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View Full Version : More than 8 triforce pieces?

10-22-2010, 05:15 PM
I'm really new with scripting, but I was hoping there may be someone out there who knows how to make a script that increases the maximum amount of triforce pieces. Say, to 11. Is that possible at all?

10-22-2010, 05:38 PM
I'm sorry. I don't think that's even possible yet. Maybe it will be in post 2.5 versions...

10-22-2010, 05:45 PM
well that blows. oh well, at least I know... Anyone got any ideas how to split up the game so I have 3 pieces, then 8? I've seen someone do something like that before... but they did 3 and 6, it was an OoT remake...

Edit: Or come to think of it, is it possible to make a script requiring you to have a specific item in order to pass? (basically like the level 9 entrance room type, but could be used for custom items and such) What I'm actually trying to do is set up a quest based on the OoT system, but adding in the earth and wind temples from WW as well. The way I eventually want it to be is: collect the three spiritual stones, then you have to go collect 8 medalions (Trust me, there's a real story to it, I promise.) So, for example, the script would require you to collect the three spiritual stones before you can get the L2 whistle (custom item I created, basically just made the regular whistle only work for whistle flags and the L2 whistle is the normal one we know and love), then in the room after, there's a whistle flag theat opens the "door of time" allowing you to get the next level sword, which then teleports you to a "dark world" where you can get the medallions. Of course ZQuest has limitations, but I'm sure SOMETHING like that could be done with creative scripting and event flags.

10-23-2010, 02:36 PM
I think you can create a "Triforce" item in the item editor. I'm not really sure how exactly it works, but I don't see why the maximum would be limited to eight if the devs give the option to create a "Triforce" item.

However if you want to mimic OoT's system where you get three stones, then the master sword, you could also just make random items take the place of the spiritual stones, if the Lv2 Whistle is what opens the door anyway.

10-23-2010, 03:02 PM
Yeah, what I'm actually trying to figure out how to do (I never actually tried it, but I've seen it in other quests) is set it to where specific events trigger other events. Like in Pineconn's Link to the Heavens, where every time you get a triforce piece, people say different things. I don't see why that concept couldn't just be applied to a door. set it to where as soon as you beat level three and receive the Zora's Sapphire the front door to the temple of time opens, TECHNICALLY, you wouldn't need the middle stone, but I don't really see how you'd get to level 3 without getting the bomb bag and such. Anyways, I digress, and I'm starting to get off topic, this is the scripting forum, and if it's not possible through scripting, I'll have to find another workaround.

10-28-2010, 12:12 AM
What I'm saying is, it might be possible to make the item without scripting via the item editor. I hope that post 2.5 an event editor is created. As I see it, it should allow you to create an "event flag" which is placed, and works like a regular secret combo. It can be triggered when a another "trigger flag" is hit either by direct contact with Link, attaching it to an item which is collected, or having it triggered by leaving/ entering a screen.

01-11-2011, 05:18 PM
yeah.... unfortunately, my pc died, and so did my entire game... oh well, i'll have to redo it when i get a new pc