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View Full Version : Wait... this site still exists?!?

08-25-2010, 05:55 PM
In the wake of the most recent hacking I was under the impression that this site was gone and not coming back. Imagine my surprise today when I looked in my email inbox and found a reported post pointing back at the forums! So I click through and find out that while the www.armageddongames.net site, which all my bookmarks pointed at, is gone, the armageddongames.net site is still around.

So it's good to see this place still exists.

08-25-2010, 07:21 PM
Hmm, http://www.armageddongames.net still directs to the forums index for me, while all other pages are just armageddongames.net . Anyway, welcome back Cloral! I wonder how many other members don't visit for similar reasons...

08-25-2010, 07:54 PM
It's amazing what a small internet this is. I just read your comment on failblog, then saw this post. [creepy music]

08-25-2010, 11:33 PM
Heh, I bet that it was my report that initiated the e-mail. There was a spam bot thread created in the SE forum.

08-26-2010, 02:30 AM
It's amazing what a small internet this is. I just read your comment on failblog, then saw this post. [creepy music]

it's sort of like how i saw "forrest kyle" in some random fucking facebook fan page, and I was like "... for real?"

08-26-2010, 02:57 AM
Hmm, I'm facebook friends with at least 5 or 6 of you. I don't think any of your updates show in my newsfeed, though, lol

And, off topic, but I like how Masamune's location of "RUUUFIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" breaks the postbit and extends into the area of his post. It's all white space so it doesn't matter, but it just looks lulzy.

08-26-2010, 10:28 AM
You can't contain Rufio.

08-29-2010, 11:08 AM
You know, I just checked into zeldaclassic.com today out of random interest and debating whether to download for the first time in - eh - and decided to check into the forums...I wondered why they were so...EMPTY...

I'm not really active on ANY of these sites ATM, whether it's here, GU, or PureZC (the latter I've rarely seen even when I was active and a moderator here). I just happen to be in the neighbourhood and was about to say hi, and here I see a discussion about the site being hacked! This is quite unfortunate, to say the least, but I am noticing overall activity is completely drained ATM; is work being done to bring the site back up? Even a simple HTML site is better than nothing for the time being.

NEway, back to the reason I am here: what's new with ZC in the last, oh, five years or so? LMAO

I also got a chuckle when I found in the ZC forum a stickied and locked guide thread to which I was the last to reply. The year: 2002. Not my last post by far (that was more like 2005 minus ghost posting afterwards), but a long time ago. The irony? I might now need some of those guide posts, including my own. LMAO


08-29-2010, 07:37 PM
Zelda Classic's home page still exists:

As for the forum, no, very little is being done, by anyone, to 'restore' it. We lost about six months worth of posts when the site was hacked in December of last year.

As for ZC, not using it for five years would leave you very far out of the loop. The last official release was 2.10 (Well, 2.10.1, and 2.10.2 have been released as with bug fixes for 2.10), and since then, several hundred betas have been released, each one becoming closer to "2.5". From my understanding, features are done (big ones include scripting, item/ enemy/ sub screen editors, and 8-bit color) however, the program is undergoing bug testing, and has been for quiet some time.

2.5 betas can be seen here:

Sadly, ZC's future is bleak, and the same goes for this forum. The program has been around for a decade, which, on the internet, is about two generations of people (if that makes any sense). A lot of the older members have left, and with the broken betas, few quests have been released in the last five years (Though some good one's have been made with the betas including Swansong Genesis by Freedom, and Lost Isle by DarkFlameWolf).

This website, created by Nick, and Linkthemaster from PureZC is currently the only "official" 2.5 database.

08-30-2010, 12:07 AM
I promised to make a new quest if and when ZC 2.5 is officially "released." I did not know that this meant that I'm done quest making.

Come to think of it, it's almost time for that obligatory "let's push for a 2.5 release!" thread, eh?

08-30-2010, 10:13 AM
With these forums so dead, I'm surprised that we don't try to generate more excitement over the program. I remember back in the glory days when people were excited to be here, there were lots of people here and everyone would be eager to talk about their stories, their experiences with ZC, etc. Now, there is barely a post anywhere where I used to find many new posts in an hour. I think GU has had the same problem, people going away, activity dying down. I know I had to leave there after some time there, too, though I never did "officially" leave.

Even PZC seems quiet, though more forums show recent activity than here, and it seems the busiest of the three now. Makes ya yearn for the good 'ol days, eh?


08-30-2010, 04:18 PM
Work has been done on the forums by, DarkDragon who deserves most of the credit, and by those of us attempting to foster conversation. The general age of the forums has gone up a bit, something I never expected to experience. Consequently, the bulk of the "regulars" have less time and inclination to chit-chat on forums. Add in that the point-and-click internet has been around for a while now. The novelty has worn off. Mobile devices have integrated themselves into that internet in ways that compete with the average forum. That makes a forum like this a very small drop in the ocean.

How do you propose we generate more traffic? DN is around so tracking him down for ZC info' should not be difficult. Do we focus on ZC or take another stab at something broader? Whatever happened to the main page with the game articles--I could never get a straight answer on why it stagnated when the forums were still active.


08-30-2010, 05:10 PM
Traffic will be generated by the wide release of ZC 2.5. However, how imminent is it? It's floating around sort-of-complete and sort-of-unstable. Maybe a good way to describe it is a powerful, messy program. I suppose I should donate my time and energy to testing it... in fact, I will in a week. I go to New York City tomorrow.

Oh, and a new logo. I approve.


EDIT: The heck? New forum? http://armageddongames.net/forumdisplay.php?91-Ohio-Coin-Op

08-30-2010, 06:50 PM
I always make my way back here every 15 months or so, if only just to check the activity level. It's always nice to see some familiar faces. AGN's always had a special place in my heart, and recently I got a little introspective and decided to write a lengthy, boring blog post (http://dredpanda.tumblr.com/post/1038129228/nostalgia-2-0) about you guys since I have so much fucking free time (college doesn't start for another 3 weeks oh god get me out of here). I'm assuming most of the people here are still ~10 years older than me, but maybe I'll stick around for a little while longer. I think like 4 Zelda games have come out since the last time I actually used ZC. :S

09-01-2010, 05:09 PM
Well, hearing that 2.5 is nearing its completion (please, PLEASE let it be the most stable version, mark a point to stop adding stuff and just beta-test what's there for a month or two), I'll make a point of sticking around; I'll be busy looking for quests to play in any case! (And to make maps...and who knows, maybe walkthroughs...old habits of mine.)

Currently working on End Of Time DX. About to start Level 4, but got a bunch of photos to sort out first.


War Lord
09-01-2010, 05:18 PM
Nice to see you Cyclone.
I always wonder about old members, and how they're doing.

Tails' post was great, I really enjoyed reading it.

09-02-2010, 12:59 AM
Nice to see you Cyclone.
I always wonder about old members, and how they're doing.

Is that Warlord? How rarely I saw you post even when I WAS active here...long time no see!


Nicholas Steel
09-02-2010, 01:55 AM
In the wake of the most recent hacking I was under the impression that this site was gone and not coming back. Imagine my surprise today when I looked in my email inbox and found a reported post pointing back at the forums! So I click through and find out that while the www.armageddongames.net site, which all my bookmarks pointed at, is gone, the armageddongames.net site is still around.

So it's good to see this place still exists.
They both work, at least here. You should only login with http://armageddongames.net though as www.armageddongames.net doesn't remember your login properly.

09-02-2010, 03:21 PM
Well, hearing that 2.5 is nearing its completion (please, PLEASE let it be the most stable version, mark a point to stop adding stuff and just beta-test what's there for a month or two), I'll make a point of sticking around; I'll be busy looking for quests to play in any case!

I think that is what they are doing. Testing has been going on since the betas went public, but i think they are done adding features.

Making maps will be much easier in 2.5, since when you view map in the editor, you can save it as a bmp.

EDIT: me2, I actually read your blog post, and it was very interesting. I'm two years older than you, and I started using the internet around 10. I started using ZC around 11, but never registered here till I was 15. When I first started using the internet, I mostly visited JoeCartoon, Zthing, and Shockwave, and watched flash videos. I was obsessed with Sonic so some of my first websites I frequented were sonic related (Sonic Cult). My friend at school and I would actually e-mail each other back and fourth for fun, and for the novelty of it.

You have a very interesting point about the degrading of the internet over time. The easier things become for the general public, the less thought they will put into it. As I was reading you post, I saw you mention it being easy for kids to destroy their lives, and you mentioned Jessi Slaughter. I went on a tirade about her, and her parents in GB about a week ago.

09-02-2010, 06:22 PM
They both work, at least here. You should only login with http://armageddongames.net though as www.armageddongames.net doesn't remember your login properly.
I noticed that problem too.


09-03-2010, 12:32 PM
Cyclone! How the hell are you? Glad to see you back.

09-17-2010, 04:10 AM
At what time you had this experience?

09-17-2010, 11:21 PM
At what time you had this experience?


09-18-2010, 12:35 AM
It was a bot.

09-24-2010, 11:16 PM
I guess I should check in and say hi. It's hard to believe that It's been close to 10 years since I started posting. Not as active on the internet in general as I was before. It's also been so long since I touched ZC that I'd have better luck just hacking Zelda games to make happen what I want rather than use ZC. Besides, since Oracle of Ages has a level editor now, my dream of making new dungeons has come true.

System Error
09-25-2010, 05:11 PM
Man, what happened here. Even a year ago, the site still wouldn't be so dead as to have only one person online at a time. Everybody had to go somewhere.