View Full Version : reorganize the cofiguration file?

Nicholas Steel
03-04-2010, 12:40 PM

key_a = 107
key_b = 105
key_s = 67
key_l = 26
key_r = 24
key_p = 75
key_up = 84
key_down = 85
key_left = 82
key_right = 83
btn_a = 2
btn_b = 1
btn_s = 3
btn_m = 4
btn_l = 5
btn_r = 6
btn_p = 7
sfx = 248
music = 255
pan = 1
volkeys = 0
vsync = 0
translayers = 1
showfps = 0
fastquit = 0
title = 0
sbig = 1
scanlines = 0
qst_dir = e:\Zelda Classic\
ss_after = 5
ss_speed = 2
ss_density = 3
heart_beep = 1
key_ex1 = 17
key_ex2 = 23
key_ex3 = 1
key_ex4 = 19
btn_ex1 = 7
btn_ex2 = 8
btn_ex3 = 4
btn_ex4 = 3
digi = 248
midi = 255
emusic = 248
zcmusic_bufsz = 64
throttlefps = 1
snapshot_format = 3
name_entry_mode = 0
sbig2 = 0
load_last = 0
win_qst_dir = E:\Zelda Classic\
gui_colorset = 0
use_sfx_dat = 1
fullscreen = 1
doublebuffer = 0
triplebuffer = 0To

key_a = 107
key_b = 105
key_s = 67
key_l = 26
key_r = 24
key_p = 75
key_up = 84
key_down = 85
key_left = 82
key_right = 83
btn_a = 2
btn_b = 1
btn_s = 3
btn_m = 4
btn_l = 5
btn_r = 6
btn_p = 7
key_ex1 = 17
key_ex2 = 23
key_ex3 = 1
key_ex4 = 19
btn_ex1 = 7
btn_ex2 = 8
btn_ex3 = 4
btn_ex4 = 3

sfx = 248
music = 255
pan = 1
volkeys = 0
digi = 248
midi = 255
emusic = 248
zcmusic_bufsz = 64
use_sfx_dat = 1

translayers = 1
showfps = 0
fastquit = 0
title = 0
scanlines = 0

ss_after = 5
ss_speed = 2 -- not sure what this section controls
ss_density = 3
heart_beep = 1

snapshot_format = 3
name_entry_mode = 0

load_last = 0
win_qst_dir = E:\Zelda Classic\
qst_dir = e:\Zelda Classic\

gui_colorset = 0
resx = 640
resy = 480
fullscreen = 1
sbig = 1
sbig2 = 0
throttlefps = 1
vsync = 0
doublebuffer = 0
triplebuffer = 0

Also, adding empty carriage returns between sections will make it easier to quickly identify where the setting is that you want to adjust.

Dark Nation
03-07-2010, 08:17 PM
The "ss_" entries deal with the Zelda screensaver settings. The "heart_beep" setting determines if Link's low hp warning beep happens all the time he's low on health or just for a few seconds.

As for adding carriage returns, the actual format of the file is handled by the Allegro library. Carriage returns are only put in between entire sections, as far as I know.