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View Full Version : Picture Alphabet

01-18-2010, 05:41 PM
For the artist in you:

Anyone is welcome to join. Simply create a rendering of any letter in the alphabet.

In other words: Make a picture of a letter in the alphabet.

The guidelines:

The picture must adhere to forum rules
The picture must be clean)
Nothing adult
The letter being portrayed must be clearly visible
No copying, be creative.
But feel free to be inspired by other work, but give credit.

Submissions must state their letter, and the resources used to make that letter.

Other than such: Letters may be repeated as many times as you wish. CLEARLY hand-drawn images are recommended, but a computer may be used, but give credit for all resources used. Series of similarily-designed letters are allowed (as long as they are different letters). If one manages to create all 26 letters he or she may name the alphabet anyway they wish, as long as it follows the guidelines. Groups may work together (actually it is more fun this way) as long as everyone in that group is accounted for. Though no there are no official winners. The rules may be subject to change and I invite others to rip my idea and improve it. Knowing my luck I am posting the idea of another member, I apologize, please send word to me so that I may see. Anyone can request additions to this game, but I make the final decisions on this thread.

IMPORTANT: The threads lately have not been showing some images, if your image does not show, please link to a Web Site, but adhere to the guidelines.

Ideas: Create a letter with Zquest, but don't rip from a quest, be orginal.
Submit letters in a pattern so they make APPRIOPRIATE words.
For those with programming knowledge, whip up something cool (that adheres to the guidelines)

Now: My submission is my avatar, the letter Y, which was hand-drawn with paper and pencil and inverted with a computer.

(Extra fun: how many times did I say guidelines?)

04-04-2010, 08:21 AM
nice share........

but this game not upto the standard...

any way thank u