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View Full Version : 1200: interface bugs out in the Player.

Nicholas Steel
03-15-2010, 04:25 AM
Sometimes when I launch this version, the following happens.

1) Armageddon Games logo + fire animation does not appear, instead I get a blank screen. Enter passes the screen anyways.

2) title screen and character select appear correctly.

3) When pressing Escape to access the interface, all items are named -

4) no mouse

Zelda Classic v2.11 Beta (Build 18)
Allocating quest path buffers (4.00k/4.00k)...OK
Allocating map buffer (1.11M/1.11M)... OK
Allocating combo buffer (5.98k/1.12M)... OK
Allocating string buffer (10.62M/11.74M)... OK
Allocating door combo buffer (159.50k/11.90M)... OK
Allocating dmap buffer (234.00k/12.13M)... OK
Allocating combo buffer (1.62M/13.75M)... OK
Allocating color data buffer (314.11k/14.05M)... OK
Allocating tile buffer (511.88k/22.55M)... OK
Allocating trash buffer (97.66k/22.65M)... OK
Allocating item buffer (31.00k/22.68M)... OK
Allocating weapon buffer (2.50k/22.68M)... OK
Allocating guy buffer (28.00k/22.71M)... OK
Allocating combo class buffer (32.17k/22.74M)... OK
Initializing Allegro... OK
Checking Files... OK
Allocating bitmap buffers... OK
Loading data files:
Initializing sound driver... OK
Used switch: -fullscreen
set gfx mode succsessful at -1 8bpp 640 x 480
Triplebuffer available
Loading saved games... OK
Loading Quest...

Loading Quest...

Loading Quest...

Loading Quest...

Loading Quest...

Loading Quest...

Removing timers.
Freeing Data:
Script buffers...
Screen Data...
Deleting quest buffers...
Cleaning maps.
Cleaning tile buffers.
Cleaning misc.
Armageddon Games web site: http://www.armageddongames.com
Zelda Classic web site: http://www.zeldaclassic.com

03-15-2010, 04:42 AM
What do you mean no mouse? What's the log for?

Nicholas Steel
03-15-2010, 05:27 AM
The log was just to show that everything "appears" fine as far as the log is concerned.

What I mean by "no mouse" is that the mouse courser is not present and is not "invisible" either, I can't highlight or interact with the menus at all with the mouse.

It's seemingly isolated to fullscreen.

Nicholas Steel
03-15-2010, 06:23 AM

Check the file names to see what they are a picture of.

edit: come to think of it, the - might be the underline for the letter shortcuts.

Nicholas Steel
03-15-2010, 11:48 PM
just open it 30 or so times and wait the appropriate amount of time between each attempt so that it closes properly before your next attempt to reproduce it.

Nicholas Steel
03-17-2010, 07:04 AM
I use the below BAT code to play ZC because if I don't, the colours will all be screwed up, this may be related to why it happens. If you could test and confirm with and without the BAT file method and hopefully find a way to resolve the problem without simply not using the BAT file, it would be greatly appreciated.

@echo off
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
"E:\Zelda Classic\zelda-w.exe"
start explorer.exe

04-12-2010, 08:42 PM
I can't get this. Try Saffith's fix for the color glitch instead of killing explorer which sounds like a bad idea to me. As for the menu issue, has this ever occurred without running that code?

Nicholas Steel
04-13-2010, 03:31 AM
The interface problem hasn't happened for a long time now which is odd, the new DLL doesn't resolve change or alter the colour problem in any way shape or form.