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View Full Version : Rise of Ganon(2.10)on 2.50workarround(4Linux Users w/o 2.10)(water to land block bug)

02-19-2012, 11:28 PM
The author insists Rise of Ganon cannot be completed on anything but 2.10. However looking for 2.10 for Linux yields nothing but dead links. So I played this quest on 2.50.

I encountered my first game stopping bug on Level 5 when trying to push a block onto a button. I could not step from the water onto the tile I needed to after the block was moved into the tile next to it (no option to push the block somewhere else and still solve the puzzle).

Use the candle to throw a fireball on the tile in question. Quickly swim around and attempt to enter the tile (stepping on to the fireball). You'll be damaged and flung into the tile. Taadaa!

Notably, 3 other tiles in the room at all times did not allow me to move onto them from water from by going down or up. But the tile in question, key to solving the puzzle, was only blocked to me when the movable brick was to the right of it. I doubt this glitch is limited to this quest and this room so I'm posting this workarround so Linux users without 2.10 can hopefully play 2.10 quests to completion using 2.50.