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View Full Version : CamStudio Question

03-15-2010, 05:50 PM
Okay, I have a question about the way it saves stuff. Basically, I ended up losing about 20 minutes of footage because of a save error, as we'll call it. When I clicked "Stop" and typed in the "SAVE AS" thing, it instead says "Error, cannot 'open' ASDF.avi". It closes, and presto, ten minutes lost. Gotta love it. I did some tests too, and it seems that shorter segments save fine. I'm not really into using ten minute increments to test for some stupid error.

My question is why is it telling me it won't OPEN when I'm trying to Save (Resulting in not saving the clip, and losing it altogether)? Does CamStudio tard out when saving larger video segments? I've never had this problem when recording 10 minute ZC segments. I was recording an N64 game. Does what you are recording actually effect the size of the video? More movement seems like more frames, but still, It is still essentially taking "screenshots" so why does what it is matter?

03-15-2010, 07:16 PM
I was trying this a few weeks ago and it was giving me fits, but then I know absolutely nothing about making vids on the computer like that so you can strike that up to me being a dumbass, However, I did find on their site that they have a forum that helps a great deal with questions and answers.
you might check that out

03-17-2010, 07:09 PM
It appears my codec is making the files too large. CamStudio cannot save recordings larger than 2GB. The reason 10 minute clips worked fine in ZC is because the resolution was lower, and there really was not as much going on on-screen. An N64 game running in 640x280 is a different story. So, I will probably need to use a different codec. The three default ones however, are complete shit, and one of them won't even work at all.