View Full Version : Origins 2nd Quest level 2 boss key

01-08-2010, 10:11 AM

After some hard work I finally succeeded in reaching the top of the A (the second level of origins 2nd quest) 1st floor. In this room, if you have the flute, you can light a torch which leads to a stair that lead to what, in my opinion, should be the boss key. Unfortunalty in those stairs there is nothing but bats (no key, no outside stairs). How can I find the boss key?


01-08-2010, 10:24 PM
Are you playing it in the Lost Isle Beta version? If you are not, I cannot guarantee or am responsible for what bugs may occur when playing the quest in other versions that it was not made or meant for.

01-09-2010, 03:47 AM
argh busted I play on linux and had problem with the lost isle build (mainly I wanted it to be windowed but did't succeed to make it so) so I try with the last build on linux... Ok so it is a bug from my side, no problem.
Thanks for the quick reply :-)

01-11-2010, 02:48 PM
Are you playing it in the Lost Isle Beta version? If you are not, I cannot guarantee or am responsible for what bugs may occur when playing the quest in other versions that it was not made or meant for.

Shouldn't this be filed as a bug against the latest build?