View Full Version : I met Richard Stallman tonight

04-23-2009, 11:02 PM
Tonight EFF Austin hosted Richard Stallman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman). For those of you that don't know him or are too lazy to read the Wikipedia article, he's the creator of the GNU Project, the Free Software Foundation, the gcc compiler, and Emacs.

He gave a speech about the GPL v3; I thought I might be bored because it's not a topic I'm particularly interested in, but he gave the speech in anecdotal form and focused mainly on philosophy behind the license and the changes between v2 and v3. I think he was a really good speaker. He fielded an hour of questions really well; it was basically an hour of "Oh, I think I see a loophole in the GPL what if I do this?". Stallman's the type of guy that won't answer a question until he understands it (a good thing, too many people give the wrong answer because they don't understand what was asked), so it usually took a few rounds of "Could you explain what you mean by A? Could you give me a concrete scenario?" before the question got answered.

I got a signed copy of his book and accidentally triggered a rant about how people don't carry cash. All in all it was pretty cool!

Fabiano the Spy
04-23-2009, 11:08 PM
Wait, how you accidentally trigger a rant about people who don't carry cash?

That's still really cool Atma! :)

04-23-2009, 11:13 PM
Wait, how you accidentally trigger a rant about people who don't carry cash?

That's still really cool Atma! :)

That's what I would like to know? Triggering a rant is find, but accidentally?
Cool bye the way.

Oh and Fabiano, your Avatar is awesome I freaking loved that movie.

Fabiano the Spy
04-23-2009, 11:15 PM
Oh and Fabiano, your Avatar is awesome I freaking loved that movie.
Thank you :)

Every couple of months I have to dig up my copy of the DVD and watch it. I think I'm going to have to do it again soon, I can feel it :P

Was it because you had to pay by card that he went into the rant? I'd hope not. :\

04-23-2009, 11:32 PM
Wait, how you accidentally trigger a rant about people who don't carry cash?

That's still really cool Atma! :)Stallman's really... passionate about freedom, a good bit more than me. He commented about how many people were paying with cards when he saw mine and started talking about how it's just feeding everything you buy to people who don't need to know.

I kind of agree, but I'm really too lazy to care. v:(v

04-23-2009, 11:45 PM
Sorry I don't know who Richard Stallman is, maybe I'll check tomorrow when I'm not using my phone to check things out like I am now.

I can see his point as well about the car vs cash thing. There are some banks and such that will actually charge you higher interest rates based off of where you shop, eat, or I've even read if you went somewhere like a hair salon or to get a massage or spa treatment. Usually, I just get money at the gas station. Ski mask and a gun, only way to travel. Just kidding of course. Actually I just use the ATMs there since I don't get charged extra to do so. Then I can spend my money on whores and candy bars however I like without the banks judging my spending.

I once met Larry the Cable Guy. A friend of mine's mom was seeing him for a few months a couple of years before he got married. We went to his show. Got to hang out at the bar with him. We all headed back to his tour bus and sat around talking and stuff. He let me play his guitar with a rebel flag on it because he wanted to hear me play Crazy Train on it. It was pretty cool. He's completely different than his stage presence.

04-24-2009, 06:40 AM
Stallman's really... passionate about freedom,

So did he bring his katana with him, or did he leave that at home? (http://xkcd.com/225/)