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View Full Version : Couple of Official 3rd Quest questions.

03-01-2010, 11:00 PM
1) How do I go about getting the ladder? I know it's in Level 6. I found the map online in the archives and every path that seems to be available either terminates in a dead end, water area you need the ladder itself for, go back to start, or the red bubble room which seemingly puts you in an endless loop between it and the bubble room in the upper right corner of the map.

2) I can't find the 5th HC. Found the one in the upper left hand corner, the one where the 100 rupy bonus was in the 2nd quest, the one on the dock at the east, and the one in the green forest you have to use the Whistle to access.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

03-06-2010, 12:15 PM
1) How do I go about getting the ladder? I know it's in Level 6. I found the map online in the archives and every path that seems to be available either terminates in a dead end, water area you need the ladder itself for, go back to start, or the red bubble room which seemingly puts you in an endless loop between it and the bubble room in the upper right corner of the map.From the entrance, go n, e, n, take the tunnel, go s, s, take that tunnel and go s.
You can't avoid the red bubbles. you'll have to use "B" items.

2) I can't find the 5th HC. Found the one in the upper left hand corner, the one where the 100 rupy bonus was in the 2nd quest, the one on the dock at the east, and the one in the green forest you have to use the Whistle to access.
w of Level 3
w of Level 4
s of Level 6
s of White sword location
e and n of Level 5

08-16-2010, 07:21 PM
I had initially come here searching for help with level 6 also, so ty for your help (can't believe I missed it passing through the first time, but my only focus was finding a blue bubble I guess). Like the original poster, I somehow also missed one of the heart containers, but can't figure out which one (which screen is the 100 rupy bonus in the 2nd quest?).

Anyway, the real reason I am posting is level 7. I am fairly certain the entrance is located on the screen below the waterfall (near where you get the white sword in the original quest and the ring in the 3rd quest), but I cannot find the actual entrance, only a bomb opening to a shop. I have also never known of a Zelda screen to have two "caves" or "openings" on the same screen, but if it isn't on that screen, then I do not know where it could be. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Edit: You can disregard, I was being an idiot and couldn't count screen correctly. I was one screen too far east of where I needed to be and have found the opening (doh). However, while I was trying to figure it out, I went on in to level 8 and am already stumped in there. If I go right at the beginning, I end up in the blue room in a dead end, but if I go straight I end up getting the compass but needing a key to go any further. I must have missed a bombing or secret passage, but can't think of where. Oh well, I'll revisit it after I finish off level 7.