View Full Version : What do you think of this?

12-10-2010, 11:41 PM


12-11-2010, 12:36 AM
It certainly looks interesting. Couldn't give a full opinion without using it, though.

12-11-2010, 12:38 AM
It's clever, though I don't see how you could hold it as a controller without constantly clicking. I imagine the mouse buttons would be disabled, but it'd still get annoying.

12-11-2010, 02:55 PM
My big hands would click it while grasping the mouse. Plus the L and R buttons aren't placed in such a good spot. Good in theory.

12-11-2010, 05:07 PM
A mouse and a game controller combined? Holy crap! That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!

12-12-2010, 03:58 PM
Love the idea, but I would have to feel it to judge ergonomics. This coming from someone who still laments her broken trackball. It might make a good laptop mouse for someone who likes to get in a little gaming on the go and wants to keep peripherals to a minimum.


12-12-2010, 08:02 PM
I don't get the point. It doesn't seem like it would be a particularly good mouse OR controller and you can only use one of its functions at the same time. Since both of these items are small, I would rather have one of each. I think I would rather use a keyboard for portable gaming (ie: on my laptop) than this.

It seems like a novelty item.

12-13-2010, 01:05 AM
If it is the same size as a regular mouse it seems like it'd be too small. And, how do the analog sticks collapse into the mouse when it is used like a mouse? It does look cool though.

12-13-2010, 05:48 PM
I picked up my mouse and turned it upside down to see how it might feel and I have to say it doesn't feel all that bad. I think it might be cool for laptop gaming, but to be honest, I wouldn't pay money for it.

12-15-2010, 10:43 PM
how can i buy it ? it is cooool!

12-18-2010, 05:29 PM
looks nice, but how do you use it without breaking the control sticks off?

Nicholas Steel
12-18-2010, 08:26 PM
I picked up my mouse and turned it upside down to see how it might feel and I have to say it doesn't feel all that bad. I think it might be cool for laptop gaming, but to be honest, I wouldn't pay money for it.
Analog sticks are likely the same as what we'll get on the Nintendo 3DS, another words they won't get in the way of anything.
Ah I see, so the BASE of the mouse houses the buttons. I assume then that the buttons and scratch pad (analog sticks) are recessed.

12-19-2010, 01:18 PM
I think it looks good on paper but would ultimately fall flat due to ergonomics. Nubs as analog generally suck, I don't like gap-based d-pads (though Sony fans are used to it), and I don't see many shoulder buttons. Most cross-platform games assume you've got 4 buttons and 4 shoulder triggers, and some (GTA comes to mine) overload that plethora of buttons to the point it's hard to remember what does what.

It's definitely an innovative idea but I have a feeling if I held it in my hand it'd seem wonky. If it's less than $30 it seems like it might be tempting to many more casual gamers. Any more than that and I'd rather spend $10 on a PS2 -> USB converter or $30 on a PC 360 controller.

12-21-2010, 07:26 AM
Wow!! It’s amazing. Is this now on markets?