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View Full Version : "Mechanics" sort of question about ZC and ZQ

05-17-2010, 03:13 PM
I don't know at all if anyone else gets this too, but particularly in ZQuest, everything seems to animate more slowly. But if I click on either the game screen or on the combo pane, everything animates at the normal speed. I'm guessing the default speed is 60 FPS, but ZQuest seems to run at maybe in the 40's or low 50's (is there even a toggle to display the FPS?). Maybe it's my graphics card (NVidia GeoForce 8600) or settings or something. I can't remember if this happens in windowed mode since I mainly use Fullscreen.

Are there any things I could try that could have a chance of 'improving' my framerates? ZQuest isn't laggy, just the combos animating slowly.

05-20-2010, 03:31 PM
Enabling ZQuest's FPS indicator shows that my estimate was too high. At full-screen Large mode, ZQuest runs at a WHOPPING 32 FPS. :V

05-20-2010, 07:39 PM
Normally I'm a mild optimization nut, however I'm not even going to try with ZQuest; I Just consider it a lost battle and move on graciously.

The reason you are getting 32 fps, I suspect, is probably due to the fact that VSYNC is enabled. This means that your refresh is probably 64hz and that 32 is not the fastest ZQ will run, but rather the fastest it will run to assure vsync with your monitor. (Meaning it might run between 40 - 63 fps normally) Try turning off invalid statric or other virtually useless rendering options and see if it goes back to 64, or try disabling vsync.