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View Full Version : 3D Dot Game Heroes, Legend of Zelda Tribute?

06-02-2010, 09:24 PM
I know alot of people here are fans of LoZ with Zelda Classic and all so I thought some of you would be interested in this game.


It's for Playstation 3, and it kicks ass. I recommend anyone that was into the original LoZ or even Zelda 3 or 4 to give it a try. At $40 new it's a good price and a very fun game that feels like an old school game. When I heard about the game I have to say it was a PS3 game I was very excited to get and play. I'm not even half way through it but I like it alot and would recommend picking it up sooner rather than later as who knows how long it'll be in stores and then it may become hard to find/more expensive.

One of the features is you can design your own hero in the editor. There are people that already made Link from LoZ for it. I suppose the only things that would have made the game extremely over the top would have been if they had featured multiplayer or a level editor, but who knows, maybe if it sells well enough a sequel might have such features.

So go out and buy it, even if you don't own a PS3.

06-02-2010, 09:31 PM
I'm hoping to sell my 360 and get a PS3 soon, and this game will be at the top of my list to buy first.

06-02-2010, 11:07 PM
Meh...NES zelda is better.

06-03-2010, 12:32 AM
I picked it up a few days ago. I'm having more fun creating heroes than I am actually playing the game. But the game itself is wonderful. I love how they used blurring to make it look like the game is small and close up. And the little 'pixels' flying everywhere.. it's great fun. Plus, huge swords, so how can you go wrong?

06-07-2010, 12:06 PM
I love how they used blurring to make it look like the game is small and close up.
Oh, so THAT's what they're doing with the effect. I thought they just went overboard with a "cool" shallow DOF effect.

I picked up the game when it came out, had a lot of fun playing as a cucco and stuff like that, but lost interest in it after level 5. It just doesn't have the same charm as the games to which it's paying tribute, and I'm getting annoyed at the cheap artificial gameplay lengthening, repetitive music, and just general ugliness of the graphics. Most people don't feel this way though.

I think I'd rather see a Zelda ripoff done with gorgeous 1080p painted-style graphics and orchestrated music (think Braid).