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View Full Version : Rarely mentioned games that you like

12-10-2009, 04:19 PM
There were so many "what's your favourite game" threads that now everybody and their dog knows the favourite game of everyone and their cat. But what about games that you haven't mentioned much so far despite that you like them very much? Make list. This is my wish.

-Jumping Flash, Jumping Flash 2 (PS)
-Rayman, Rayman Revolution, Rayman 3 (PS, PS2)
-Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey, Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus (PS)
-Pac-in-Time (2D Pac-Man platformer) (SNES)
-Alfred the Chicken (SNES)
-Startropics, Startropics 2 (NES)
-Prince of Persia: Two Thrones (PS2)

Remember, don't mention your absolute favourites, give chance for the smaller gems, too!

12-10-2009, 07:52 PM
I think it might be well known, but I really liked Rayman 2.

I might be misunderstanding the point of this thread; is it to list lesser known games we like? If so, I stand by Rayman 2.

12-10-2009, 08:31 PM
Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe (Genesis) - Sort of like hockey meets handball with more attitude. I am trying to find another Genesis just for this.
Flashback (Genesis) - Visually stunning for the time. Best adventure game on the Genesis. If you played it, you know why.
Road Rash, Road Rash II (Genesis) - Motorcycle racing. The other games I want another Genesis for.
Road Rash: Jail Break [PS] - Not as good as the first two due to frustrating load times.
Tenchu: Stealth Assassins, Tenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins (PS) - Never go out with out your ninja rope.
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven (PS2) - Mmm, poison rice.
SSX3 (PS2) - Snowboarding to a kick-ass soundtrack; what more could you ask for? Better than Tricky which came before and On Tour which came after.
Fantavision (PS2) - You make fireworks displays. More fun than it sounds. And you don't even need drugs to enjoy it...just to enhance it.
Katamari Damacy, We Love Katamari (PS2) - Silly and simple but deceptively hard.
Playground (Wii) - Dodgeball, tetherball, paper airplanes and more.
Unreal (PC) - This was a blast on a LAN.
Wasteland, Fallout, Fallout 2 (PC) - War. War never changes. Unfortunately Fallout 3 lacks much of the black humour that made the previous titles so iconic.
The Sims, The Sims2, The Sims3 (PC) - I do not talk about these because they are a guilty pleasure. I had most EP's for the first and all for the second. I divide my time between 2 and 3 now; 2 because I have all the EP's and a couple dozen well-established families and 3 because it is a completely different style of play. I enjoy building more than playing. When I am having a bad day I can improve the life of an otherwise struggling sim and when I need to let out some aggression...there's nothing like taking a sim with a seemingly perfect life and totally sabotaging it. Yeah, death happens. A lot.

Some of those were popular when the came out, some are kind of obscure. Most are games I still play or would if my Genesis had not finally gone kaput.


12-11-2009, 09:29 AM
The point is to list those games that you like, really, but rarely ever mentioned in "your favourite game" threads and such places.

Darth Marsden
12-11-2009, 10:52 AM
Ok, let's have a quick look on my shelf...

- Max Payne I & II. I don't normally mention these because 'realistic' third-person shooters aren't usually that popular with me, but I really enjoyed these games. The second refined things more and let you use Bullet Time more frequently, but there's still something about the first one that draws me to it. I think it's the sheer amount of love the developers put into it. I don't tend to see a game like that very often.

- Rollercoaster Tycoon series. I enjoy the series because they're some of the only entertaining 'sim' games that I've come across. They're well put together, pretty and great fun to build rollercoasters in. And you can actually ride the things in the third one, which is just as awesome as when Theme Park World did it.

- Warcraft series (not including World of). These are some of the best RTS titles I've ever played, and the third one is an absolute work of art. The story is really well told and surprisingly gripping, and the cutscenes are just... beautiful. Why they never made a full-length movie with that kind of quality animation is beyond me. I'd totally go and see it.

There's more, but those are the main ones I can see at the moment. I don't tend to mention them in 'Best Of' lists because I prefer other games (Half-Life, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, etc), but these are still games I'll happily play.

12-11-2009, 03:40 PM
Bad News Baseball - NES

X-COM UFO Defense - PC

NFL Blitz - N64

12-13-2009, 05:17 PM
Plok! (Super Nintendo)
Mega Man III (Nintendo Entertainment System)
Mega Man VII (Super Nintendo)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (Nintendo Gamecube)
Sonic the Hedgehog II (Sega Genesis)


12-15-2009, 03:34 AM
I'm thinking obscure gems for this one, some people may not have heard of:

Suikoden II and III (PS1/PS2)
Radiata Stories (PS2)
Sim City 4 (PC)
Golvelous, Valley of Doom (SMS)
Startropics I (II not as much) (NES)
Snake Rattle 'n Roll (NES)
Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

12-15-2009, 05:28 AM
I'm a huge fan of the .hack series. They seemed to be quite popular in Japan, but remain fairly esoteric in the states. Radiata Stories was a good one as well.

12-16-2009, 02:18 PM
Some rarely mentioned games that I like are ones that in my opinion are old, heres a few.

Diablo 2
Roller Coaster Tycoon Series
Age of Empires 1

All Computer games by the way.

12-16-2009, 02:29 PM
I'm thinking obscure gems for this one, some people may not have heard of:

Suikoden II and III (PS1/PS2)
Radiata Stories (PS2)
Sim City 4 (PC)
Golvelous, Valley of Doom (SMS)
Startropics I (II not as much) (NES)
Snake Rattle 'n Roll (NES)
Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

Really now?

12-16-2009, 06:20 PM
I really liked Princess Tomato for the NES. It was a text based adventure for the most part and you fought with an elaborate Rock Paper Scizzors thing.

12-16-2009, 11:49 PM
For me,
Blaster Master (NES)
Uniracers (SNES)
Atomic Robo Kid (Genesis)
Worms World Party (Dreamcast)
The New Tetris (N64)
Ribbit King (Gamecube)

That is a few I can think of at the top of my head...

12-17-2009, 02:15 AM
Mac Blaster (OMFG!)

12-17-2009, 09:35 AM
StarTropics I and II definitely. - NES
.hack//IMOQ and GU - PS2
Comix-Zone -Genesis
Neutopia I and II -TurboGrafx-16
Motherfucking Ski-Free -Windows95

12-19-2009, 08:40 PM
Any King's Quest game (VI was my fav)
Any old LucasArts adventure game (Dig I liked growing up)
There was a 64 game I played like Goemon mystic ninja or something that was pretty good.

Darth Marsden
12-20-2009, 08:06 AM
Maverick_Zero: You mean Mystical Ninja featuring Goemon. Not a bad game, but I preferred the 2D sequel.

Got some more.

- Star Trek: Elite Force series. I've not played many Start Trek games (ok, it's pretty much them and that Klingon one) but I honestly can't imagine any that would be any better then these two, three if you count the Expansion that the first one got. They draw you into the universe like only an FPS can, get you interested in the story despite any flaws that you may find, and the second one has a hidden boss that's a motherf**king crate monster. I bloody love Ritual.

- The Crystal Dynamic-developed Tomb Raiders. I find these games to be great fun, no matter how repetative I occasionally find them. They're also much, much better than the older TR titles, which are far too slow and dull to sustain my interest for any real length of time. The most recent three games may have their flaws, but I will generally look forward to playing them. Plus, they have an actual reason to replay them (hidden bonuses), which a lot of modern games don't have.

- Lego <Insert Popular Brand Here>. With the exception of Lego Rock Band, I really enjoy the recent Lego <XYZ> games. They're simple, fun and charming, which a lot of other games don't really seem to be. The only real down side is that they pretty much demand you constantly replay them to find all the goodies, which thankfully the most recent (Lego Indy 2) seems to have dealt with somewhat. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to replay Lego Batman.

12-21-2009, 09:07 PM
Really now?

Yes really. I'm from the future, everyone's forgotten about it.

12-22-2009, 11:49 AM

Got some more.

- The Crystal Dynamic-developed Tomb Raiders. I find these games to be great fun, no matter how repetative I occasionally find them. They're also much, much better than the older TR titles, which are far too slow and dull to sustain my interest for any real length of time. The most recent three games may have their flaws, but I will generally look forward to playing them. Plus, they have an actual reason to replay them (hidden bonuses), which a lot of modern games don't have.

I never played the old Tomb Raiders, but Tomb Raider Legend (Gamecube) and Tomb Raider Anniversary (Wii) are wonderful. However, Tomb Raider Underworld (Wii) was garbage. Such a huge step back from the well done Anniversary and it's Wii specific controls that really added to the game, such as the shooting and grappling hook. I don't know if Underworld is any better on other systems, but I doubt it.

12-22-2009, 04:46 PM
I specifically left a game off my list because for some reason I did not think it would count since it is a free-ware PC game (I think there is a Mac version now and maybe Linux): Dwarf Fortress (http://dwarffortresswiki.net/index.php/Main_Page). I mostly play Fortress mode which is about fortress building and survival, sort of like an ascii version of the Civ. games with dwarves, but there is also an adventure mode. It is technically still an alpha but fully playable which is more than I can say for some big budget, big name, mass produced games *coughSims3cough*.

Evil Genius was a lot of fun but it had some bugs that sometimes made it challenging to run and play. Too bad the franchise got shafted.


12-22-2009, 08:28 PM
I specifically left a game off my list because for some reason I did not think it would count since it is a free-ware PC game (I think there is a Mac version now and maybe Linux)

What, Macs aren't personal computers? And, Linux isn't a PC operating system?

To contribute:

My favourite game of all time is Castle of the Winds (http://www.exmsft.com/~ricks/). It's almost 20 years old, was written for Windows 3.1, but it still works perfectly today. It's a graphical rogue-like, and it used to be shareware (but now it's free!). Very fun!

12-23-2009, 03:53 PM
What, Macs aren't personal computers? And, Linux isn't a PC operating system?
Been living under a rock, much? Of course a Mac is a personal computer and an OS--ever hear of MacX? Of course it would not have mattered if I chose to use "PC" to designate IBM clones (I miss that term) while using "Mac" to designate Apple computers as that is currently common parlance. Do forgive me, oh brilliant one, for trying to specify that it was a multi-OS game for PC's. I do not know what your beef is with me lately but welcome to my list, deary.


Flash Man
12-23-2009, 11:17 PM
Here is a list of a handful of DOS games that I fancied. Surprisingly enough no one has mentioned any of them.



I really liked Megazeux and ZZT, because they both are fairly extensive top-down action games. The best feature I liked about them is that the adventures were customizable; similar to how Zelda Classic works.


Hugo's House of Horrors
Hugo 2: Whodunit?
Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom

The Hugo series is very similar to the Maniac Mansion series for those who have played it. Essentially you control Hugo or Penelope throughout several scenarios collecting items and using them in awkard fashions.


Tie Fighter

Both of these games were developed by LucasArts, and I am pretty sure this is what sealed what made me like Star Wars so much. Tie Fighter was the first game that I got on my family's original 486dx66.


Conquest of the New World

Conquest of the New World is a strategy game that involves taking the role of one of several countries to colonize the Americas. It is a turned based strategy game that involves building colonies, trading with natives and waging war with both other countries and your own.

12-24-2009, 11:24 PM
I remember playing ZZT and MegaZeux. I miss them dearly. :-/ Started in ZZT... kind of missed / bypassed Super ZZT. (It had maps you could scroll around in.) then someone else from the community back in 2003 showed me MegaZeux. Damn good stuff.

I would actually highly recommend the Dungeon Keeper series. It's just a hell of a lot of fun, it is. I feel DK1 has more of an emphasis on building, while the second has more of an emphasis on interactivity and plot and cinematics, and interesting gameplay for the most part. Both games have map editors that you have to scounge for and work with to get working right, but they're well, well worth it.

12-25-2009, 12:11 AM

Tie Fighter

Both of these games were developed by LucasArts, and I am pretty sure this is what sealed what made me like Star Wars so much. Tie Fighter was the first game that I got on my family's original 486dx66.

Tie Fighter and X-Wing were both awesome games, so I'm going to go ahead and second this.

Really nothing else needs to be on my list.

01-05-2010, 11:40 PM
Sid Mier’s Pirates! - Loved the original game, still play they X-box version, usually on "Talk like a pirate day."
Adventure Construction Set - My first game maker, on Apple IIE! Woot!
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords - Good to play inbetween current games, and when trying to fall asleep
Alphabounce - Current web game, an RPG Arkanoid

02-23-2010, 05:20 PM
Gitaroo Man (ギタルマン) for sure! That game is amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b54n-E1V994

02-23-2010, 05:37 PM
Drakan 2 for the PS2. Pretty fun hack-n-slash/RPG mash-up.

Also, Kirby's Avalanche, aka Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, aka Puyo Pop.

Oh, and the old Genesis game, Wonder Boy in Monster World.

02-23-2010, 06:16 PM
All for PC

The Larry suit Larry serie
The kings quest serie
The Hero quest serie
All the good old quests from Sierra ;o)