View Full Version : Scribblenauts 2

03-11-2010, 03:56 PM
Yep, Nintendo Power has just revealed a sequel to the game that came out last year. This time around, they're featuring adjectives in the mix. So, you could make a "Red Robosaur", "Obese Robosaur", or even a "Red Obese Robosaur". Some even work with inanimate objects. You could type, for example, "Angry Pear" to make a pear come out and attack you. The first thing I'm gonna do (and I'm pretty sure Russ is too,) is create Mother enemies. "Spiteful Crow" anyone? "Evil Mushroom"? :D

Source: http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=116456

PS: The game also features many much-needed improvements, such as extra interactivity, a much more improved level-editor, (you can start levels from scratch, I believe,) and (my personal favorite,) D-Pad controls for Maxwell.


03-11-2010, 10:17 PM
They'll have to sell it to me this time. Last time, the game sold itself. I envisioned lots of clever puzzles that would take me hours to solve, or at least that I'd spend hours trying to find the funniest/highest scoring way to solve them. I imagined a game that would reward me for continuously finding new and clever ways to solve similar problems.

Instead, I got a game where "slime", "black hole", "rope", and "jetpack" are what you need 99% of the time. "Creativity" actually meant "if you screw up you can't use the same item again", which was really frustrating in levels that required you to work with the finicky rope physics. I could solve three levels in a row with "slime" and "wings" and get a full creativity score for each. What? There were tons of little side challenges, but since I'm the only person that's ever going to look at my Scribblenauts cart on my DS there was no real motivation to do any of them (online achievements sure are nice!)

So this time around I want to see a lot more gameplay videos before I bite. If they can't fix the creativity score the game is broken and I'll probably stay away; without some kind of reward for trying to find clever ways to solve the puzzle it's just a small repository of a bunch of popular memes. I've already got YouTube for that.

03-12-2010, 01:25 PM
You're not alone Atma. I didn't have any real motivation to keep playing the game. After a couple worlds, that was it. The game wasn't any fun. I wonder how many of the people who bought into the hype and got the game feel this way. Certainly there are more people who loved the game than hated it. I just wonder how much hype will actually sell the game next time around, cause I'm certainly not buying.