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View Full Version : header error again

03-13-2010, 03:37 PM

ZQuest v2.11 Beta (Build 18)
Allocating tunes buffer (16.00k/16.00k)... OK
Allocating map buffer (1.11M/1.12M)... OK
Allocating combo buffer (5.98k/1.13M)... OK
Allocating string buffer (10.62M/11.76M)... OK
Allocating door combo buffer (159.50k/11.91M)... OK
Allocating dmap buffer (234.00k/12.14M)... OK
Allocating combo buffer (1.62M/13.76M)... OK
Allocating color data buffer (314.11k/14.07M)... OK
Allocating tile buffer (511.88k/22.56M)... OK
Allocating tile grab buffer (511.88k/31.06M)... OK
Allocating trash buffer (97.66k/31.16M)... OK
Allocating item buffer (31.00k/31.19M)... OK
Allocating weapon buffer (2.50k/31.19M)... OK
Allocating guy buffer (28.00k/31.22M)... OK
Allocating combo class buffer (32.17k/31.25M)... OK
Allocating combo undo buffer (1.62M/32.87M)... OK
Allocating new undo tile buffer (511.88k/33.37M)... OK
Resetting new tile buffer...OK
Allocating file path buffers (14.00k/33.38M)... OK
Initializing Allegro... OK
Loading data files:
Initializing sound driver... OK
gfx mode set at -1 8bpp 800 x 600
Loading Quest...

Reading Header...okay.
Made in ZQuest 211 Beta 18
Reading Rules...okay.
Reading Strings...okay.
Reading Doors...okay.
Reading DMaps...okay.
Reading Misc. Data...okay.
Reading Misc. Colors...okay.
Reading Game Icons...okay.
Reading Items...okay.
Reading Weapons...okay.
Reading Maps...okay.
Reading Combos...okay.
Reading Combo Aliases...okay.
Reading Color Data...okay.
Reading Tiles...okay.
Reading Tunes...okay.
Reading Cheat Codes...okay.
Reading Init. Data...okay.
Reading Custom Guy Data...okay.
Reading Custom Link Sprite Data...okay.
Reading Custom Subscreen Data...okay.
Reading FF Script Data...okay.
Reading SFX Data...okay.
Reading Item Drop Sets...okay.
Loading Quest...

Invalid header string: 'Zelda Classic Quest File¼6ðð>–' (was expecting 'AG Zelda Classic Quest File
' or 'AG ZC Enhanced Quest File
Reading Header...error.

Loading Quest...

Reading Header...okay.
Made in ZQuest 211 Beta 18
Reading Rules...okay.
Reading Strings...okay.
Reading Doors...okay.
Reading DMaps...okay.
Reading Misc. Data...okay.
Reading Misc. Colors...okay.
Reading Game Icons...okay.
Reading Items...okay.
Reading Weapons...okay.
Reading Maps...okay.
Reading Combos...okay.
Reading Combo Aliases...okay.
Reading Color Data...okay.
Reading Tiles...okay.
Reading Tunes...okay.
Reading Cheat Codes...okay.
Reading Init. Data...okay.
Reading Custom Guy Data...okay.
Reading Custom Link Sprite Data...okay.
Reading Custom Subscreen Data...okay.
Reading FF Script Data...okay.
Reading SFX Data...okay.
Reading Item Drop Sets...okay.
Loading Quest...

Invalid header string: 'Zelda Classic Quest File¼6ðð>–' (was expecting 'AG Zelda Classic Quest File
' or 'AG ZC Enhanced Quest File
Reading Header...error.

Loading Quest...

Reading Header...okay.
Made in ZQuest 211 Beta 18
Reading Rules...okay.
Reading Strings...okay.
Reading Doors...okay.
Reading DMaps...okay.
Reading Misc. Data...okay.
Reading Misc. Colors...okay.
Reading Game Icons...okay.
Reading Items...okay.
Reading Weapons...okay.
Reading Maps...okay.
Reading Combos...okay.
Reading Combo Aliases...okay.
Reading Color Data...okay.
Reading Tiles...okay.
Reading Tunes...okay.
Reading Cheat Codes...okay.
Reading Init. Data...okay.
Reading Custom Guy Data...okay.
Reading Custom Link Sprite Data...okay.
Reading Custom Subscreen Data...okay.
Reading FF Script Data...okay.
Reading SFX Data...okay.
Reading Item Drop Sets...okay.
Removing timers.
Cleaning aliases.
Cleaning subscreens.
Cleaning sfx.
Cleaning script buffer.
Cleaning qst buffers.
Cleaning maps.
Cleaning tile buffers.
Cleaning misc.
Cleaning midis.
Cleaning undotilebuf.
Cleaning datafiles.
Cleaning bitmaps...... OK.

03-13-2010, 10:55 PM
Invalid header string: 'Zelda Classic Quest File¼6ðð>–' (was expecting 'AG Zelda Classic Quest File
' or 'AG ZC Enhanced Quest File
Reading Header...error.

Well that narrows things down at least.

Send me the quest file like last time and I'll see if we can get to the bottom of this.

03-13-2010, 11:22 PM
firing off a PM

03-15-2010, 01:48 AM
Same thing happened as last time. Quest opened perfectly with no ill effects that I can see :/

Which ZC version are you using again? I'm using the dev build, so I wanna see if something changes using the released build you're using.

Keeping this topic here since SOMETHING is going on that generates false header errors.

03-15-2010, 03:33 AM
The first time it was the 1154 and this time was the 1194
I moved up to the 1200 which seems much better than the 1194 after using it for a full day today.

Was there a difference in which compiler was used for the 1200?
it just seems to run smoother, both in Zquest and the player

03-15-2010, 04:36 AM
Maybe your computer is allergic to my builds. (Warning! may contain computer peanut pollen) :P

Yes, there are compiler specific bugs that appear in zc ..which is totally retarded IMHO. Reference: Sideview Candle bug; Palette crash bug; GUI Window bugs; Midi crash bug; This bug; (http://armageddongames.net/showthread.php?45242-1200-interface-bugs-out-in-the-Player) .

I'll ask _L_ what version he is using for the windows stuff.

03-15-2010, 04:54 AM
It's only just the version of gcc that comes with MinGW... "mingw32-gcc-3.4.5", I think.

03-15-2010, 05:11 AM
Yeah, I've been using that too. :shrug: I've also got 4.4.0 laying around.

Maybe I have optimizations set higher or something? I like to do that...

03-15-2010, 05:13 AM
I recall several builds that DarkDragon compiled being a problem that was then solved by DN compiling those versions

03-15-2010, 10:48 AM
It's possible this problem could have been a side effect of those builds. Still, I wanna make sure that this problem doesn't creep up again and, if it does, see if I can actually duplicate it.

03-16-2010, 12:04 PM
It's only just the version of gcc that comes with MinGW... "mingw32-gcc-3.4.5", I think.
That's fairly old; they're up to 4.5.0 now.

04-17-2010, 10:46 AM
No response in over a month, to limbo this goes.

04-17-2010, 02:45 PM
response from who?
So the devs can just ignore problems for a month and they get thrown away huh?

We're about up to that month on Jman ignoring that user.dmp I sent him, I guess that one gets swept under the rug too huh?

This place is a JOKE!

04-17-2010, 02:50 PM
I appreciate you checking a few of your old bug reports pokegamer, but moving threads where the developer hasn't replied for a month is different to moving ones where the beta tester hasn't...

04-17-2010, 04:06 PM
go get him Joe

04-17-2010, 04:12 PM
I apologize for that, but the open beta bugs forum description says that bug reports remain there until they are treated/fixed, marked as 'not a bug', or remain unverified for over a month.

04-17-2010, 05:17 PM
I must not have been clear in the post above, but I absolutely want this bug report to stay here until it gets resolved, since as of yet we haven't been able to nail down what's cause these false positives.