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View Full Version : 1318: Link's position on overworld "Large Map" is offset 4 to the right

10-31-2010, 02:57 PM
Remember that bug where, if you had a "Large Map" on the active subscreen, and the DMap was a 16x8 overworld, Link's position on the large map would be shifted over 4 screens?

It's back. :p

I've also noticed that, if you have the map display what screens you've been on, those are also displayed 4 to the right of where they should be, and only for the 8 columns in the center of the map. In fact, if you go into the right half of the 16x8 map, it starts marking rooms on the next row down:


In this example, I've only ever been on the topmost row of screens, but when I go over to x-coordinate 8 and higher, it marks the screens on the next row down. :odd:

10-31-2010, 03:14 PM
I'm not sure if this is really a bug. Besides, I don't think the large map was ever fully implemented...

03-12-2011, 03:52 PM
Should we deal with this issue now or wait until 2.6?

11-21-2011, 10:09 AM
I'm not sure if it is set to use large map, but i can reproduce almost same bug on demoEx quest (one supplied with beta RC 2)
however it seems to happen only on the topmost row (perhaps it counts the 4 SpecialRooms as ones in topmost row? i mean the ones for cave, item cave/item basement, warp basement, warp cave)

it happens after beginning dungeon's "princess is in another castle" room (the secret is to the left of those just passthrough the wall) so the exit room which is two rooms left renders the "i'm there" sign two rooms to the right and 2+2=4

notice that this room is not shown on the map, and all non-top-row rooms were rendering propely (not sure the "princess is in another castle" room and the one is compass driven one not the exit room, which is of course planned by the author but compass position may be affecting this bug)