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View Full Version : Windows Movie Maker Question.

03-03-2010, 10:43 AM
So, I just got around to re-downloading the Windows Live package which includes the new WMM. I wanted to finish uploading my AlttP LP, and resume my Search for Elise LP... Until, I ran into this random cock blocking issue.

For some reason, this new WMM (Which is the same Windows Live one I had before the upgrade from the Win7RC) will not recognize the .avi files recorded from the emulator. They simply will not play in the player. They had VLC set as their default player, and they play fine in that. It is probably also worth mentioning that they do not play in Windows Media Player either. By the way, yes it is in the right folder, and all that crap. That's the first tings I checked the first three times.

I have no idea why it is doing this, like I said, they all played, and loaded into WMM in the RC just fine. It is very annoying. So, my question is, what do I do to fix it?

Thank you.

Darth Marsden
03-03-2010, 01:53 PM
Do the videos work in VideoLAN?

If they do, then it's a driver issue and I recommend you re-install the K-Lite Codec Pack.
if they don't, then we have something altogether more serious.

[B]EDIT: Just noticed that you said they worked in VLC. But is that ViedoLAN? I don't know! Try it anyway, let us know.

03-03-2010, 02:07 PM
Yeah, they work in VideoLAN. That's VLC. I've always heard it called "VLC" anyway. But yeah, sometimes Windows Media Player is weird about .AVIs. I normally just use VLC anyway, but I have to use WMM for this. It's only a problem because the files won't show up in WMM.

Darth Marsden
03-03-2010, 05:31 PM
Ok. Well, try re-installing that K-Lite Codec Pack and see if that helps. It may, it may not, but it's always better to be sure.

03-04-2010, 10:23 AM
I went ahead and got this one. (http://www.free-codecs.com/download/k_lite_codec_pack.htm) I think it is the newest. Well, it fixed half the problem. They play, but the colors are strange. Now, I know it is a setting, but I would not know where to start. I installed all the things for Media Player so WMP could play back virtually any file. However, for me, it was more or less for this, since I still find VLC more reliable.


Darth Marsden
03-04-2010, 08:00 PM
Woah. Weird. Well, I'm not sure which setting is screwing you up, so I leave the problem open. At least you can actually play the videos, even if they do look like they're from Tron.

Nicholas Steel
03-05-2010, 01:40 AM
What is the format of the video files? (the file container is AVI, we know that much)

03-05-2010, 01:02 PM
^ Sorry I'm a bit of a n00b with this, but how do I find out? I looked under properties, but there isn't really any other info there. :<

EDIT: For what it's worth they are "avi's" created from the recording feature in Visual Boy Advance. I used the "CamStudio Lossless Codec" to compress them.