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View Full Version : I'm an idiot, but this guy is an asshole

03-15-2011, 01:31 PM
On my way to work today, I did one of the dumbest things I've done in a while. But that still doesn't excuse what the other guy did in response.

So I'm driving on the 126, which is 2 lanes each way with a speed limit of 65. There's a semi in the right lane, so I get into the left lane to pass it at about 70. This wasn't fast enough for the guy behind me, who decided to follow me at a distance of about 2 feet. Now about 10 years ago I was in the car when my father was struck behind by a semi, flipping our van. So people following very closely behind me makes me really nervous. So after passing the truck and pulling into the right lane, I did something really stupid: I flipped him off. So the other guy decides to swerve in front of me and slam on the brakes. I hit the brakes to avoid him and move back to the left lane. He also moves back to the left lane still hitting his brakes. This is a very dangerous situation. So I pulled over and called 911. Told them a guy in a wine-colored Impala was trying to hit me. While I'm on the phone I notice that the guy has also pulled over about 100 yards further down the highway. Thankfully he didn't stick around and was gone by the time I was done talking to the dispatcher. So I continued on my way. But for the rest of the drive I was really apprehensive every time I saw a reddish-colored car on the road. I kinda feared he would be on the side of the road, waiting to ram me.

So today's lesson kids is to never, ever, flip off anybody on the road. You never know who is going to lose it. And being assaulted with a deadly weapon is not fun at all.

King Aquamentus
03-15-2011, 01:48 PM
So, flip them off and they'll flip you over?

Sounded witty enough. :/

Wait, you went 70 mph passing someone in California!? seems... slow.

03-15-2011, 03:44 PM
He had to do 70 to pass a semi in California. Not slow.

03-15-2011, 07:25 PM
I currently have to drive 400 miles a week for work, so I try to stick to within 5mph of the speed limit (the speed limit on that section of the 126 is 65). Any faster, and I know it will just be a matter of time before I get a speeding ticket. That highway is fairly well enforced, and has a pretty nice speed trap right in the middle.

I really feel stupid for giving that guy the finger. I had to know that somebody who drove that aggressively wouldn't think twice about throwing his car at me. And after a reminder like that, I'm damn certain I won't be doing it again. The best thing to do in that situation is to get out of the way and make sure that the accident he eventually causes will be with somebody else. It might sound callous, but I think it really is the best one can realistically do.

03-15-2011, 09:47 PM
That happened to me once, but on a rural road in the middle of nowhere. I passed him because he was driving about 40 in a 60. THen he flashed his lights at me, passed me back, and slammed on his brakes. This happened once more before I called a sheriff, but there's not much they could do.

I live in the Twin Cities, the land of passive aggression. People rarely get angry enough to flip you off, although I did have one lady roll down her window and yell at me across two lanes of traffic (rush hour traffic, so we weren't moving). Usually people around here just don't let you merge in by moving halfway over into the merge lane, or will speed up if you try to pass them. All while avoiding eye contact.

King Aquamentus
03-15-2011, 10:59 PM
According to some people, the average speed in California is 80 MPH. :/

03-16-2011, 07:06 PM
Well that depends on where you're driving. Out in the desert I would definitely agree with that. Hell I've done over 90 out there and I'm a fairly cautious driver.

Orion: are you saying that when you try to pass someone, they straddle the lanes so you can't? That's pretty bad. About the only dickish move you see around here with any real reguarlity is people closing the gap when you try to merge. And the solution to that is pretty simple: you don't signal before you merge, but as you merge. By the time they have a chance to react and try to cut you off, you're already there.

This whole incident has caused me to re-evaluate my driving habits. I think from now on I'm going to be a happy driver. I was never terrribly aggressive or angry before, but I did let the jerks of the road annoy me. And really, there's no reason to give them that power. From now on I'll keep an eye on them for safety, but beyond that, what they do is their business. Though I must admit that I keep having fantasies about seeing this guy on the side of the road with a police car parked squarely behind him.

Chris Miller
03-16-2011, 10:07 PM
A bumper-mounted flamethrower is an excellent way to keep the more impetuous drivers in line.

03-16-2011, 10:18 PM
Orion: are you saying that when you try to pass someone, they straddle the lanes so you can't?

That is precisely what they do. Instead of letting you go to the end and merge in one at a time like you're supposed to, they do that, apparently thinking they know what's best for everybody.

King Aquamentus
03-17-2011, 08:26 AM
I can't help, Orion, but notice you're from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I think I heard that that whole state is known for asshole drivers, especially if they're in big trucks. It's kinda funny cause around here, people in big trucks are the smartest, most conscientious driver, while soccer moms in minivans are the worst.