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View Full Version : Enemy Displacement

04-17-2009, 08:47 PM
import "std.zh"

ffc script Enemy_Displacer{
void run(int X2, int Y2, int ID, int ID2){
npc displacer = Screen->LoadNPC(ID); //number of npc that displaces.
npc enemy = Screen->LoadNPC(ID2); //number of npc to displace.
enemy->X = displacer->X + X2; //X displacement from displacer.
enemy->Y = displacer->Y + Y2; //Y displacement from displacer.

Now this is awesome. Here is how you set it up. It requires two enemies. The enemy and it's displacer. Now take an invisible/invincible enemy that has the type and movement pattern and speed you want and presto. You've got a boss that moves just like the one you desire! Now there are exceptions. The following don't work to my knowledge.

Moldorm and Lanmonas patterns can't be changed. But their types can serve as displacements.
Gleeok and Patra can't be messed with at all. :(
Not sure about Manhandle. Enemies can use their type as a displacer, but I haven't checked Level2 Manhandle yet. When it should of displaced it flew off the screen and deactivated. However, see below.

Manhandles South most head is placed but the rest of him is not.

Enemy Displacement runs find with rocks and boulders too.

I'll double check all 5 of these both ways. And see of I can get them working. Now go have some fun with the oldschool NES bosses and make them tough as nails. ;)

Credit to me and pkmnfrk for supporting me and helping with the original Gibdo2 script.

Current BUGS:
Wall Masters are glitchy, but work.... Sort of.

Tthe displacer is tangible. Can you make an enemy etheral somehow so nothing happens when link and projectiles touch it?

Multi-sprite enemies don't work, or have bugs. Moldorms for example.

Enemy must have at least a step speed of 1 even if it is normally zero it will work if set to 1?

Wizzrobe (Teleporting) are glitchy.
Zora is glitchy as well.