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View Full Version : Darth Marsden has an Internet Review thing!

Darth Marsden
02-29-2012, 04:22 PM
So yeah, here's (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-01-the-crow-city-of-angels-the-game-the-review-5927155) how (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-02-the-librarian-quest-for-the-spear-5893285) I (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-03-the-librarian-return-to-king-solomon-s-mines-5902924) spend (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-04-the-librarian-curse-of-the-judas-chalice-5920814) my (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-05-daikatana-5953466) spare (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-06-free-jimmy-5971930) time (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-07-moving-wallpaper-and-echo-beach-5985370).

For those who don't like blindly clicking links (and why wouldn't you, it never leads to anything bad!), allow me to explain.

I've been wanting to do a video review series for quite some time now. So I made it my New Year's Resolution to actually start doing it this year. My only real wish for a Christmas present was a decent video camera and, after some kerfuffle, I finally got going mid-way through January.

I kicked off with a review of the video game adaptation that time forgot, The Crow: City of Angels (Url=http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-01-the-crow-city-of-angels-the-game-the-review-5927155) (this is the remake I made a couple of weeks later once I'd started getting the hang of it. I don't like to show people my first attempt, it's really bad). Following that, I moved on to the Librarian trilogy of TV Movies (Quest for the Spear (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-02-the-librarian-quest-for-the-spear-5893285) Return to king Solomon's Mines (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-03-the-librarian-return-to-king-solomon-s-mines-5902924) and Curse of the Judas Chalice (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-04-the-librarian-curse-of-the-judas-chalice-5920814)), where I experimented with different styles. Angry, Sarcastic, etc.

I was still settling into things when I tackled Daikatana (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-05-daikatana-5953466) (yeah, I reviewed Daikatana. And I actually played it all the way to the end of it too. I am both awesome and ashamed) but following that I finally managed to find my own style, which i've stuck with for my last two reviews, Free Jimmy (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-06-free-jimmy-5971930) and the two-show experiment Moving Wallpaper and Echo Beach (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-07-moving-wallpaper-and-echo-beach-5985370).

I'm currently 'hard at work' (when I can stop goofing around, anyway) at my eighth review, which is another video game. So far I've got plenty of material planned for other reviews, but I'm always open to (serious) suggestions from you guys! I have a blog where I upload my videos located here (http://sithlordrising.blogspot.com) and a YouTube account where I post previews a cut-down versions of the reviews located here (http://www.youtube.com/user/darthmarsden/videos).

Let me know what you guys think (if anyone's still here, anyway :p)!

Darth Marsden
03-07-2012, 03:12 PM
No-one? Wow, this place really IS dying. :(

Anyway, my next review (the one I said I was doing) has been up for a while, and it's Drake of the 99 Dragons (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW-Pk9YZDqk).

Currently at work on review number 9.

Feedback, even if it's just a note saying you watch there, is most appreciated!

03-07-2012, 03:20 PM
Hey! No double posting!

..... :P :P :P

03-07-2012, 11:08 PM
Okay, I legit don't play games often anymore, so I may not have much to contribute.
But I will say this.
You are hella British. And I mean that in a good way, haha.

Darth Marsden
03-14-2012, 05:56 AM
You are hella British. And I mean that in a good way, haha.I wear it loud and I wear it proud.

Letest review is Punisher: War Zone (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-09-punisher-war-zone-6013638), and I'm currently peacing (sp?) together the next one.

03-15-2012, 03:48 PM
I watched the Moving Wallpaper/Echo Beach review. Well most of it. You review was well put together and entertaining. You got me a little interested in 2 shows I will probably never actually watch. The fact that I watched more than a minute of a video that was playing at a framerate of about 5fps means you did a good job.

Darth Marsden
03-18-2012, 01:42 PM
Yee! Praise! Oh, how I loves it so.

I actually upload y videos on both Blip (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun) and YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/darthmarsden?feature=mhee), so if you can't watch a video on one site, try the other. Bear in mind the Blip videos are usually a little longer and actually have credits, as well as post-credit stingers and such.

Here's my latest - SiN: The Movie (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-10-sin-the-movie-6030617). Oh, and the game as well, kind of. It's... complicated. Watch it and see.

(Now with added YouTube version (http://youtu.be/Z84Jhp16sh0), sans nearly-naked nympho at the end!).

Darth Marsden
04-14-2012, 01:37 AM
Oh hey, I haven't posted here in a while again. Heh.

Couple of videos have gone up since last time. These are all on Blip, since they're the slightly longer versions I haven't had to cut down (also YouTube likes to fuck me over with still images. Especially apparent in the Avengers one. Not cool, YouTube. NOT COOL.)

So there was a crappy film called Universal Squadrons (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-11-universal-squadrons-6037768), a crappy cartoon called The Avengers: United They Stand (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-12-the-avengers-united-they-stand-6051245) (Yes, THAT Avengers) and my most recent one, a not-entirely-terrible movie called Kill Speed (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-13-kill-speed-6086023).

Worth pointing out that there is a nice clean list of my reviews over at the Telltale forums, which is where I've moved onto now. First post of the thread. (http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=574907&postcount=1) Come join us, we're a pretty friendly bunch!

Darth Marsden
06-17-2012, 05:37 PM
Ooo, another triple post. I'm so naughty.

More reviews. I've started doing mini-reviews, so there's some of those along with full reviews.

Mini-Arc - A Puzzling Adventure (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-mini-arc-a-puzzling-adventure-6090372) (a look at why adventure games nearly died out)
Mini-Arc - Assembling the Avengers (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-mini-arc-assembling-the-avengers-6131198) (a recap of events leading up the The Avengers movie)

14 - Demons: Episode I (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-14-demons-episode-i-6143291) (not thrilled with this one, will probably redo it)
15 - Hulk (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-15-hulk-6168407)
16 - American McGee Presents American McGee's Bad Day LA... by American McGee (http://blip.tv/chrismadisun/madisun-s-arc-16-american-mcgee-presents-bad-day-la-6208615)

Also, as mentioned in the Let's Play thread, I've been doing a Let's Play of Drake of the 99 Dragons. I won't link each video - instead, here's the playlist for them (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL23B5D975EA790699&feature=plcp).

06-21-2012, 07:44 PM
Wow. After watching some of these, I completely get your humor. You have excellent comedic timing, I think.