View Full Version : FFC Combos disabling damage combos [Tutorial]

12-10-2009, 06:05 PM
Before the recent posts got deleted, I made a thread asking for how to do this, and then I found out myself, so I made a tutorial for it, but nobody seemed to notice cause I edited it and nobody ever notices edits, but some people saw it and foud it useful, so I thought I would remake the tutorial. If you do not know yet, Damage Combos still take effect when they are on top of FFC, not allowing platforms to be used for them, but this method gets around that.

Well first of all, you need to make your tile that you want to put in the actual room. It should be set to either "Step -> Secrets (Temporary)" OR "Step -> Next". Either one works, but the "Step -> Secrets" one wouldn't allow you to have other secrets in the room. If your tile is set to "Step -> Secrets", then put it's inherit flag to "Flag 16".


Next you need your damage combo. Set it to whatever amount of damage you want, and also set it so it cycles to the first combo you made, and it has A. Frames of 2, and A. Speed of 10. Be sure to set the "Refresh Animation When Cycled To" Flag.


Finally you need your FFC. You can set it to do whatever you want, you can use changers to have it go different directions, you can even use a script if you really want to move it around even fancier. The key thing though, is to make sure you set the Combo W and the Combo H to the correct value. Basically, for every tile, the value for that is multiplied by 16. So for a 1x1 platform, Your Combo W and Combo H should be 16. Or a 2x2 Platform should be set to 32.


That should work, unless you messed up, you can now test it in-game. Just to be nice, I''ll give you some FFC speeds to set to if you want a desired effect.

If you want the platform to move as fast as link can, set the speed to 1.34000. That is pretty fast, but link will be able to cross it going at constant max speed. I Personally Like to set it to a solid 0.5000. That is a decent speed. Now if you want a real fast platform, that can be crossed with Pegasus Boots, http://www.purezc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=38916, then set the speed to 2.67000. That will be the exact same speed as the Pegasus Boots go.