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View Full Version : High court denies deportation stay for accused Nazi guard

05-07-2009, 05:52 PM

I didn't realize people were still being charged from the Holocaust era.

Demjanjuk is trying to say his health is too poor for him to stand trial and be tried. BULLSHIT! He (and those that he worked for/with/etc) didn't care about the health of those they tried and convicted.

I say... send the bastard to Germany, get him the hell out of our country and let him be tried and convicted for the war crimes he willingly committed.

BLAH! I'm surprised he's not been deported back to Germany LONG before now.

05-07-2009, 06:27 PM
He looks damn good for 89.

Aegix Drakan
05-07-2009, 07:45 PM
0_o I thought that sad period of history was already wrapped up, dealt with, and put to an end. How are there still people not accounted for?

Also...umm....what good does it do NOW to put him on trial (and likely kill him) when he's 89? Seriously, they should have picked him up and dealt with him LONG before now.

05-07-2009, 08:16 PM
Also...umm....what good does it do NOW to put him on trial (and likely kill him) when he's 89?

What good would it have done when he was young?

It is a symbolic gesture of justice, and it means as much, or as little, now as it ever did.

King Aquamentus
05-07-2009, 08:32 PM

I didn't realize people were still being charged from the Holocaust era.

Demjanjuk is trying to say his health is too poor for him to stand trial and be tried. BULLSHIT! He (and those that he worked for/with/etc) didn't care about the health of those they tried and convicted.

I say... send the bastard to Germany, get him the hell out of our country and let him be tried and convicted for the war crimes he willingly committed.

BLAH! I'm surprised he's not been deported back to Germany LONG before now.

Don't you think he might feel remorse for his actions?

05-07-2009, 09:01 PM
You know what's great? The Nazis are one group that it'll never be uncool to hate. It'll never be considered un-PC to hate Nazis, there'll never be some apologist work that'll cast them in a good light (many have tried though, I'm sure), there'll never be a legitimate excuse or defense for their action.

I say that because in a world full of shades of grey, in a world where nothing is as simple and straightforward as it appears on the surface, "Nazis are evil" is one simple, clear-cut statement that will never go away.

Shazza Dani
05-07-2009, 09:03 PM
i think nazi is a pretty cool guy. eh kills juice and doesnt afraid of anything

King Aquamentus
05-07-2009, 09:12 PM
Here's a scary thought for you: In addition to the modern highway system, they also invented the modern concept of environmentalism with their desire to preserve german land and wildlife.

05-07-2009, 11:10 PM
i think nazi is a pretty cool guy. eh kills juice and doesnt afraid of anything
Yeah, I saw that image too. :blah:

05-07-2009, 11:12 PM
Great, now we can invoke Godwin's law in denouncing highways and environmentalism. Of course, you can also invoke Godwin's law for eating and breathing, so whatever. Also, damnit Shazza, always with the 4chan.

05-08-2009, 02:39 PM
Don't you think he might feel remorse for his actions?

Maybe he has... but has he EVER publicly apologized to those he wronged? Or more to the point... the relatives of those he wronged... OR even to those that might still be alive?

The answer is no... he's denied EVERYTHING. And from what I've read they have proof that he is who they say he is.

Oh and as for him feeling remorse... does that exonerate him from the atrocities that were committed against other human beings? It wasn't just one human being they put to death.

And maybe if he stood up and admitted his guilt... AND apologized AND tried to do something to help right the wrong... MAYBE I'd say he deserves *some* leniency.

But it's not for me to say. I do have my opinion on what should happen to him. But who should really have a say in his punishment is/are - those that he wronged and the relatives of those he wronged.

They are the ones that deserve the voice for his punishment.

05-08-2009, 02:49 PM
I get tired of how shocked and saddened everyone is by Nazi behavior, because I know that communists are currently doing things that are just as bad, but our president doesn't mind smiling and shaking their hands for photo-ops.

Somehow it became ok view Communists as human beings, but Nazis as evil monsters to be snuffed out.