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07-13-2010, 04:46 PM
Hello! I apologize to any new persons baffled or bored by my noisy protrusion into this most ancient of realms, but it dawned on me a couple weeks ago that this day would be 10 years after I first registered on these forums! Wow, I feel old! What better time to poke my head back in and look around, eh?

Hmm. I wonder how many people I knew are still around? I see a few just checking over the threads! I suppose some of you can also share in my "oh my god it's been 10 years" sentiment, since I know a couple of you registered even before me.

Well, in light of the occasion, I shall do what I do best: prattle on about myself! Yaaaaaay! *tomatoes splatter on the stage nearby*

You see, for those who don't know me, I was homeschooled by my parents. When I say homeschooled, I mean kept at home almost all of the time I grew up (unless we went to the store or something, or they dragged me to church, the latter of which became a less and less willing affair), and didn't register me with the state or anything. Legal status questionable, there, but they did it in Texas, land of the homeschool, so probably not off by much.

Because of this, I had very little social experience growing up. I rarely talked to anyone who wasn't in my family unless it was to ask something like "do you have a copy of Dragon Warrior II somewhere?" at gamestop, or some politeisms like "thank you" at pretty much any old store, or some awkward "uhhhh okay, yeah sure" type stuff when people would approach me at church.

So, then, AGN was effectively my high school social life! And it actually sort of functioned as one for real, I think. I shall therefore proceed to babble out a retrospective that explains this sentiment.

The year 2000:
Way back in the far-flung future year of TWO THOUSAND!!11, there was a young male child, youngest sibling in a semi-large christian family. This child was very lonely, and spent free time either playing video games or poking around websites about those specific video games.

This pokery led to the discovery of a certain zhq.com which would later cease to be; and on that site, there was a news update talking about a neat Zelda program the site's author had discovered and linked to: Zelda Classic.

Initially, I was baffled by Zelda Classic; why remake Zelda 1 for the computer when there's perfectly good emulators that could already do that? But then the real draw occurred to me: it was going to have an editor. Not some confusing, half-functional ROM hacking editor, no, this would be a game designed to use an editor, that you could go nuts with. Make your own Zelda games, conveniently! Share them on a website!

So I poked my head all around Zelda Classic's old website, and there I saw a link to some mysterious thing called the "forums." I had heard of these "forums" before; they seemed akin to a chat room, except (the ones I saw) instead of the single page showing only the recent text, it retained old posts like some kind of bulletin board or something. This "AGN forum" business looked more complicated, more classy- there were like, sections and stuff.

"Game Ideas" was a pretty cool sounding section. People would go and post game ideas and share them! Wow! So I decided to check that out. So fascinated was I that I decided to register and post.

Now, my parents had told me never to go in chat rooms. They hadn't specified forums, but I decided to keep these activities to myself anyway.

Then I almost instantly realized what I'd done; I'd found a place where I could like, talk to other people and maybe even make friends who had like, similar interests and stuff! So I started posting just about every day.

So, I continued to post all the time. Eventually, there came to be an AGN chat room. I was hesitant about it, because I was still like, doing what my parents told me to and stuff back then- I was 11, and I'd been pretty solidly conditioned to do that. But then, as I wrestled with the decision, I realized there was no logical harm in doing that which wouldn't be present in the forums as well; and those are safe, right?

As a regular at AGN, I did many foolish things. I was for some reason made a moderator of the Sega forum- hahahahaha. Yeah, I edited MetaStaiford's posts about Sega's declining success to preach the virtues of Sega's future in comical fashion, and promptly lost the moderatorhood. Rightly so, but it's a funny memory to me. Taught me some sort of lesson I suspect.

Then there came the member Goatboy, who said various crude sexual insults to me via private message, called me a 'bone-choker' and some other such things. I promptly went crying to Warlord, who didn't care in the slightest and did nothing. I had never been dealt such heinous insult in all eleven years of my life!

The year 2001:

So frustrated did I become, as time went on, that after several months I stormed off, announcing my ultimate departure from AGN because I was sick of getting insulted and mocked. I said my goodbyes and took off for a few months...

While I was away, I played around with GRAAL, but decided I didn't like it, and it was harder to hide from my parents anyway. I also became totally obsessed with Back to the Future, more so than previously.

...then a thing called puberty happened...

My feelings about puberty were not the ones most young males have, from what I can tell. I was extremely, horrifically unhappy; not so much out of fear of god hating me, since I was persuaded by the "he loves everyone" stuff at the time- which would soon become a horrible issue, of course- but because, the more I thought about it, the more I realized I did not want to be a man. Not in the slightest.

And that I really, really did want to be a girl. I'd pretended now and then, I'd had fun playing house the rare time or two I got to play with a girl from church, or my youngest cousin (who was about my age). That almost never happened, but it stuck in my memory.

Thinking of it on every level- the way my body was, the way I looked, this whole new sexual thing I was learning about... I didn't want to be a man. I didn't even want to be a scrawny nerdy man. I wanted to be female. I felt-well, feel, really- like I am a girl, in my heart.

This led to me looking up a little site called transsexual.org, where I learned more about the subject. I learned how hard surgery was, that hormones took years, that the social side of it was terrible, that far worse things than simply being insulted or mocked would happen- that I could be beaten and killed for it.

And I was sure about it anyway.

It dawned on me that I kind of missed AGN. Glenn even e-mailed me and told me he and a couple other people kinda liked me and missed having me around. So I figured, what the hell.

But wait a minute- this is the internet, I thought. No one could see what I really looked like. I could totally just say I was a girl, and some people might believe me...

So I decided to try that. I came back and announced my girlhood, coming up with some fib about how I'd said I was male because I thought it'd make people treat me better- my social ineptitude and the questionableness of my parents' values showing through immediately, of course.

But, well, it didn't work. I didn't know what I was talking about, I barely understood how the period worked, and as it became more and more obvious, I decided to stand up and announce the truth, that I was a male-to-female transsexual. This was met with a mix of boos and insults (I seem to recall those mainly coming from one or two members, but that's ancient history, so I really don't care much anymore) and scoffs and... honest, genuine support. Holy crap. Thanks, AGN!

Another interesting thing: AlexMax, resident general-purpose anime lover, happened to make an offhand joke about Otohime Mutsumi when I talked about my poor health and some lightheaded stuff I was having/fears of fainting I had at the time. This led me to research who that character was... and of course, I became completely obsessed with the Love Hina manga in later years, and Ken Akamatsu's works in general (A.I. Love You is horribly underrated. Check out volumes 7 and 8 especially!) so thanks, AlexMax!

After that I started to feel pretty good about AGN and started posting and chatting all the time (when I could sneak around my parents, of course, which usually meant sneaking out of bed in the middle of the night and being ready to hit alt+F4 and run quietly back to bed if I heard them up).

(continued in reply)

07-13-2010, 04:47 PM
The years 2002 and 2003: The whole sneaking onto the computer thing went on for many years, as did my various interactions here. Instead of further trudging through case-by-case recall, I shall summarize the major events.

In 2002, I met a forum member named balzac. He didn't post all that much, but was often to be found in #AGN chat. We started talking about Final Fantasy stuff together, then we started talking about the transsexuality thing I'd announced, and then...

Well, suffice it to say we developed very strong feelings for one another, and though we had an age gap and it was an online relationship and all other kinds of scary issues, I was determined. I really loved him- or her, I think, since she talked about having feelings of being a girl and wanted her body to be different pretty badly, but had basically given up on it because it seemed impossibly out of reach. A lot of things seemed impossibly out of reach to her, and her depression issues ran very, very deep.

At any rate, since it was something she wanted, but never committed to being identified as, it took me a while to think on it, but I think if she's just going to be a memory to me, I should remember her the way she would have liked better. This issue is a big part of how we got really close talking, though I don't think I've explained it to many people. Hereafter, I refer to her as "Sophie," since that was the name she wanted.

Over time she told me all kinds of personal things I won't explain in detail, but suffice it to say that she had some pretty bad family abuse problems and it really screwed her up very badly. She herself did some nasty things in regards to her other girlfriend (although cheating wasn't one of them; we knew about each other and talked and, while we haven't talked much lately, are still friends, and were at the time as well). Ultimately, she snapped entirely and kind of set fire to the house she was staying in (her girlfriend's family's house). She was the only one seriously injured, but passed out inside the house and died there.

This was the most depressing and horrifying thing I've ever been through. I hadn't considered suicide to be a strong option before, but I certainly did then. I decided not to, largely out of fear of death (since I have no real proof of any afterlife), and because some friends supported me (Gerudo, Lilith/QueenXaviera, and Sarria, you're all awesome, by the way).

The whole ordeal made me think a lot over the years, and probably gave me an even more depressive and morbid edge. I developed my own moral code, whereby I don't think anyone is actually evil, but rather, a person sufficiently hurt or damaged by the events of their own life may be damaged badly enough to pass that pain onto others (which leads to terrible things, sadly). Hurt people hurt people, in simple terms. This doesn't make them evil, it makes them pitiable and tragic. Very few people loved Sophie; so I decided that no matter the horrible things she'd done in her pain and insanity, I would always love her, to stand by her no matter what, because she deserved at least one person who would do that for her. (Although I suspect Ibis feels similarly, on a brotherly level).

I've never really garnered much hope about there really being an afterlife. I'm really afraid there just isn't one. But I dearly hope there is something, or even some kindly time travelers who go around rescuing people right at the moment of death somehow, I'm not picky. If there is anything like that, I would definitely want to meet Sophie again. I would hug her very tightly.

Other stuff in 2002-2003: I became crazy-obsessed with Ken Akamatsu and Tremors, and talked about them insufferably. I started collecting manga, real copies in person, because owning Love Hina in print was just too cool to pass up no matter how scared of my parents I was (I developed methods for smuggling something home after buying it at the bookstore, and I think they seriously never found out I was doing that). I buried myself in fun and enjoyable things as a crutch for my own depression, and it honestly kinda works. Thanks, happy story stuff!

2004: My friendships with Gerudo and Lilith led me to check out a couple of other forums which I'm not sure presently exist anymore, and get out and meet more people. Slowly, I began to cheer up again. I also started getting closer to Sarria, who had also been known here by the names Skeeve22 and KingArthur.

My relationship with Sarria.... well, to make a long and winding story short, and to do a considerable time-jump spoiler, we got close enough that I felt good about moving out with her to Washington state (Bremerton, unfortunately, not Seattle, to my regret), but then it turned out pretty crappy as various flaws in close-dependence relations came up. We're still friends, but have parted in terms of living situation or relationship.

Back in 2004, I recall some nonsense about Glenn trying to sneak back onto the forums and me helping him because we were sorta halfway friends in previous years... 'tis a silly and regrettable memory. From here, though, AGN had less and less major significance in the events of my life.

I spent part of the summer in both 2004 and 2005 at my sister's house in Kansas City, with no internet... and no parents. It was an interesting and amazingly relieving experience at the time, and only gave me stronger convictions to move out and be myself (even if I wasn't totally comfortable telling my sister about my transsexuality, either).

In 2006, I got a job at Wal Mart, and started saving money to move out. I also decided to reexplore transsexual.org and found that Jennifer Diane Reitz, the site owner, also had a series of webcomics (starting with Unicorn Jelly)- fairly serious stories, grim even, but I really enjoyed them. And then I noticed there was a forum attached...

From there on out I started going to the UJ forums more and more and AGN less and less. Sorry folks. AGN wasn't such a bad place, but the UJ forums are where my sort of prattling geeky gender-issues filled craziness fits in perfectly, and I started to feel a lot better about posting there.

I would occasionally pop my head back in during 2007 and 2008 here, but I seem to recall saying some regrettable nonsense about the ASWGL forum because I was lonely and depressed with the then-deteriorating Sarria situation, and thinking about tentacle hentai way too much (although I still do that... I just have a good outlet for it now, in the form of my current relationships. Yay polyamory! And yay trying to learn from one's mistakes to try to confront potential problems in relationships before they're glued into place!).

In 2009, I began hormone replacement therapy by prescription from a doctor with a counselor's approval. I'm currently slowly growing breasts and getting curvier and squeeing every time I notice the progress.

In 2010, I've moved in with another person I have a strong romantic relationship with after serious consideration and some heavy talking-through all sorts of issues. It's going really well, in fact, and I'm very hopeful for how the future will turn out for me.

Still, I have strong and fond memories of this place, and I wanted to pop my head back in and say hi, and comment on the fact that, holy crap, it really did all start 10 years ago. Thank you for filling the gap of high school for me, thank you for introducing me to someone I loved even if it turned out tragically, and thank you for being a testing ground for coming out and being myself. Whether I ever really do anything here again or not, AGN will always have a place in my memories. Thank you.

07-13-2010, 06:55 PM
Thanks for the autobiography, Tails. :laughing: Come back when you decide you want to be a Klingon. :naughty:

...would be how I would have responded in a time of lesser maturity.

Ah, who am I kidding, I haven't matured much at all.

Anyway, good to see you, and hope everything goes well for you in the future. It's cool to see someone who can actually remember their past on the internet. I just sort of float around here, forgetting most things day to day... or something.(And it all gets stored in some hideous alter-ego whose ultimate goal is to destroy everything...)

07-13-2010, 09:07 PM
Hey maybe more people will start to come back when they realize they joined ten years ago.

07-13-2010, 09:27 PM
Holy crap. I might be a "newer" member, but I remember you. It's kinda amazing to see that AGN lasted for 10 years.

07-14-2010, 01:07 AM
Technically, AGN is older than 10 years I think; the earliest history would be Warlord and Phantom Menace messing around with Zeldan, the prototype of Zelda Classic, I think. That would've been during the late 90s. Someone else might be able to chime in with better information on that. I might be mistaken about Zeldan's relationship to Zelda Classic in terms of development; I know Zeldan isn't an early version of the program, and that they were separately assembled. I think. <<

The earliest forum, to my knowledge, was around 1999 (before I was around); that forum system got wiped out and replaced with a UBB forum around the time Zelda Classic 1.00 came out I think. The UBB forums lasted for years before Warlord and Shadowblazer (or whoever was doing the hands-on work) switched to VB forum software around 2002 (I think), which is what's still being used.

As for #AGN, well, that's changed servers a ludicrous number of times and I haven't checked back in on that in a while. Zelda Classic either... hmm...

Perhaps I ought to poke my nose around here a bit more. No promises of anything, though ^^ Nice to see you all again, though, and nice to see I'm remembered (though I wouldn't be surprised if a number of those memories are bad ones...? >>). Thanks, everyone!

07-14-2010, 02:35 AM
Holy crap, well this is a blast from the past. I remember back when you were just Tails. Not that I expect you to remember me, though, as I've changed my username since the old days (used to be Weirdguy), and even if I hadn't, I always saw myself as being fairly inconspicuous and forgettable. Good to hear an update from you, though, because on the Internet it's incredibly easy for people to just disappear and leave others with no clue what happened to you.

07-14-2010, 03:03 AM
I registered this nick the same day as you did, Tails. Should I post a BIO too? No? Yeah... I agree.

Nice to here from you Tails. I've wondered what became of you a couple times over the years. Best wishes.

07-14-2010, 05:24 AM
Actually, if you wanted to autobiographize yourself, that might be kinda informative... I seem to recall you being fairly secretive of personal information, if I'm not mistaken. Some confusion about your age, in particular...?

Nice to see you too though. And I do in fact remember you, Rock_nog; I think we talked a few times back around 2007-2008. I don't think I realized you and Weirdguy were one and the same, but it makes sense in hindsight. ^^

07-14-2010, 12:21 PM
Wow. I wish I could remember shit the way you do, kid. Good to see you're still alive and kickin'. Kind of funny to see you, I was thinking about you a couple of weeks ago. Odd. lol

07-14-2010, 04:23 PM
Wow. I wish I could remember shit the way you do, kid.

No kidding. I'm surprised when people can recall these things so well.

So, are you sticking around or just dropping in for your 10th year since joining?

07-14-2010, 07:34 PM
Actually, if you wanted to autobiographize yourself, that might be kinda informative... I seem to recall you being fairly secretive of personal information, if I'm not mistaken. Some confusion about your age, in particular...?

Maybe if I gather the energy to try and memoir my AGN history I'll post it for you but it really isn't that interesting. And i was just a shy kid who pretend to be a year older till like 16. mostly because the people from here i talked to often were a year or two older.

Let me offer a small apology. We spoke a few times over IM before your return to AGN as a girl about your issues with transgender whatnots. I arrogantly tried to force on you my view that God's awesome design was never faulty and probably told you to seek mental/spiritual help. Though shortly after I came to believe God is an infinite douche who probably created people in the wrong body because he gets sick of jacking off to the same fucked up shit. Not a popular POW. Anyway the apology is for harrassing you with stupid bullshit i blindly believed from religious nuts I call family. And for being mean to you when you pretended to be a girl. I was mad at you for lying about it and just not being straight with everyone. I wasn't just being an ass for the hell of it as was usual back then. Either way it wasn't very helpful.

07-15-2010, 05:46 PM
Wow... thanks, Successor! That actually means a lot. Don't feel bad, it's a pretty common issue; when I was 11 my parents had me convinced that being gay meant going to hell for a while, too. Then I started growing up, and.... so, yeah. I totally understand.

I'm going to poke around at least a little bit. I'll see where it goes from there. ^^

If I should vanish, though, I can sporadically (work schedule is part of the problem, as well as other distractions) be found on AIM (I changed screennames a little while ago and forgot to inform multiple people- I updated it in my profile here, though, if anyone's looking for it), and if you send me a PM I'll probably see that eventually I think. I also have a deviantart page that I've only used once yet, which I started just in the past week actually.

Finally, I can *very* sporadically be found on Second Life as "Mitsukara Ferraris" (last names are a list of random defaults in SL, and you pick one when you register- strange system, I don't really understand the purpose- so I just went with something that sounded okayish to me. I was think more of Faris from FFV than of Ferrari cars, and unfortunately thought of the latter only after I'd registered. Oh well.) On there, I build Dragon Quest stuff and sometimes hang around with Sarria, mostly.

But, other than this job-and-bills stuff, real life has been going pretty well mostly. If I could successfully move to Seattle, that would be nice... living as female outside my home would also be nice, but I'm not really comfortable trying to do that in Bremerton (conservative navy town full of people who moved here from out of state besides; not so much the liberalness of Seattle that I was hoping for when I moved here. No place is perfect, of course, but the safer the better). And then, once I've gotten that far, I'll get my legal name change... I'm thinking of going with Jennifer for the first name and Mallory for the middle (and possibly going by Mallory; Jennifer has longer-standing personal significance, but I really like Mallory better as a name. Also, while I don't think it's technically associated with it, I like the nickname Milly a whole lot more than "Jen", and Jen is what people call you incessantly if your name is Jennifer.)

I feel really good with the progress of my life so far, though, really. Hormones are a long-term process that will takes years to complete the basic stuff, but finally having started that, and starting to see and feel the changes... it really feels right, finally. I'm very happy that I've gotten started on that. Job stuff is going okay, I've worked steadily at Subway for over two years now sadly; but hey, that's a steady paycheck for doing something I know more or less like the back of my hand now. Relationship stuff is going good too, but I'll refrain from babbling about that for the time being, for the sake of their privacy.

Anyway, I'll look around a bit and maybe post every now and then I think. So, see you around!

07-16-2010, 02:17 AM
Personally, I think you are kind of a weirdo. However, I'm ok with that and, given your upbringing, I'm very sympathetic.

So, I am curious. Are you going to have your penis removed? Because DAMN.

07-16-2010, 03:16 AM
Dead serious, I'd probably blow my brains out if my penis got chopped off.

07-16-2010, 04:34 AM
So, I am curious. Are you going to have your penis removed? Because DAMN.

I'm pretty sure it gets hollowed out and shoved up into your body and your balls are refashioned as labia...

@Tails if you do get a sex change let us know what sex using a man-made vagina feels like!

07-17-2010, 10:54 PM
Wow. I wish I could remember shit the way you do, kid.
Me, too, since I seem to recall a few of those incidents quite differently. It also helps to have hours and hours and hours of chat logs.


J.J. Maxx
07-19-2010, 09:51 PM
Wow, I totally stopped reading after about the fourth word. It wasn't entertaining then and surprisingly, ten years later it still isn't. :)

07-19-2010, 11:00 PM
@JJMaxx Pot calling the kettle black...

J.J. Maxx
07-19-2010, 11:11 PM
@JJMaxx Pot calling the kettle black...

Some things never change I suppose.

07-19-2010, 11:22 PM
Some things never change I suppose.

Indeed, some things remain quite painfully the same.

07-20-2010, 01:16 AM
Keep it friendly, folks.


07-20-2010, 05:40 AM
Wow that is a wall of text. I'll read it later when I have a bit more time. But yeah, time sure does fly. I've been here...for about that long as well I believe.

07-20-2010, 12:01 PM
I skimmed through as much as I could. You've always been a big long winded Jen. Hope everything is going well for you.

07-21-2010, 04:17 PM
I remember when you were named Tails and actual dressed like a boy.

Now it's 10 years later, you're named Jennifer and dress in drag.


07-21-2010, 04:27 PM
Actually, my memory could be flawed. I'm not sticking around to debate that or anything though, but you can do as you like. In defense of anything I did, I was a teenager and at least partially stupider than I hopefully am today?

I honestly don't have a lot of intention of hanging around here. The fun kinda hemorrhaged out a long time ago; this isn't what I want to do with my time anymore. But, I owe a lot to this place and the experiences I had here, so I wanted to poke my head in and say hi for old time's sake, and ramble about what AGN means to me. With that done, I probably won't be hanging around much (if at all).

Also, for the curious, I am indeed strongly considering full SRS once I can afford it (it's about as expensive as a low-end new car, oddly enough, the $10,000-$20,000 range). I'm a girl, and having a penis is nothing but an unhappy compromise that just doesn't feel right.

The surgery does indeed involve cutting the penis open and folding it around. It's really quite fascinating! There have been considerable improvements in the technique over the decades, and they're learning how to put nerves in and stuff too.

Anyway, I make no promises about posting or not posting. Probably going to err on the side of not posting very much, but ehh. Just wanted to say hi mostly.

07-21-2010, 04:35 PM
Hate to burst your bubble but getting rid of your penis and turning it into some mangled form of a (useless) vagina isn't going to make you a woman. You'll simply be a dude without a penis.

07-21-2010, 04:39 PM
The surgery does indeed involve cutting the penis open and folding it around. It's really quite fascinating!

fuck my liiiiiiiifeeeee i'm cringing :(

Dark Nation
07-21-2010, 08:11 PM
Thank you Glitch! I know some people may have confused as to what Mercy was warning against when she said "keep it friendly" and here you've provided us with 2 prime examples. I think people get the idea, so you can stop now.

J.J. Maxx
07-22-2010, 10:42 PM
Well, I don't know about you, but my penis folds without cutting it open.

07-24-2010, 04:01 AM
Well, the more things change, the more they stay the same. I am actually put off by a few of the replies in this thread. After all these years, thought people's attitudes would change. Apparently not enough time has gone by for people to realize judgement is a bad thing just because you don't see what you see in the mirror when you look at others.

Anyways Jennifer, I'm appreciative to have been in your life and to have been called a helpful friend, it means a lot to me knowing I helped someone in their time of need. I am also glad to see that you have made quite the life for yourself in the past few years. Seems all the difficulty and hard work are paying off.

07-24-2010, 07:35 PM
Well, I don't know about you, but my penis folds without cutting it open.

does it also retract inside you when your not excited?

07-26-2010, 09:59 AM
Just a question... Most of us here, are adults now, right? Mid-late 20's, early 30's... Am I correct? So why are some of you people acting like you're still 16? Seriously, what the fuck?

07-26-2010, 03:05 PM
Because some people never grow up. Surely you know some people in person like them. There are plenty of people that still act like they are in high school.

07-26-2010, 06:10 PM
Because some people never grow up. Whereas some can do no better than to develop a superiority complex about it.

07-26-2010, 10:36 PM
I was around when some of this happened, albiet under a different username. Jennifer, thanks for posting this thread, I think it's the most active one AGN has had in a long, long time. Plus, it's nice to go down memory lane.

07-26-2010, 11:30 PM
Just a question... Most of us here, are adults now, right? Mid-late 20's, early 30's... Am I correct? So why are some of you people acting like you're still 16? Seriously, what the fuck?
I was thinking the same thing. I would have expected this in 2002 or 2003, but not seven or eight years later. I come back every so often to see this place, and I must say this time I am disappointed.

07-27-2010, 12:11 AM
I was thinking the same thing. I would have expected this in 2002 or 2003, but not seven or eight years later. I come back every so often to see this place, and I must say this time I am disappointed.

So make a soap opera about it..

07-27-2010, 03:33 PM
Pretty confident that I'm more mature than a large majority of the people here, yet because my opinions differ I apparently need to grow up, lol.

Boo hoo someone's telling him like it is instead of coddling his false reality that surgery can change you. It can give you fake anything, but it's still fake. If you feel you're living a lie, compounding that with another lie doesn't make it all even out.

I was thinking the same thing. I would have expected this in 2002 or 2003, but not seven or eight years later. I come back every so often to see this place, and I must say this time I am disappointed.

Good thing no one has ever once gave a shit about your opinions here :thumbsup:

07-29-2010, 06:22 PM
Pretty confident that I'm more mature than a large majority of the people here, yet because my opinions differ I apparently need to grow up, lol.

Actually quite the opposite. A large part of maturity is offering an opinion without it being an attack or aggression, or slighting someone of differing opinion. You're attempt to humiliate only made you out to look like an overgrown child who is pathetically unskilled at communicating opinion. You went on to show that you had made false judgement about why "Tails" does and believes what he has chosen to believe and do and have argued based on that false logic. Something children and fools do.

I'm sure Tails is fully aware that the operation will not give her a real vagina and whatever her personal reasons and beliefs may be on the subject are enough to convince her that what the operation will produce is something that will be beneficial and appropriate for her. I'm sure she has researched the subject much more extensively than anyone here. Watching an episode of South Park does not make you proficient in the subject. And once again let me point out your prejudices only reveal you to be a child. You are the only one in a false reality.

07-29-2010, 09:05 PM
Good thing no one has ever once gave a shit about your opinions here.
I'll add "hostility" to the list of things that have otherwise not changed in this place. This was supposed to be a retrospective post, reminiscing about the past, and the same few of you turned it into an undesirable place to read, yet again. I also find it quite humorous that you feel that you are some kind of authority figure to be able to generalize others' feelings about me. Many other people have gotten older around you, yet you retain the same childish influences of times gone by, thus re-enforcing Successor's thoughts about you.

Apparently stating ones thoughts expressing disappointment concerning matters such as crude, unprovoked remarks makes me in the wrong. This place already is a soap opera, with the same perennial people never able to change their thought processes allowing all to be themselves. It's the same worldly behavior presented here that mimic incidents of a child afraid to speak to their parents about certain issues. That, sir, is the soap opera that I would hope not to see when I visit a place I had once enjoyed.

07-29-2010, 10:30 PM
ITT: People who take themselves way too seriously.

Wait.. did I say that?

07-29-2010, 10:32 PM
ITT: People who take themselves way too seriously.

Wait.. did I say that?

07-30-2010, 06:31 PM
Geez, I've been here for...just under five years now. Feels like an eternity, I joined my freshman year of high-school, and now I'm going to be a college sophomore. Waaay too many memories attached to this place.

07-31-2010, 04:32 AM
finally got around to reading this mountain of text. Whew. Anyway, glad to see you still around. I can't altogether say I'm overly happy about the whole situation you're putting yourself into, and that's just because of a faith based reason. So let's just say I'm praying for you. But regardless, I hope you become happy with whatever you choose to do.

King Link
08-02-2010, 05:11 PM
Overlooking everybody's posts, it is certainly good to hear from you Jen. Hope things are well, and continue to go well for you.

08-03-2010, 11:24 AM
Actually quite the opposite. A large part of maturity is offering an opinion without it being an attack or aggression, or slighting someone of differing opinion. You're attempt to humiliate only made you out to look like an overgrown child who is pathetically unskilled at communicating opinion. You went on to show that you had made false judgement about why "Tails" does and believes what he has chosen to believe and do and have argued based on that false logic. Something children and fools do.

:laughing: It's the fucking internet, there is 0 reason to sugar coat any opinions.

I'm sure Tails is fully aware that the operation will not give her a real vagina and whatever her personal reasons and beliefs may be on the subject are enough to convince her that what the operation will produce is something that will be beneficial and appropriate for her. I'm sure she has researched the subject much more extensively than anyone here. Watching an episode of South Park does not make you proficient in the subject. And once again let me point out your prejudices only reveal you to be a child. You are the only one in a false reality.

I still wonder to this day how the hell this place attracted so many odd people, it became a damn transexual furry haven.

Compounding his mental issues with plastic surgery is only going to make it worse. If he enjoys working at Subway he better get used to it because he's sending himself down a path in life that is going to lead to a slew of meaningless jobs and going no where. Where do you see transexuals work? Hell Subway will probably even fire him. He's basically making it so he's going to have to struggle at every aspect of his life just because of how he feels he should look.

I'll add "hostility" to the list of things that have otherwise not changed in this place. This was supposed to be a retrospective post, reminiscing about the past, and the same few of you turned it into an undesirable place to read, yet again. I also find it quite humorous that you feel that you are some kind of authority figure to be able to generalize others' feelings about me. Many other people have gotten older around you, yet you retain the same childish influences of times gone by, thus re-enforcing Successor's thoughts about you.


08-03-2010, 05:36 PM
Hell Subway will probably even fire him. He's basically making it so he's going to have to struggle at every aspect of his life just because of how he feels he should look.

Because of people like you making the world the way it is.

08-03-2010, 06:42 PM
Thats not my personal opinion of how it should be, thats simply how it is. For fucks sake, be who you want to be but don't go thinking you can physically change who you are and that doing so will alter your dna. Life doesn't work like that.

08-03-2010, 08:14 PM
Damn it all, I said keep it friendly. I closed this thread rather than moving it to GB because I would rather not deal with the building conflagration, go figure. If any of you want to debate trans-sexuality or furry-dom, start your own thread in GB. This was not Jen's intention and out of respect for the forums, I will not suffer this thread to trod that path any further unless an admin' makes me.
