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View Full Version : So I recently started messing around with ZQ again...

03-05-2012, 02:38 PM
And man have things changed. I have a question....
BTW - I'm using 2.5, Mac OX Lion. I have the Origins 3 tileset, I believe.

How do I draw a tree, without clicking each individual tile? There used to be a 'Draw 2x2' option, but there doesn't seem to be now.

That's my only question right now, but I will have more, and shall revisit this post when I do.


03-06-2012, 12:54 AM
That was moved to a sub-menu, Draw Block. You can also do it as a combo alias (Tools -> Drawing Mode -> Combo Alias).

05-23-2012, 04:42 AM
Same here. I have been messing with ZQ for coming up to a month now. I hadn't used it in so long it was like I have never touched the program. Very slowly learning all the things that can be done now, and how they are done. I am also, and more fervently, learning ZScript which I find very interesting. There doesn't seem to be much of an interest here at AGN. I mostly post in PureZC's Scripting forums which aren't exactly full of life either.

All in all I am very excited about ZC again. Almost as much as I was back when ZQ first got released. I'm very glad it is still alive and kicking and that I have time to mess around with it.