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View Full Version : A question regarding version 2.5

05-18-2009, 11:51 PM
Okay, to the point: I know that scripts are used in ZQuest 2.5 and that these scripts can be used to create new items and enemies. But I was wondering something. I want to create a quest like Four Swords Adventure, and that would require scripts for the three extra Links. I want it so that whatever action Link does (eg: swing his sword), the other Links do as well. They would also need to follow him. I'd also like to use buttons on the keyboard to activate formations.

I was wondering if this is possible in version 2.5.

05-19-2009, 12:34 AM
Hm. Possibly. The way I say it, there would need to be a script. It would create a FFC behind Link that follows Link's movement. The formations would be tricky, but with arrays, they might be possible.

Bottom line: It could be done, but it would be very hard, and you'd have to script it.

05-19-2009, 12:36 AM
Okay, thanks for clearing that up. I haven't done much scripting before, but I have plenty of time to learn.

Know of any good scripting guides?