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View Full Version : ZC help running different questa on windows

08-02-2011, 01:29 PM
Howdy - I am half way thru quest 1 and have a couple of questions that are not answered by the tutorials ( I have them all) What does the number under my playing name signify? I am currently 52? How do I run some of the quests I have downloaded from Armageddon and will they wipe out my current first quest accomplishments? I have not used cheat codes but if I did when and where do you enter them? Sorry for being so dumb but it is a long time since I bought my first Nintendo to replace my Atari Pong game and my mind is always a little fuzzy anyways. Cheers
Murray :shrug:

08-02-2011, 07:34 PM
1. The number under your name represents the number of times you have died and selected save at the Continue/Save menu. If you select reset, it does not add to the count.

2. Register a new name on a separate save file and press the "alt" key twice to browse to your custom quests. As long as you don't save it to the existing slot, it will not erase your data.

Somebody else will have to answer the cheat code question as I have not ever used them nor kept up with Zelda Classic in many years.

08-02-2011, 08:08 PM
This guide (http://www.purezc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37759) should help you with the Quest Selection concern. Remember, it's best to have all of your .qst (Quest) files in the same folder as your ZC Executables.

Cheat codes are actually enabled on a quest-by-quest basis. Some authors choose to enable cheats and make the codes known. They actually operate on a hierarchical basis. There are 4 levels of cheats, each of which the quest author may choose to distribute. The level 1 cheat contains gameplay aids, such as restoring life, magic, rupees, bombs, or arrows. The level 2 cheat contains all of those, and the ability to modify your health, mana, maximum bombs, and so on. The level 3 cheat access level contains all of the above, as well as the ability to edit the player's inventory, and become invulnerable. Possibly more. The level 4 cheat is mostly for bug-testing, such as walking through unwalkable surfaces, toggling layers and sprites' visibility, testing light levels, etc.

08-04-2011, 12:33 AM
Thanks guys - the info has been most helpful. Play on....