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View Full Version : I need your help and opinions!

02-19-2010, 04:08 PM
Hey guys it is Shoelace. As a lot of you guys know I make Videos on youtube because I really want to make videos as a profession. Well I went all out on this video and I wanted some feedback on it. I want you guys to tell me if you liked it or not. Also, if you can spread the word about this video because I worked on it for a very long time (50, 60 hours) and I want it to be seen. So if you can just show a friend, thanks.

It is Freddy Firestone Part 3. The Path to Wario's Loot. Let me know what you think:


02-19-2010, 11:21 PM
To be entirely honest, I think it is a funny concept, but your acting is a bit over the top particularly, in the beginning. It's funny, but when people get loud, and screechy to make things "more intense" I personally find it to take away from it. It's probably more of a personal taste, but I don't find exaggerated emotions to be very funny. The editing, and look of the video however is very good considering the resources. Also, did you use a green screen? We had one, but it was only like, 3'x3' so it was kind of useless. We never used it.

I'm not saying it's bad, or you suck, I'm just saying maybe don't be so loud, and in your face in the beginning :P

02-20-2010, 12:28 AM
You were a little too loud in some places, and the egg mini game I think was unnecessary and will deter younger audiences. Otherwise a great short.

02-20-2010, 02:52 PM
Thanks guys. Yeah, the loudness is a character trait because he is a n00b. It was through all of the three episodes and it wasn't actually a trait until I said a certain line in the first episode. And everyone loved the up and down in emotions of it. So I kept it. But yeah, my next characters probably won't have that some thing. But I do think over the top facial expressions is a must in my type of comedy. :P

02-20-2010, 02:55 PM
But I do think over the top facial expressions is a must in my type of comedy. :P

Yes, your reactions were probably the best part of the video, and from the others videos that I have seen, you're getting even better.