View Full Version : Guardian of Light

08-25-2010, 06:29 PM
Has anybody downloaded this? It seems to be getting positively glowing reviews, but on my crappy DSL connection it's going to take close to 10 hours to pull down. So I want to know if it's worth the while before I tie up my internet for so long.

King Link
08-27-2010, 09:53 PM
I can't say that I have played it, and to be perfectly honest, it's not really on my list of games I "need to play."
Never really been a fan of Lara Croft's stuff. However, I have read reviews for it as well. Apparently they're finally starting to figure out how to bring
this character out of her slump and putting the series back on track. If I have time, or an opportunity where I find myself
completely out of gaming options, I'll give it a shot. I will say that it does look like it would be pretty fun.