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12-03-2009, 09:40 PM
I saw that Matthew Bluefox wanted these quests taken down, but I'm still interested in playing them...

The version of 1.5 Final in the Quest Database seems to be an old one, so could anyone send me the most recent version?

Matthew Bluefox
12-04-2009, 06:44 AM
Before the forums went down, I've asked two different staff members for an update, butt Pineconn was away which is fully understandable, and the second member didn't have enuff time to reply, because the forums went down shortly after. The updated quest was on my server. Unfortunately, next to you there is only Niknok who wants to play my quest, and then nobody anymore. So I've decided to take the quests all off my server and I really hope - as soon as the edit and delete panel works again for the QDB managers - the quests will also be gone from the QDB very soon. I've also asked for my account to be deleted here on the forums, and they said they're on it, so if you won't get any further replies in this topic, don't be disappointed, please.


12-07-2009, 09:15 PM
You know, that's silly.

I'd like to play them. Just because you're not famous or popular immediately doesn't mean you won't be eventually...

Of course, if you're going to do that just because the forum went down before an update could be released... well, good luck with the rest of your life...

Matthew Bluefox
12-08-2009, 03:01 PM
You know, that's silly.

I'd like to play them. Just because you're not famous or popular immediately doesn't mean you won't be eventually...

Of course, if you're going to do that just because the forum went down before an update could be released... well, good luck with the rest of your life...

I've been here for several years now, I don't know what you mean with "immediately". And no, it's not because the update wasn't loaded, it was because of the discussion thread that has gone due to the hack (I know that now). So, basically everything about my work has been purged, except the quest itself and then I noticed there has been almost no download from the QDB at all ... that's why I think this way.

Apparently nobody wants to delete my user account here either even though I've requested it twice up to now, so I guess I will reply to this topic as long as my account is still active, and please ... as soon as it's possible - I know it's a pain to do it now because of the hacker's damage - delete the QDB entries from my quests as well. Thank you in advance. :) I mean no harm on anyone here, I hope you can understand it.


12-08-2009, 03:43 PM
Matt- I have enjoyed and played all your 4 quests... they were so nice. Just have them remained on QDB. regards.

12-08-2009, 09:52 PM
I've been here for several years now, I don't know what you mean with "immediately". And no, it's not because the update wasn't loaded, it was because of the discussion thread that has gone due to the hack (I know that now). So, basically everything about my work has been purged, except the quest itself and then I noticed there has been almost no download from the QDB at all ... that's why I think this way.

Apparently nobody wants to delete my user account here either even though I've requested it twice up to now, so I guess I will reply to this topic as long as my account is still active, and please ... as soon as it's possible - I know it's a pain to do it now because of the hacker's damage - delete the QDB entries from my quests as well. Thank you in advance. :) I mean no harm on anyone here, I hope you can understand it.


So, let me get this straight... You want to go away from here, and take everything you gave to everyone else -- your quests -- with you? How inconsiderate!

Let me tell you something. I lost threads in the hack. Several of them, with very important information. One was a ZScript, with documentation. Another was my custom boss thread.

Maybe, 5 people looked at them. And, you know what? I've been around longer than you have, and I don't care! So what if they don't! I'll just keep churning them out. If even one person looks at it, and finds it useful or entertaining, then great! If not... Well, tough, I'll try again with something else.

Going all whiny and deleting everything is immature, and not how you deal with a lack of success -- not failure, just an absense of success.

Now, on to something a bit more relevant. I've wanted to play a modern upgrade of Zelda 1 for ever. If this is what the quest is, then I want to play it. So, give me the damned link, or post it somewhere!

EDIT: Never mind, they updated it on the 25th of November! Or, is this the previous update?

Matthew Bluefox
12-09-2009, 05:06 AM
No, that's the old one with the two minor bugs. The new version is available. You can download it if you want from my server directly: http://wr2.vfusion.de/Zelda/deluxe1.zip

So I guess it's easier to just post the server link here, but then it makes no sense to have it on the QDB because that one is outdated, and all my older quests might have bigger bugs I don't even know of, and the bad stuff is, I can't fix them since I don't have them anymore (Janine's quests for example), and I only want to keep working on the latest Zelda 1.5 Deluxe game, no others anymore.

By the way, you've been around for a few months more than me, that's not that much longer. ;) I admit I have overreacted and your point is a good one. But for let's say 5 people, I don't need to bug the admins for constant updating the QDB if I can post the link here. Like this, Niknok and you and maybe two or three more users who like to play my quest can get it here.


Nicholas Steel
12-09-2009, 06:59 AM
Thats what most people do, they make a discussion topic for there quest and include a personal source for updates. You could have PM'd me about updating your quest submission as I am a manager of the QDB.

I just updated the quest with the one from http://wr2.vfusion.de/Zelda/deluxe1.zip

Matthew Bluefox
12-10-2009, 09:23 AM
Thats what most people do, they make a discussion topic for there quest and include a personal source for updates. You could have PM'd me about updating your quest submission as I am a manager of the QDB.

I just updated the quest with the one from http://wr2.vfusion.de/Zelda/deluxe1.zip

Thankies, I hope that will get me a few more downloads. :)

Nicholas Steel
12-11-2009, 06:25 AM
Maybe include a readme.txt file with a link to this discussion thread and to look there for new updates etc.

Matthew Bluefox
12-18-2009, 07:35 AM
I've had to update the quest file again (source link is the same as before). The blue ring room in Level 3 wasn't accessable sumhow, I have no clue why it didn't work before. Now it works anyway. :) Also, I've switched a potion shop with the arrow shop, to make the arrow shop a bit closer to the start. Makes it easier to get everything you need for a good basic equipment.

EDIT: Another small update, two rooms have been slightly altered (enemy-wise). One room in Level 6 and one room in Level 8.

12-21-2009, 08:32 PM
I started playing this a few weeks ago but got stuck in Level Four, 5 rooms up the left center column of rooms, there are 3 retainers of some sort that I can't get through..any help? Also, did not know about the blue ring in level 3...will redownload and hopefully can now get to it....good game....thanks for putting it out there!!!

12-27-2009, 12:39 AM
I started playing this a few weeks ago but got stuck in Level Four, 5 rooms up the left center column of rooms, there are 3 retainers of some sort that I can't get through..any help? Also, did not know about the blue ring in level 3...will redownload and hopefully can now get to it....good game....thanks for putting it out there!!!

Level 3.. the blue ring is in the upper left room with statues and zols.. Level 4.. the right side of that blue gohma can be bombed.goodluck.

12-28-2009, 08:13 PM
Please keep your quests! They are my favorites! And you corresponded with me when I needed help and even talked with you on the phone, I think. Why are you in such a mood? People enjoy your quests and so don't take them off and leave. Your quests are some of the most playable and you seem like a nice person. Don't take your quests and leave Matt!

Tim Sandvig

Matthew Bluefox
12-30-2009, 04:57 AM
For now they are staying, don't worry. :)

Matthew Bluefox
01-04-2010, 10:43 AM
Update: Build 1121 is now required to play Zelda 1.5 Deluxe ... you will get a reward for it ... new enemies (properties are now much easier to edit). Which ones are new? You will see in Levels 5, 8 and 9. :D

Matthew Bluefox
01-08-2010, 12:15 PM
Update (as long as it's not on the QDB it doesn't matter lol) ... just a few small things, don't worry about them. :)

01-25-2010, 09:31 PM
Matthew - Could you give me some help with some clues for Zelda 1.5 deluxe? I can't find the large money bag, the bushes won't burn, I can't get in the graveyard, I have worked and worked on this quest and can't get anywhere. Can you help?

01-25-2010, 09:46 PM
I play on both sites this one and the other one, can't think of the name, and I have played hundreds of these games and my big complaint with most of them is that they are way too hard. In the original Zelda 1.5 the dungeons get so frantic with multiple enemies that the game goes from fun to way over what the average person can do. Maybe these games are not created for the average person, maybe they are mostly played by the creators of the games. I will usually play a game for awhile but can rarely finish most games because they all seem like a ball busting contest for the creators.. Shouldn't these games be about fun, not massaging their creators overinflated egos with the idea that they can create a game so difficult no one can win.

Matthew Bluefox
01-26-2010, 03:18 AM
Did you download the latest version from http://wr2.vfusion.de/Zelda/deluxe1.zip ... ? There are now only six enemies at maximum per screen, not ten anymore. That should make it a bit easier for the average player to play it. The maze code is "up, right, up, left" for the graveyard. The large money bag is in Level 6 (move a stone to get to the stairway). Which bushes won't burn? There are many bushes in the quest. ;)

01-26-2010, 04:29 PM
Thank you Matthew for your response, it is very much appreciated! Can you help me with a few other tips? Where is the boss key for Level 3 and the stepladder? Those things that look like chess pieces, what do you do with them if anything?

01-28-2010, 08:58 AM
The bosskey in level 3.... if you have already the dungeon map... its on the middle eastern side...or when you see a screen with 4 corner traps... bomb the eastern side...and the 2nd screen would be the bosskey.... the stepladder..if i am not mistaken.. is in the screen where there is a gambling game... you need redcandle to burn that big white bush..

Matthew Bluefox
01-28-2010, 09:55 AM
You mean the statues with an eye? Shoot an arrow at those which don't shoot, they might open a secret stairway in the room. :)

01-28-2010, 02:54 PM
Thank you for your reply. Where do I get the red candle?

01-28-2010, 05:03 PM
sandman00: You can find the red canle in Level 4.

Matthew: Am playing your fantastic quest again.. using 1129 version.. and downloaded the latest file. still in level 4. greetings!

01-28-2010, 05:27 PM
Thank you niknok, I'll keep looking!

01-28-2010, 05:36 PM
I have bombed all around in level 4 and can't find the red candle, it says something like 4 o'clock stone does it but I can't find anything resembling 4 o clock . Could you give me a hint?

01-28-2010, 07:37 PM
I have bombed all around in level 4 and can't find the red candle, it says something like 4 o'clock stone does it but I can't find anything resembling 4 o clock . Could you give me a hint?


01-28-2010, 07:52 PM
Thank you so much!

01-28-2010, 08:13 PM
I went to that area, and I either need the boss key or the stepladder to move further on, of which I have neither.

01-28-2010, 11:15 PM
I went to that area, and I either need the boss key or the stepladder to move further on, of which I have neither.

Have send you the dungeon map of level 4.

01-29-2010, 04:22 AM
Finally, I made it. Now I'm on Level 5 and going strong! Thanks a lot for the help!

05-13-2010, 09:05 AM
Legend of Zelda 1.5 Final

1. Where Is Superbomb?
2. Where Is Level 5?

Matthew Bluefox
05-14-2010, 01:26 PM
As far as I remember, you can buy super bombs in a specific shop which is selling them. Check any secret entrances (burn bushes, bomb walls, move armos statues, etc.) for the shop. Butt actually it's supposed to be in one of the normal shops along with the magic shield and the raft, I'm not sure anymore, I haven't played it for some time.

You need the ladder to enter Level 5. You will get the ladder in Level 4. It's in the center of the Eastern island.

06-05-2010, 08:57 PM
Ok this is probably a dumb question but I can't fund level 3. Can someone help me out please? Thanks :cool:

*edit* It's ok I finally figured it out ;)

*edit #2*

Ok now I finished level 5 and I have to find that extra key in level 2 somewhere which I will do next. My problem isn't that though. I finished level 5 and got the magic wand (was there another item I missed?) and I know level 6 is under that blue block but I can't move it. I only have the bracelet I got a long time ago but is there a power glove I missed or something? Also what are those 3 blue bags that I can purchase? Is that supposed to be for magic? I have no idea what they do.

Matthew Bluefox
06-20-2010, 06:20 PM
There is an item inscription on the blue bags (bomb), so those are bomb bags which make your maximum of carriable bombs higher. There is also an item kind which makes you carry more arrows, they are called the quivers. There is a place in the light world desert wich ONLY Blue Tektites. Kill all of them and stairs will show up with the quiver shop inside.

The iron glove is in Level 5. Move a stone in a room filled with ONLY Blue Darknuts (there are only two rooms with only Blue Darknuts, one is hiding a heart piece, the other is hiding the iron glove). There is another way to get to Level 6. After beating the boss of Level 5, you can walk through the Triforce room's wall (don't remember which side) to get to the second exit.

By the way: I don't know if there are already those blue Pol's Voices in Level 5 which can be killed instantly with wand magic. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to use my own host anymore (password all of a sudden isn't right anymore), butt I will upload the latest version of my 1.5 Deluxe quest on a new host and post the link as soon as I can.

PS: The file I have has got the same date as the one which is on ZeldaClassis.com's QDB, so no need to upload a new one.

PPS: I hope someone in this forum (maybe Nicknock) would be so kind and make a longplay (LP) of my quest and upload the videos on Youtube (maybe even with voice comment on microphone?), that would make it possible for many others to see what's possible with Zelda Classic. I can't do it myself because Fraps is misbehaving heavily when I try to record a video while running Zelda Classic. Anyone who'd do this for me, thanks so much in advance!

- Matthew Bluefox

06-20-2010, 07:41 PM
Thanks a lot Matthew! I will try to continue on with your help and I'll edit this thread if I have any more questions :D

Matthew Bluefox
06-21-2010, 09:08 AM
I took the oppurrtunity to edit the soundtrack a bit and shutter one door in Level 9 (purrple Gohmeow room door to top was open, should be a shutter instead). I hope that was the last buggy out there. ^^

New quest file source link: http://www.filedropper.com/deluxe1

06-21-2010, 04:05 PM
Ok I can't seem to find the 2nd room with the blue Darknuts in level 5. I found one near the start where you bomb a wall north but I can't move any blocks there. Where is the other room? :(

Matthew Bluefox
06-22-2010, 10:03 AM
The other room is in the second section of the level. You need to bomb some walls to get there. Once right, and once up. :)

BTW: I've tried making a longplay myself. Part by part is slowly coming up to my Youtube channel specially created for longplays. Feel free to favorite and rate it. Comments are welcome! My Youtube nickname is "LongplayCH".

06-24-2010, 02:02 AM
Ok I finished level 6 and noticed a couple things. Is the hammer in the level or do I have to buy it now since I got the larger money bag? I also got the book of magic for the wand. Secondly I can't get the map in the level (not that it matters much at this point I would think)

Matthew Bluefox
06-24-2010, 05:41 AM
You can get the map of Level 6 by killing the wall masters and the wind wizzies in the room with the large water pond. You need to access the room from the top, not from the bottom (that means you can get the map before you transport to the second section for the first time). The hammer can be bought in a shop that has to be burnt open by the red candle which you got in Level 4. The stepladder is also in that shop, along with the letter for the old woman. I guess now you know which one I mean. :)

06-24-2010, 11:05 AM
Hehe thanks ... well I guess I don't need the map if I got the 2 items in the level and will buy the hammer now. I just couldn't figure out how to get from the top room downward to obtain the map. Just something I wanted to know for now.

By the way I watched your 1st 2 youtube videos. Will you be making more? :)

One little thing for now. I need 1/4 heart to complete a whole. Do you remember where the last piece is?


Well I just finished the game and I must say it was a lot of fun! Thanks for making this quest :)

Matthew Bluefox
06-25-2010, 09:12 AM
So far 6 videos are on my channel right now, all done up to Level 4 finished. The last heart piece is in Level 5, there are others in Levels 1, 3 and 4. :)

Matthew Bluefox
06-30-2010, 04:37 AM
2 more videos (now totally 8) have been uploaded. The latest videos cover entire Level 5 and the secrets around it.

Matthew Bluefox
07-04-2010, 10:15 AM
2 more videos (now totally 10) have been uploaded. The latest videos cover entire Level 6 and the secrets around it.

Matthew Bluefox
08-15-2010, 06:36 AM
Two more videos with Level 7 and secrets in the surroundings have been uploaded.

08-29-2010, 02:57 PM
the bush to burn is brown, and it is one of two bushes

08-29-2010, 02:59 PM
the bush to burn is brown and it is one of two bushes, ( this post is in reference to getting the stepladder and the letter) (it keeps putting post in wrong place)

Matthew Bluefox
09-17-2010, 08:30 AM
Just wanted to add that the videos are no longer online, butt you can still ask questions if you need help of course.

Matthew Bluefox
12-15-2010, 05:21 AM
I have updated a few things here and there on the First Quest of Zelda 1.5 Deluxe, and the Second Quest is already in detailed workout. You will notice a few different level entrance locations in the Second Quest, as well as a few enemy changes in the overworld, and a few geographical tweaks at some places. One example is when you had to use the Super Bomb to open Level 4 in the First Quest, you will have to blow the Whistle now at a certain spot to reveal a hidden entrance, and it's not leading to Level 4 anymore. ;)

More information to come of course. I am not sure if you can still play it with version 1121, so I altered the minimal version to 1346 (which was the last build I used to edit the overworlds of the First and Second Quest). I won't be uploading the quests to the database anymore though, as there will be lots of updates, and it usually takes a few days for the admins to update the database with new quest versions from players, and I tend to update my quests daily. :p

Matthew Bluefox
12-30-2010, 12:15 PM
Update - January 7th, 2011: A new version of Zelda 1.5 Deluxe can now be downloaded at the following link: http://zelda.txpro.net/deluxe1.qst


:: New Palettes For Dungeons & Enemies
:: Slight Changes To Link's Blue & Red Tunic
:: New Bushes - New Trees - New Statues For Overworld & Shattered Mirror World
:: Level 4 Entrance Changed (Only Accessible With Raft)
:: Blue Candle / Arrow Ammo Shop Locations Switched
:: Original NES Soundtrack For All Regions

Matthew Bluefox
01-07-2011, 11:11 AM
For all those who have downloaded my latest update last week - please download one more time, the link has changed and there are a bunch of new things! This is the last update for a while.

02-23-2011, 11:15 AM
How do you get to the top part of level 4, both paths I can find are dead ends. I see the map but cannot get to it. I have bombed everywhere. Is there an alternate entrance or something?

Matthew Bluefox
05-25-2011, 05:36 AM
Sorry for the late reply: Try to bomb the north wall at seemingly dead ends, also at the entrance room it's the north wall you need to bomb (either that or there is a locked door already).

Matthew Bluefox
07-30-2011, 12:32 PM
Sorry about the link being dead for a while, TX-Pro has been shut down because of no apparent reason, lol. So, I'm gonna give you a new link for my Zelda 1.5 Deluxe quest which is also replacing the Zelda 1.5 Final quest where people had recently asked for an updated link source file.

New file location: http://www.4shared.com/file/h6LAGLQn/deluxe1.html

Matthew Bluefox
08-27-2011, 06:26 PM
Edit: To play all my updated versions of "The Legend of Zelda - Remastered" and "Mini Quest - Remastered" (previously known as "Zelda Deluxe" and "Zelda Mini"), watch my signature at the PureZC.net forums. My username there is also Matthew Bluefox.

~ Matthew Bluefox

04-22-2015, 01:11 PM
Hey Matt and anyone else who can help,
I'm playing the original "Legend of Zelda 1.5 Final" (not the deluxe version) and I love it!! I am however totally stuck on finding the 9th level, the hint "whistle in the edge of a northern corridor for an exit to level 9" has me stumped lol. I feel like I used it all over level 8 and the overworld but no luck.
Any help you could give me would be great.
Thanks and awesome job

Matthew Bluefox
01-19-2016, 06:02 PM
Hey Eric, sorry for seeing this so late, butt I rarely visit these forums, I am way more active on the PureZC.net forums. Oh wow, this old beauty ... five years ago I created this together with Janine, hahaha ... good old times. Anyway, there is a room in Level 8 with blocks shaped like a mirrored "L" where you can walk in a thin passage in between. Right at the center of the room (two small squares where the horizontal and vertical blocks meet), play your whistle. Two blocks will go down and you can walk through the southern wall and a never seen part of the overworld opens up to you. It's basically a boss rush column of screens before you eventually get to Level 9 ... I think you can even save at the point after leaving Level 8's secret exit.