View Full Version : "Leave life or money" - not working?

03-08-2011, 11:38 AM
I'm trying to have a "leave your life or money" in one of my dungeons, but for some reason it's not working: the doors immediately open and the guy doesn't appear, as though the price has already been paid.

What is strange is that I made another "leave your life or money" room in another dungeon, and that time it had worked without any problem.

What could be causing this?

03-09-2011, 04:31 PM
What could be your problem is say for a made up example Dungeon 2 DMap 4 map 4
In DMap 4 for guys to work in Dungeons the Level number must be higher than zero (0).

Check and make sure your Level number for each dungeon is higher than 0.

Good luck! ;) ; )

03-09-2011, 11:25 PM
The information that 'Zelda Classic' posted is true for older versions of ZC. If youre using a newer one like beta 18, be sure to go to the DMaps Flag settings and make sure "Special Rooms and Guys are in Caves Only" is UNCHECKED.