View Full Version : Set the Subscreen Cursor?

01-30-2010, 04:29 PM
I'm having serious issues with my current script because I don't have a way to change the position of the Item Cursor on the active subscreen. If I could get it to do that, it would fix my whole Script, but to my knowledge there isn't a single command designed to change that variable in the game, and neither the Shardstorm Wiki nor the .TXT documentation nor any of PureZC's tutorials mention any sort of command.

Is there any solution to my problem or am I boned? I spent literally the entire day yesterday writing this script, and if it turned out that whole day was wasted I would be crushed.

01-30-2010, 10:43 PM
The best you can do is use the "Link->Equipment" variable to control what items are equipped.

But, also be aware that scripts are paused while the subscreen is down.

01-30-2010, 11:26 PM
The best you can do is use the "Link->Equipment" variable to control what items are equipped.

But, also be aware that scripts are paused while the subscreen is down.

That's just it. "Link->Equipment" sets what Item is equipped, but it doesn't set the selected item on the Subscreen. So when the script runs and the equipped item is changed, when you open the Subscreen the Cursor is still centered on the old item.

Incidentally, this has the side effect of treating the new currently-equipped item with the same Power and Misc values as the Cursor-selected item. That's actually pretty much the exact issue I'm having with my Script. The Cursor stays selected on a Custom Item Class I have set up in the Subscreen, while the Equipped item is changed to whatever Link had previously selected-- so it results in a Boomerang with a rotating "Sword 1 (Wooden)" graphic that plays no sound effect, or an Arrow with the same graphic that doesn't damage the enemy and just stuns it instead.

Also, whenever Link goes to a new screen, the Item is switched back to whatever the Cursor is centered on and there's no way around this either.

Naturally it didn't take me long to trace that the problem was the Subscreen Cursor's position. If I had a way to change it, my issue would be fixed entirely, I'm sure of it.

01-31-2010, 03:49 AM
Hang on, this sounds like a bug. Setting Link->Equipment should not create a strange hybrid of items.

Moving this to the bug forum.

01-31-2010, 04:04 PM
WHAT!? You mean I had it RIGHT this whole time!?

I cried the whole walk home from the coffee shop the other day because I thought I was a no-good programmer! And-- and now--


...thanks for the help I think... -__- Programming is unfair. I hate everything.

02-11-2010, 03:42 AM
Do me favor since you've already got the scripts and subscreen setup: Run your script, but before using the item do one (or two) of two things; Walk to another screen first, Open the subscreen, (edit: or change dmaps?..bleh it's madness!!) or both. Then see if it still is wonky. If not, then it will be fixed in the next build. If so, then ..no, not so much fixed.

02-11-2010, 07:22 AM
I told you I probably made a mistake with Link->Equipment and that I'd look at it, I haven't forgotten. I always have the 'Can Select A Button Item' rule checked, so I didn't notice this when I added it. Sorry.