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View Full Version : [2.5 RC1] ZC won't open if my web browser is already open.

06-11-2011, 06:33 PM
I've noticed this for a while, and it just occurred to me that it might be a bug, and not just a problem with my old laptop.

Basically, if I have firefox open, and up on the screen, and I try an run ZQuest with the launcher, it will give me a false start, and say "Z-quest has stopped working hurpdyderrp".

It opens just fine if firefox is either minimized, or not open at all. Any insight to this?

06-11-2011, 07:23 PM
In my case, if I have Firefox open and try opening either program, the program opens, but doesn't display anything and I have to kill the process and try again. So, yeah, I'm experiencing something like that too.

I run both programs windowed and I don't use the launcher.

06-11-2011, 11:35 PM
Same thing is happening to me, but only in fullscreen. Not using the launcher here either. I'm running Firefox 4.0.1.

06-13-2011, 11:44 PM
This shows versions must not matter cause I still have Firefox 3.6.17. I launch ZC in Windowed, since full screen is a bit iffy at this point. I'd also like to point out, this issue only happens with the editor, in my case.

Windows 7 32-bit Home Premium user, if it matters.