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View Full Version : Requesting any information on...

08-26-2010, 03:46 AM
Hey everyone. I need a bit of help right now finding an old game. The game I'm looking for is this old DOS based, space-exploration game. The details are a bit fuzzy, but it was a fan-made game I believe (although, not sure) and the unique part of the game was that you could visit hundreds, if not thousands of different planets and walk around on them in first person all DOS'd out. The game was also about 2-3 megs or something... quite amazing :googly: .

... my constant google searches are not turning up much that seems recognizable. I thought I'd ask here because, well, it was here in a thread that I first discovered the game many years ago. Further details of the game... well, I remember you started on a ship that was kind of like a large box and typed in cordinates to random planets. It was either black and white or had very little color to the game.

I'd ever so appreciate any information or help... my nostolgic thoughts thank you in advance.

08-26-2010, 06:18 PM
No clue on which game based on your description but you may want to check out the 'Underdogs (http://www.homeoftheunderdogs.net/) site. They have images of most of the games which may help you find it.

Good luck, and let us know if you find it.


08-28-2010, 04:44 AM
Well, yeah, it eventually turned up. The game I was looking for was called "Noctis IV". It's pretty interesting... worth checking out. The game can be found at http://anynowhere.com for the latest releases and all that good stuff.