without an actual vote of the remaining members because at least 3 members are necessary to own a corporation and keep it going. I would've liked to nominate a new member or a few more members and disagreed with her standpoint but she was Vice-President and my mom was President I think and without them handling the financial choices I'm not sure what happened so I guess in that regard the VP does have final say as to our agreement to keep it going or not with or without a vote from the Board.

However, and this is a BIG however, a company in Washington State has no reason to have a licence whatsoever if the total profits are less than 600 USD $ a year anyway according to the law as described to me on the streets in my local area, a license is not even necessary, so there won't be any discrepancy about me being able to have my own non-corporate privately owned business continue to do work on a voluntary basis, no reason to quit volunteering for Microsoft, and whatever CAPCOM thinks about support for a Megaman Classic build, well, it is already too late and my own private property anyway which I'm just going through some personal stuff before completing it in the first place anyway and it is functional through Zelda Classic which is just another one of these Dev's approval and a few minutes of their time to change the window to say Megaman Classic instead when I'm done unless I study Silverlight or something some more in the future long enough to open the EXE and do it myself so I'll eventually submit it to Gleeok and Saffith, or whoever ends up to be lead dev at the time or at the least if they're still around long enough to collaborate on a final for the masses if we feel like doing so at the time when it is done.
I wouldn't be sharing this information at all if I weren't swaying towards a "do make it published" in the long-run of things personally though because I wouldn't want to just tease ya either.
Of course, if someone else *Would be pointing at Saffith here* gets it done first we could at least compare notes in the end again to see if that would benefit at all for someone as long as it don't hurt.

Okay, now I'm done playing author for the day. Hope you have a good one ya'll.

06-15-2019, 08:54 PM
Can confirm it works. The text is massively improved too. Obviously, there won't be any link-posting, but it took me literally about ten seconds to find.This will work on a SNES emulator? Because AFIK no one has made an emulator for the Switch yet.

Chris Miller
06-15-2019, 09:22 PM
This will work on a SNES emulator? Because AFIK no one has made an emulator for the Switch yet.

Yup, works perfectly. According to the post I found, it also works on a real SNES.

06-16-2019, 12:35 PM
I found a Seikien Densetsu III translation over a decade ago and played a playthrough of it on an emulator but I think the site I got it from shut down awhile back.

06-16-2019, 04:05 PM
This will work on a SNES emulator? Because AFIK no one has made an emulator for the Switch yet.

Yup it's a snes rom. Also there are emulators for Switch that seem to work quite well, I haven't used any but I've seen YouTube videos showing them and the progress being made.

06-16-2019, 06:11 PM
This looks great and the link I found also includes the first two games as well. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the Game Genie and PAR codes won't work on this ROM. I use them during the boss battles.

EDIT: Tried the codes and they do seem to work.

EDIT2: I'm going to start a new thread about this game so that this thead doesn't get derailed. This isn't the Veldt, after all.

10-27-2019, 04:02 PM
I've been playing "Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II" for GBA. I beat the end boss a couple of days ago and I'm doing some of the extra stuff now. I got this game years ago when I bought a bunch of GBA games cheap and it was before I had watched the show, and then somewhat recently I came across those games again, and didn't even remember that this was in there, and I'm glad I found it, it's alot of fun to play.

10-30-2019, 04:08 PM
I'll be toying around inside Thief Simulator for a while. I'm also trying out Fictorum.

Fictorum is interesting. You're a mage wielding very powerful spells, but flicking them around willy-nilly like breadcrumbs. You can enhance them by holding right-click and selecting up to three "modifications" that alter the mechanics of that spell, though your mana decreases the whole while you're selecting them, so make it quick.

I also just finished Iconoclasts. That was a fun romp down a trippy setting. Pretty decent for a puzzler-platformer Metroidvania.

10-31-2019, 03:50 PM
I've been playing "Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II" for GBA. I beat the end boss a couple of days ago and I'm doing some of the extra stuff now. I got this game years ago when I bought a bunch of GBA games cheap and it was before I had watched the show, and then somewhat recently I came across those games again, and didn't even remember that this was in there, and I'm glad I found it, it's alot of fun to play.

I started playing "Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury" yesterday. I got it in the same group of games I got "Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II" in.

11-03-2019, 09:08 AM
I've been playing Warframe with my younger brothers and Stellaris Console Edition on the side. I was playing Dragon Quest Builders 2 before that but decided to take a break from it for a bit. Planning on getting Dragon Quest Xi for Switch sometime in the next few months. I've also got Smash Bros Ultimate if anyone wants to throw down.

12-01-2019, 11:53 PM
...I really need to stop impulse buying stuff on Steam. I've bought so many games that on were sale that I'm going to have a backlog for at least several months...

Apart from those, I've been playing gacha games lately. Granblue Fantasy and Fate Grand Order, in particular. I tried out both SAO: Alicization and Crossing Void, but neither of them would work properly, so I dropped them.

12-03-2019, 09:05 AM
I picked up FGO earlier this year myself. Its nice though there are some limited time events that require certain points in the story cleared to even participate which bums me out since I've only cleared up to the 2nd singularity with slow and steady progress. At least I've been able to resist spending on it.

12-06-2019, 03:08 PM
...I really need to stop impulse buying stuff on Steam. I've bought so many games that on were sale that I'm going to have a backlog for at least several months...

Apart from those, I've been playing gacha games lately. Granblue Fantasy and Fate Grand Order, in particular. I tried out both SAO: Alicization and Crossing Void, but neither of them would work properly, so I dropped them.
Steam is designed around impulse buying, and it won't help when the big sale kicks off in a couple weeks.

12-07-2019, 01:03 PM
I’m currently making my way through Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II. One of these days I will finish that game....

War Lord
12-07-2019, 03:18 PM
Dota 2.
Until I die I guess....
Please Help....

https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6pyq9c85l42.png (https://imgchest.com/p/2bp45xrx75l)

12-07-2019, 04:39 PM
I've been playing Wario Land 3 for GBC. I've beaten the last boss and got all the treasures, now I'm trying to get the 8 special coins in the levels.

Chris Miller
12-09-2019, 08:57 AM
Dota 2.
Until I die I guess....
Please Help....

https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6pyq9c85l42.png (https://imgchest.com/p/2bp45xrx75l)

You'll be fine as long as you have enough socks to crap in.

12-15-2019, 08:00 PM
I’m also playing (off snd on) Final Fantasy Tactics (PS version). I haven’t touched it since I restarted BGDA2, though.

That final boss is a right bastard.

12-18-2019, 02:17 PM
Tactics has to be one of, if not the best, FF spinoff. I got a few new Switch games during Black Friday at my local Walmart.

Saint's Row 3, Octopath Traveler, Night no Kuni, and Collection of Mana. Only played SR3 thus far, but I'm planning on starting Octopath Traveler once the new year starts. I've also been getting back into Warframe in a trio squad with my 2 younger brothers (Dragon Omega included)

01-12-2020, 11:34 PM
I've been playing Wario Land 3 for GBC. I've beaten the last boss and got all the treasures, now I'm trying to get the 8 special coins in the levels.

Who is the last boss VEL? To all I have been playing a Zelda Classic quest I have been making named Gina and Link's Excellent Adventure

11-07-2020, 03:36 PM
I'm also playing Final Fantasy now.. don't know why it took me so long to try this game. So far love it

11-13-2020, 03:45 PM
Whatever you do, don't play aa game called Genshin Impact. It will suck you in and absorb your free time. All at the low cost of free-to-play and your soul.

11-14-2020, 01:07 AM
Too late, sorry. Already played during the closed beta for it, and started over again a little bit after it launched.

Not planning on putting any money into it, though. The gacha rates in it are ESPECIALLY bad, even for gacha games in general. And I hate the way battle passes make games feel like jobs...

11-16-2020, 04:04 PM
I feel the same. I enjoy the game well enough with what resources the game gives ya for free thus far (my fav character so far has been Beidou, mostly because I like badass pirate ladies), but once I feel the game isn't going to enjoyable for me I'll probably quit. I've done the same for a bunch of gatchas I used to play (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and The Alchemist Code being prime examples) and have been cautious with that style of game ever since.

11-17-2020, 03:48 PM
Currently playing games from the Xeno universe.

Chronicles 2

11-17-2020, 05:00 PM
Heh, I actually just started playing Xenogears again a couple of days ago. It's very dated, and it was fairly janky even in its day, but I really love it.
Totally missed Xenosaga, though... Been thinking I should give it a try at some point, but it's gotten pretty expensive.

Chris Miller
11-21-2020, 05:38 PM
Super Metroid: Vitality
It's the most kickass Super Metroid rom hack I've played in a very long time.

11-24-2020, 10:59 AM
Been slowly going for 100% Achievement Run in Final Fantasy IV DS for Steam. After that I'll be playing After Years.

Jimmy Choo
07-09-2021, 05:43 PM
I've been playing Warframe with my younger brothers and Stellaris Console Edition on the side. I was playing Dragon Quest Builders 2 before that but decided to take a break from it for a bit. Planning on getting Dragon Quest Xi for Switch sometime in the next few months. I've also got Smash Bros Ultimate if anyone wants to throw down. Switched to Apex Legends and purchased lots at stuff at despize (https://despize.com).

What is your nick in Smash Bros Ultimate? I currently have no one to throw down with :(

07-13-2021, 03:45 PM
What is your nick in Smash Bros Ultimate? I currently have no one to throw down with :(

I think the only way to fight in Smash with someone other than randoms is either from you friends list (need a Friend Code) or to have someone make a Battle Arena with a password. If there is another way, I don't know it. Honestly I haven't played Smash in a while so I don't know a definitive answer for sure. :shrug: