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View Full Version : FF13 is coming. Does it matter?

02-18-2010, 05:35 PM
Does the Final Fantasy brand hold any cache anymore? I'm pretty sure FF13 is going to be a day one purchase for me, but sometimes I have to stop and ask myself why that is. Sure the game is pretty, but the entire game is one big linear path. Then again, so was FFX, and I liked FFX. I guess the thing I dislike the most is the idea that you don't control your teammates. That evokes bad memories of Star Ocean 3 and, in Gabe's words, being raped by lizards. I understand that this is a very different game and that you do give your teammates general commands like 'use magic' or 'heal'. But I still like to be able to tell all the party members exactly what they should be doing, even if that is a bit unrealistic.

So what do you guys think? Does this look like a day one purchase, or am I giving SquareEnix more credit then they are due these days?

02-18-2010, 10:29 PM
Personally, I couldn't even sit through 12. To me, the character design was bland and the gameplay repetitive and tedious. Granted, with all Final Fantasy games you can expect(and forgive) some repetitiveness. I did find the battle system to be pretty intuitive at first, but when boiled down over time it started to remind me of how an MMORPG operates, differing only in that you select your commands in a menu based style.(And I guess program the AI of your partners.)

Now, more to the subject, I am thinking of getting Final Fantasy 13 just to give Square Enix a last ditch attempt at carrying my interest in what I consider to be a derailed series. However, my doubts are significant.

02-19-2010, 03:23 AM
It is another nail in the coffin. It sells the idea that the golden age of gaming has come and gone. It looks like a playable movie. right down the the linearity.

02-19-2010, 10:11 AM
I don't think I've enjoyed a Final Fantasy game since 9. But I'll probably end up giving it a try.

Aegix Drakan
02-19-2010, 03:03 PM
I'll see how much my FF loving friend likes it.

But...I'll probably pick it up anyway. Probably after I play Crono Cross and Legend of Dragoon. I really want to play those two games, but I've got a backlog to slog through...

02-19-2010, 03:20 PM
I loved Final Fantasy XII. It was the only Final Fantasy game past 6 that I've replayed all the way through recently. I'll be honest, though, I'm not at all interested or excited about XIII. I don't really finish new games that often anymore. I beat Ghostbusters and Metal Gear Solid 4, but I think I've actually finished a new game since before my last deployment (Heavenly Sword). I'm playing Dragon Age currently and its really good, but I'll be honest...I don't think I'm going to pick up XIII until after I hear how it is from my friends.

02-19-2010, 04:00 PM
I didn't enjoy 12 that much (I still beat it), but I've heard good things about XIII from friends who have played the Japanese version. So this will still be a day one purchase for me.

02-23-2010, 03:15 AM
I'm not sure, this one is going to be a rental at first. It seems overly complex and too much of a deviation from the series. I've also heard there are no towns.

Part of what gets me hooked on an RPG is customizing my characters and mastering all of the abilities, finding new equipment, etc. I *loved* FF12, I loved most of the characters, the fast-paced battle system, the world, the moogle design, and the hunts. But it seems like 13 is more like 10, and I hated 10.

This is also coming from a person who actually liked 11, and is excited for 14. Again, the customization thing.

02-23-2010, 03:28 AM
Eh, I've enjoyed most of the Final Fantasy titles. 13's linearity doesn't concern me much. X was incredibly linear and I really enjoyed it. Freedom is nice, but not every game has to be a sandbox. The gameplay iis, I've heard, very reminiscent of Chrono Trigger, and that's one of the single best RPGs ever made. If the plot is good and the story well told, it'll be worth buying.

02-23-2010, 08:35 AM
It's not even the "linearity" that bothers me so much, but just cause you're not dropped into a world map with no direction does not make it "linear". It's just that new games essentially fall into two groups: FPSs, or interactive movies :/

I'm not going to be too critical, or cynical till I play it (which I likely will) but I do hope there is more game than movie. I'm sure there is no world map. What we'll get it more likely going to resemble FF12's way of doing it.

"In order to allow the player to become absorbed in the drama of the storytelling and the new and exciting world of Cocoon and be drawn to the characters without getting distracted or lost we have deliberately used a linear game design for the introduction sections so they can be enjoyed in the same manner as watching a film."



02-23-2010, 04:53 PM
I made it through FF12 because I had a particular stretch of boredom and free-time available. If that weren't the case, and if the game wasn't on sale for about 1500円 I don't know if I would have bothered. So many things about this game pissed me off. I really dislike Square/Enix's move towards making every character resemble some kind of fucking teen idol singer or something of the sort. I want a fun and whimsical fantasy game again.. Something like FFIX was... but I feel like Square has possibly "moved beyond that"... perhaps it's time I also "move beyond Square"...?

02-24-2010, 03:59 PM
I don't think I've enjoyed a Final Fantasy game since 9. But I'll probably end up giving it a try.

Well then only burn Disc 1 and give it a try before wasting 2 more discs. ;)

I wouldn't mind playing FF13 but I've heard it's to be even more linear than those before it which makes things less interesting. Plus the whole game idea seems pretty tired. I also think for some people that name holds it back, rather than raises more interest in it. If they really made a great RPG, they should give it a new name. The only reason to slap Final Fantasy on it is to be a crutch to support it.

02-24-2010, 04:28 PM
I'm finally getting around to playing IX. I have always wanted too. Heard nothing but great things about it.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with game designers today? What is the point in even PLAYING a game if the only purpose is walking in a straight line to the next cut scene trigger? If you want your audience to experience a beautiful story told through cutscenes, then either direct a goddamn movie, or learn how to integrate it into a GAME. I love stories. I love games. If one is to exist in another, there needs to be balance. Sorry, but knowing that this path I am on holds little play value other than to get to scene A to scene B makes me soft :/. What is the point? It just sounds boring, even if the story is great. If the story is THAT great anyway, I'd rather just read/ watch it without the then-tedious walks in between.

I will rent it, and give it a try, but these "designers" sound more like they are just trying to reach a quota, and achieve a ratio of "gameplay" to story.

EDIT: The only redeeming factor to its linearity here is the potentiel for a good battle system. It looks interesting. However, it will only take so many long paths of battles before it becomes boring.

I am also sick of seeing these pretty-boy heroes. I will say the cast here looks more interesting than what we've seen in a while. It looks like they are really trying to "recapture" the zeitgeist of FF6/7. Hmm. A black guy with a gun... Hmm, a group of people trying to stick it to da man. Hmm. Summons, and god-like robot thingies that give people certain duties. Hmm.